As a neutral observer, it seems that the Brown family is going through a tumultuous time, marked by disagreements, emotional distance, and feelings of rejection. The experiences shared by Kody, Christine, Aurora, and Breanna highlight the complexities and challenges within their plural family setup.
Following several years apart, a significant life incident reunited ex-sister-in-laws Christine Brown and Robyn Brown.
In the September 29th episode of Sister Wives, Christine’s biological daughter Mykelti Padron (who she shares with ex Kody Brown) welcomed her twin sons Archer Padron and Ace Padron, who are now 22 months old, with her husband Tony Padron.
However, Mykelti, the one who often bridges the gap within the divided Brown family, desired both Christine and Kody’s current wife Robyn to be present during the birth of her sons.
Mykelti expressed that they are here solely for her in her private reflection. She finds it deeply meaningful, humbling, and extraordinarily special because this moment is one of the most significant and memorable experiences of her life. Sharing it with her mothers holds great importance to her.
Christine voiced some concerns about being near Robyn now, as she had earlier informed her ex-sister wife Robyn that she didn’t intend to keep up their relationship following her divorce from Kody.
Christine mentioned that she had a feeling Robyn would be present, regarding Mykelti’s C-section delivery,” she said. “All we can really do is wait in the waiting room side by side.
However, despite the tension, Robyn shared she was determined to “play nice.”
Robyn shared that she chose early on to set aside any pain, sadness, or feelings of betrayal. She considers those matters private between herself and Christine. She’s not interested in causing drama or adding stress. What she truly cares about is Christine’s happiness, and she respects and honor Christine’s role as Mykelti’s mother.
Following Kody and Robyn’s distancing from the rest of the family, several of Kody’s older children, including Janelle Brown, Christine, and Meri Brown, have chosen to distance themselves from the couple. Interestingly, Mykelti found herself emotional when discussing the influence that Robyn has had on her life.
In her teenage years, Mykelti expressed that “She made me feel unique and understood,” she said. “Robyn was always there for me in my moments of need. She was the one who listened to me, who loved me when I needed it most. Robyn provided a platform for me to express myself.
Reflecting on the poignant moment when they both held their grandboys simultaneously, Robyn found herself moved to tears.
She sighed, wishing things were different between her and Christine. For a brief moment, it felt nice to set aside all the difficulties.
However, Christine had a different take, saying the experience showed her how far they have to go.
Being with Robyn made me realize that I can’t predict when we’ll all reconcile and feel comfortable around each other again,” I confessed. “It was an uncomfortable situation, and it’ll remain so for a while. I’m uncertain about what the future holds. For our children’s sake, we’ll try, but I don’t foresee any changes happening quickly, as much as I wish they would.
Sister Wives airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.
For more of this season’s bombshells, read on.
Kody Brown stated that he was prepared to separate from his first wife, Meri Brown, not long after they exchanged vows in 1990. However, as he told her, “When we move to Flagstaff, this will be an opportunity for us to start anew,” Meri recalled during the September 15 premiere, pointing out their relocation in 2018. “He made me believe that he would address the issues by saying such things. This is a pattern he’s repeated for several years.
She expressed her primary concern as his inconsistent communication regarding his feelings, desires, and dislikes, as well as the narrative he has been sharing over the years.
Kody admitted that his actions might have sent “confusing signals,” but as he delved into the tasks at hand, he found himself questioning, “What’s the point of doing this?” He clarified that he is no longer interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with her at this time.
Either way, Meri’s friends were thrilled when she finally pulled the plug in early 2023.
She admitted, “They told me, ‘We’re here for you, we’re on your side. And it’s high time,'” she confessed. Lifting the veil, she now believes that he had been subtly encouraging her to depart for years by maintaining he didn’t love her. “Because if I leave, then he isn’t the villain because he didn’t choose to stay.
After several years since the family bought a 14-acre piece of land in Flagstaff, Ariz., intended for construction, Kody admitted during the season premiere that he was ready to let the dream fade away. Since they hadn’t managed to pay off the full $820,000 purchase price (reportedly settled in 2023), he shared with his remaining wife Robyn Brown, “I’d almost prefer to abandon it or sell it and then begin anew somewhere else.
As for Robyn, “I can’t talk about that,” she responded. “That is so not where I’m at.”
