Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Tensions are high between Kody Brown and his only remaining wife Robyn Brown in the wake of his estrangement from many of his older children.

On the Oct. 6 episode of Sister Wives, text on screen indicated that Kody and Robyn had a “heated exchange” before the cameras arrived to film, prompting the father of 18 to leave the couple’s Flagstaff, Arizona home.

As a therapist, I have had the privilege of observing and understanding the complex dynamics within families, especially those that deviate from societal norms like polygamy. From what I’ve gathered from this piece, it seems that the Brown family, particularly Kody and his four wives, are grappling with challenges unique to their lifestyle.

In a private conversation, Kody shared his frustration that I’m not making more of an effort to connect with our children. He stated, “I’m not going to argue or let a conflict in our relationship be deepened by those who have already caused the biggest divide in my life. I refuse to do that. So, I chose to leave.

Upon Kody’s arrival home, they attempted to resolve their issues. Robyn emphasized that it was important for Kody to reconnect with the older children he has from his previous relationships with Christine Brown, Janelle Brown, and Meri Brown.

Kody stated, “I won’t keep refusing, each time is a rejection. I’m not deserting my kids, they’ve hurt me instead.

Robyn shot back, “But they’re kids!”

Kody clarified to her, “They are indeed grown-ups,” and later explained during a private conversation, “While some may believe that adult children and parents don’t need to give and take, in reality, they absolutely do.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

The episode, shot in 2022, followed closely on the heels of years of strife between Kody and Robyn, as well as the rest of the Brown family. Disputes over Kody’s COVID guidelines and allegations of his bias towards Robyn over his other spouses led to Christine leaving Kody in 2021, followed by Janelle in 2022, with Meri departing shortly thereafter.

Robyn expressed to her husband that it’s challenging for her not to feel a slight diminution of respect due to the fact that her biological father wasn’t around during her upbringing.

In her private reflection, she stated, “I’d certainly be reaching out – phone calls, emails, texts, possibly even visiting or flying over, as you know, doing anything possible.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

But Kody said he had no intention of begging his children to speak to him.

Kody expressed his feelings about the breakup of the Brown family, saying “I’ve been deeply mourning the state of things for a year now.” He further added, “Once I move past that, I plan on giving my time and focus to those kids who are open to me.

However, that answer is not good enough for Robyn, who continued in her confessional, “I don’t want to judge Kody, but at the same time, I don’t think Kody should be accepting it. I think that Kody should be camping out on their doorsteps and saying, ‘Hey, you’re going to talk to me.’”

After much contemplation, Kody confessed, “I haven’t been giving my best, and I acknowledge that. At the moment, I’m acting impulsively, Robyn. All I seem to be doing is causing further harm.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

In response to Robyn’s request, Kody reluctantly agreed to make an effort, saying “Alright, a bit.” instead.

However, it appears that Kody and Robyn’s situation is deteriorating further, as depicted in the sneak peek for the upcoming episode. In this preview, Robyn can be seen praying on the ground, while Kody expresses his hope to “rescue” both himself and Robyn.

Sister Wives airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.

For more bombshells from this season of Sister Wives, read on. 

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Kody Brown indicated that he was determined to separate from his first wife, Meri Brown, not long after they exchanged vows in 1990. However, as she recalled during the September 15 premiere, “He made me think he would try to work things out by telling me, ‘Oh Meri, when we move to Flagstaff, this will be a fresh start for us.'” This was a pattern that had been repeated for many years.

She expressed her primary concern as being his poor communication, specifically about his true feelings, desires, and dislikes, as well as the narrative he’s been conveying for a long time.

Kody admitted there could have been some conflicting signals, but as he delved into tasks, he found himself questioning, “What’s the point of doing this?” he clarified, stating he wouldn’t pursue a romantic relationship with her at present.

Either way, Meri’s friends were thrilled when she finally pulled the plug in early 2023. 

In a heartfelt admission, I couldn’t help but feel they were saying, “We’ve got your back, we’re here to stand by you. And it’s high time!” With my eyes finally opened, I realized he had been subtly urging me to depart for years, by repeatedly asserting that he didn’t hold affection for me. Because if I were to step aside and leave, he wouldn’t be the villain since he didn’t walk away himself.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Several years have passed since the family acquired a 14-acre plot of land they intended to develop in Flagstaff, Ariz. During the season opener, Kody admitted he was ready to let go of their building dream because they hadn’t yet paid off the full $820,000 cost (reportedly settled in 2023). Addressing his remaining wife, Robyn Brown, he suggested they either abandon the project or sell it and begin anew somewhere else.

