2021 has marked the conclusion of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine’s first significant series, with the imminent end of “Undead Unluck” appearing to be just a week away. In recent years, there have been several transformations taking place in this iconic magazine. Notably, many popular franchises that originated in the 2010s have reached their conclusions throughout the year, with Kohei Horikoshi’s “My Hero Academia” and Gege Akutami’s “Jujutsu Kaisen” serving as significant examples. This trend has carried over into the start of this current year as well.
2025 marked the debut of a new volume for Shonen Jump, where they concluded Hitsuji Gondaira’s “Mission: Yozakura Family,” which was one of the series still ongoing from the 2010s. As a result, the magazine is now primarily hosting series that began in the 2020s, with exceptions being classic hits like Eiichiro Oda’s “One Piece” and Yoshihiro Togashi’s “Hunter x Hunter.” However, this trend may soon shift as it appears Yoshifumi Tozuka’s “Undead Unluck” is nearing its end, with the next chapter set to reach a climax.
Is Undead Unluck Really Going to End?
According to the latest edition of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine (noted by @WSJ_manga), the popular manga “Undead Unluck” is approaching its culmination with the publication of Chapter 239. While a climax often signifies the conclusion of a specific battle followed by an epilogue, this time it seems to hint at the last chapter of the series being released next. Yet, since the series has been in a climactic phase for several months now, fans remain optimistic that it might not be ending immediately.
As Undead Unluck approached its climactic final battles last year, a shared sentiment among fans was that the series might be getting cancelled due to its rapid pace. However, when the story reached an extended chapter of this final battle, it appeared there was still potential for more development. Yet, in contrast to previous speculations, the latest instalment of Undead Unluck not only confirmed the battle’s conclusion but also began setting up a hopeful ending, hinting that the series may indeed be drawing to a close.
What Will Shonen Jump Look Like Without Undead Unluck?
Due to the conclusion of “Undead Unluck” and “Mission: Yozakura Family” only a week apart, Shonen Jump will soon be without two of its consistent series in the publication. While these series may not have been the most popular compared to some other successful titles that ended last year, they played a crucial role in maintaining a part of the magazine’s readership. For Shonen Jump to flourish, it requires these stable series to support the magazine when the main attractions are absent. The publication relies on these long-running hits to keep readers engaged.
With Undead Unluck being the first major release from the 2020s to conclude, it appears that magazines are moving away from allowing franchises to run for a decade. This could mean fewer series like My Hero Academia will have the chance to fully develop their worlds. Instead, we might see more series ending with less than 300 episodes or chapters, but whether this is beneficial for longevity remains to be seen.
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2025-01-21 01:40