Initially, Janelle Brown shared with TopMob News that the couple gradually drifted apart. However, it was primarily Kody’s shortcomings in his role as a father to certain children that led her to ultimately decide to part ways.
In simpler terms, the mom shared with Logan Brown, Madison Brown Brush, Hunter Brown, Garrison Brown, Gabriel Brown, and Savanah Brown that a major turning point for her was when his relationship with her children deteriorated and he didn’t appear to go to great lengths to mend it. She added, “That was what had been keeping me here, but then I realized it.
In my perspective, here’s how I would have phrased it if I were a lifestyle expert explaining Kody’s thought process:
In the September 15th episode, he expressed his feelings of no longer belonging in the family. Despite being legally married to Robyn and co-parenting their five children – Dayton Brown, Aurora Brown, Breanna Brown, Solomon Brown, and Ariella Brown – he mentioned that his relationship with some of the other kids is not frequent. Feeling confused about his role, he questioned, “What do I do with all of this? It doesn’t feel like a family.
In their 14-year long marriage, Robyn admitted during the season 19 premiere that they’ve never been in a worse state. She explained that things have been tough between them, and Kody is uncertain whether to blame himself or one of his other wives. Kody seems to be feeling a great deal of rejection, which makes him worry that Robyn might reject him too.
Consequently, she disclosed, “I’m constantly vigilant. I need to frequently ensure he isn’t undermining our relationship.” In her words, the most challenging aspect was: “There are no tools available for dealing with the fact that I’m still married to a man who seems to be going through multiple divorces.
In the meantime, Kody found himself struggling with self-assurance, expressing, “I can’t honestly tell my reflection, ‘Hey there, pal. I adore you.’
Include Madison, Janelle’s oldest child, on the list of kids Kody doesn’t seem to be in contact with at the moment. As it was mentioned during the premiere, “Maddie hasn’t spoken to her father,” as explained by Janelle. There have been no calls exchanged between them, and neither has initiated contact. Consequently, she is not maintaining any relationship with Kody or his wife Robin. In essence, she appears to have severed ties with both of them.
What Janelle pointed out was that Kody seems to be maintaining a casual relationship with Maddie’s children, Axel, Evangalynn, and Josephine. She expressed that Kody wouldn’t be able to interact with them unless he was prepared to fully commit to it.
During the September 22 broadcast, Janelle explained that Kody had effectively ended communication with Maddie and her spouse Caleb Brush, who is the sibling of a wife previously married to one of Kody’s brothers, as the family began to disintegrate.
Without Kody being around or reaching out, Maddie has taken on a very protective role, as Janelle put it. She feels that until he can be reliable and avoid unnecessary drama, it might be best for everyone if he remains out of the picture for now.
Meanwhile, Robyn mentioned that she’s been urging Kody to take steps to repair their relationship. She expressed, “I believe it would also be beneficial if the children were to make an effort as well.
Currently, it appears Kody isn’t prepared to mend the rift as he often complains that their conversations are merely fuel for gossip, growing weary of it.
During their 32nd anniversary celebration, “He hinted that he never truly loved me and felt pressured to marry me,” Meri confided in her friend Brandi during the September 15th premiere. “And I replied, ‘Kody,’ I said, ‘I know you did love me.’
And if he didn’t, she said in a confessional, why did he ever choose to propose?
She pondered, “Why would a bachelor opt to marry a bachelorette without genuine feelings for her, merely intending to cultivate affection over time? Seems harsh, doesn’t it? To select someone from among many and say, ‘I choose you as an experiment to try and grow to love you for the next three decades’?
In his private thoughts, Kody expressed: “Well, Meri is making some claims against me. She can certainly voice her opinions. I won’t be addressing those statements.
Despite being unsure whether to develop Coyote Pass or sell it, Janelle acknowledged that the first move was settling the Arizona property’s debt. With Kody unwilling to discuss the matter, she expressed her concerns to ex-sister wife Christine Brown in the September 22 episode, stating, “I believe I might need a lawyer.” She added, “I think that’s the only way I can possibly get any sort of decision out of him.
In simpler terms, Janelle admitted that since she and Kody aren’t legally married, she has no authority to assert any claims on his property. As she explained, “It’s not as easy as just contacting a lawyer for a divorce; it’s complex because there’s no legal marriage between us.
As a die-hard admirer putting words to my thoughts, I can’t help but share my perspective on Kody’s silence regarding the Arizona property with Janelle. It seems that, in his own words, Kody has grown weary of trusting her – a sentiment that feels heavy and profound when considering their shared past.
He firmly stated, during a private conversation, “We’ll settle the property when necessary,” and he made it clear that he won’t share his plans with anyone, as he’s fed up with the rumor mill in our fractured family, always spreading information.
A bit of a pot calling the kettle black, Janelle said in her own interview.
She mentioned, “He seems to spill secrets as if he were a leaky bucket, talking about details of his past relationships and multiple spouses, which I found surprising to confide in me.
In times past, when their love for each other was growing stronger instead of weakening, they would combine their funds in a single collection.
In simpler terms, Janelle said on the September 22 episode that we would put all our efforts into assisting one person, followed by helping out the next person as well. This had been our approach for quite some time, but in recent years, it seems to have shifted towards personal assets and everyone wanting their own estates instead.
When Robyn required a house in Arizona, everyone contributed to purchase her 5-bedroom property worth $1.65 million, which was put up for sale in August.
Robyn expressed that the property would benefit the entire family. However, when Janelle proposed that they all share the mortgage, she was met with resistance. Kody responded, “No, no, we must safeguard, understandably protect Robyn’s estate,” Janelle recounted. Now that she’s separating from the family, Janelle stated that she wants her fair share of the Coyote Pass earnings and also wishes to recover the money she invested in Robyn’s house.
But that could be a tough sell.
Robyn remarked, “After all this time working side by side, it seems perplexing to me when Janelle mentions she’s due money from them. I find myself wondering, ‘How does one even calculate that? How does one go about figuring that out?’ It’s so puzzling.
In my role as a lifestyle advisor, let me share my perspective. When it comes to Coyote Pass, a financial burden that’s been weighing heavily on our family, I’ve noticed an interesting dynamic. Kody often mentions his other debts, yet he seems to effortlessly acquire additional assets such as trailers and home décor. It’s fascinating, for instance, to observe the art adorning Robyn and Kody’s home. I can’t help but notice all these possessions, including various items around their house. Now, don’t get me wrong, I too have indulged in my fair share of purchases. However, it’s difficult not to question why these acquisitions are possible while we struggle with paying off our shared debts. On a different note, Kody has explained that a significant portion of his funds were invested in vehicles—essentially maintaining a fleet—and insurance for the children.
Janelle often found herself puzzled about the source of Robyn’s luxurious backyard and abundance of possessions, remarking, “I’d be amazed, thinking, ‘Wow, huh.’
Essentially, she explained that he didn’t value her needs or desires, which over time became a significant concern for her. She further shared that even her grown children started expressing frustration, almost to the point of exasperation, like “What on earth, Mom?
Robyn approached her budgeting quite cautiously following the breakdown of her first marriage.
She confessed during the Sept. 22 episode that she wasn’t particularly skilled with finances in the past. Growing up, she faced several challenges, and it was during her divorce that she learned the art of budgeting effectively. Regarding her fellow sister wives, she suggested that perhaps they had different financial priorities compared to hers.
In a recent episode on September 22, I admitted that my family, consisting of Christine and me, rarely interact with Meri, Robyn, or Kody as a group. At this point, I can’t see that situation changing significantly in the near future.
Speaking fondly about their period residing on a cul-de-sac with four houses in Las Vegas, Kody described it as “the highlight of my life.” He elaborated, “Things were running smoothly, and it was wonderful having Maddie and Caleb around. I had a deep affection for Caleb; he truly felt like family.
In Arizona, disagreements arose concerning coronavirus safety measures, causing a breakdown of order. Subsequently, when his marriages deteriorated, he lamented that the connections with his children also soured as a result.
But Christine insisted their were issues well before she announced she was leaving in late 2021.
She stated during the September 22 episode, “The children who felt frustrated were already that way before I departed. My departure didn’t alter their relationship with their father. Kody has the ability to mend his relationships with his kids.
Though it’ll definitely take some work.
Kody expressed his frustration about how he feels he’s been mistreated, stating, “I just can’t seem to move past it.” He emphasized that he’s not prepared to accept responsibility for actions that his wife or ex-wife are accusing him of. He hopes for a time when the animosity will decrease and they can find forgiveness and love once more.
At the age of 21 and 19, Kody and Meri admitted they weren’t particularly close when they got married, both spiritually and legally. Over time, they decided to file for divorce in 2014 so that Kody could legally adopt Robyn’s three oldest children from a previous marriage.
In our wedding, I noticed that she had changed quite a bit, and I believe there were some issues from her past that I wasn’t aware of. At first, I thought I could deal with it. However, as time went on, everything seemed to turn into arguments. To be honest, I can’t endure living in a state where she is consistently upset with me.
Despite his desire to escape, he found himself unable to do so because a man in plural marriage like Kody stated that if one wants to remain faithful and devoted, they cannot ask for a divorce. This rule didn’t allow him to exit the relationship. However, he did not necessarily wish to end the relationship; rather, he sought understanding on whether it was salvageable and fixable.
To clarify my feelings, I admitted that Meri had believed we could resolve our issues. However, whenever we were together, she failed to be pleasant, engaging, or compassionate. frankly, I found myself growing increasingly uninterested in her company.
In his opinion, it’s understandable that Meri might feel left behind, however, he clarified that he wasn’t the one who forced her out. Instead, it was Christine, Janelle, and Meri themselves who decided for him to move away from our shared residence.
Despite the fact that neither Janelle nor Christine perceived a necessity to divorce Kody as their union wasn’t officially recognized, Meri intended to petition their church for a formal separation, known as a “release.
In the September 22 episode, she clarified that all four of us married Kody in our church. Since it isn’t possible for all of us to be legally married, we referred to it as a covenant. As we are not proceeding with any further marriage and I don’t wish to be bound to him eternally if he doesn’t want me, I believe it’s appropriate for us to fully separate this bond. In simpler terms, I’m at a point where I want to end our covenant because we aren’t getting married in the traditional sense and I don’t desire an eternal union with him if that isn’t his wish.
To be quite honest, I found myself hesitant at first, unwilling to accept the church elders’ leadership. After all, I’ve always been a bit skeptical about surrendering control to others.
Kody made it clear that the harm was so severe, reconciliation isn’t an option anymore. He further stated, “As for any accountability to God, I don’t want to answer to this church and their nonsense. Consequently, I plan to let Meri handle her affairs independently because if I’m upset with her, it leads to a battle. Frankly, I just want her to move on because it seems like she’s taken so long to accept that it’s all in the past for quite some time.
The holiday gift exchange conversation in 2021 took an unpleasant turn for the 18 Brown children. As Christine explained, “Things went awry, things fell apart.” Kody and Robyn, along with their kids, seemed to be on one side, choosing to distance themselves from Janelle, me, and our kids. This text conversation ultimately led to a divide within the group.
According to Robyn, her three older children perceived the interaction as “uncomfortable emotionally” and decided it would be best for them to have some distance in their relationship. However, she clarified that this wasn’t a matter of cutting ties completely, stating, “It wasn’t about us not wanting to see you again or wanting nothing more to do with you. It was simply about, ‘Oops, this got messy.’
Aurora made it clear that she was told repeatedly and from various sources that she wasn’t welcomed into the family when her mother married Kody in 2010. They never regarded her as a sister, and she wasn’t considered part of their family in their eyes.
As a devoted sibling, I’ve often pondered that our parents might have made more efforts to bridge the gaps within our family. Unfortunately, those meaningful connections we yearned for never truly materialized.
But Christine isn’t sure how they could have opened their arms any wider.
Robyn’s children and Robyn were always invited to all events,” she emphasized. “In simpler terms, I’d put it as, ‘Feel free to drop by our place whenever suits you.’
Simultaneously, she mentioned, her daughter Ysabel Brown shared a strong bond with Robyn’s children, and Mykelti Brown Padron lived with them for a while. She explained, “There were challenging periods, and my kids felt frustrated at times, but they regarded Robyn’s children as siblings just as dear.
Speaking enthusiastically about the freedom it offered, Janelle described plural marriage as “an extraordinary family structure where I am an integral member. It’s like having a husband with whom I share a strong bond, and at the same time, maintaining my personal independence. In essence, it provides me with a supportive community while allowing for individual autonomy – making it, in my view, an exceptional arrangement.
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2024-09-30 13:21