As for Robyn, “I can’t talk about that,” she responded. “That is so not where I’m at.”

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Previously, Janelle Brown shared with TopMob News that the relationship between them began to drift apart. However, it was ultimately Kody’s shortcomings as a parent to some of their children that served as the primary reason for her decision to depart.

As a lifestyle expert, I’d rephrase it like this: “For me, the turning point was when his bond with my kids deteriorated to the point where it seemed like he wasn’t willing to go above and beyond to mend it,” I shared with Logan Brown, Madison Brown Brush, Hunter Brown, Garrison Brown, Gabriel Brown, and Savanah Brown. “And that moment made me realize, that was what had been tying me down here.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

The reason Kody didn’t put more effort into repairing the strained relationships with several of his grown children, is what he shared as an explanation.

In the September 15th episode, he expressed his feelings of not belonging in the family anymore. Despite being legally married to Robyn and co-parenting their five children – Dayton Brown, Aurora Brown, Breanna Brown, Solomon Brown, and Ariella Brown – he also mentioned having occasional relationships with some other children. Feeling overwhelmed by this complex situation, he questioned, “What am I supposed to do with all of this? It doesn’t feel like a family.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Even though they’ve been genuinely monogamous for the first time in their 14-year marriage, Robyn admitted during the season premiere that things have never been more strained. “It’s been a challenging period for us,” she said. “Kody isn’t sure whether to blame himself or one of his other wives, and he feels a lot of rejection. I believe he’s worried that I might reject him too.

Consequently, she disclosed, “I’m always alert. I’m constantly checking to ensure he isn’t undermining our relationship.” In her own words, she encapsulated the most challenging aspect: “There’s no guidance available for dealing with the fact that I’m still married to a man who is going through multiple divorces.

Meanwhile, Kody found himself grappling with self-doubt, expressing, “I’m struggling to tell my reflection, ‘You’re alright, mate. I admire you.’

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Include Madison, Janelle’s oldest child, on the list of children Kody does not currently maintain a relationship with. As explained during the premiere, “I know that Maddie hasn’t had any contact with her father,” said Janelle. “Neither has spoken to the other, and there is no relationship between them. She has essentially cut ties with both him and Robin.

Janelle pointed out that there’s a question about Kody’s level of commitment in his relationship with Maddie’s children, Axel, Evangalynn, and Josephine: “She feels he should only interact with them if he’s prepared to fully engage.

In the September 22 broadcast, it was mentioned that Kody had essentially stopped communicating with Maddie and her spouse Caleb Brush when the family unit began to disintegrate.

Without Kody being around or reaching out, Maddie has stepped up as a very protective mother figure, mentioned Janelle. She feels that until he can be reliable and regular in his presence without causing unnecessary drama, it may be best for them to keep their interactions minimal.

Furthermore, as Robyn suggested that Kody should make an effort to repair their relationship, she added, “It seems only fair that the children do so as well.

Currently, I find myself not quite prepared to mend the estrangement, as each conversation with my daughter feels more like a source of gossip than genuine connection. I’ve grown weary of it.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

During their 32nd anniversary celebration, Meri confided in her friend Brandi that “He hinted at not having truly loved me and feeling compelled to marry me,” as they discussed on September 15. In response, she told him, “‘Kody,’ I said, ‘I know you did love me.’

And if he didn’t, the mom to Leon Brown said in a confessional, why did he ever choose to propose? 

She pondered, “Why would a bachelor opt to marry a spinster, swearing undying affection, when he hadn’t felt any love for her yet?” She mused, “Isn’t that unfair? To select me from many others and then say, ‘I choose you, hoping to mold myself into loving you for the next three decades’?

In his private thoughts, Kody mentioned: “Well, Meri is making some claims against me. She can say anything she likes. I won’t engage in responding to them.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Despite being unsure if she would develop Coyote Pass or opt to sell it, Janelle acknowledged that the first move was clearing the debt on the Arizona property. With Kody unwilling to discuss the matter, she expressed her concern to ex-sister wife Christine Brown in the September 22 episode, stating, “It seems I’ll need legal representation.” She added, “I think that’s the only way I can possibly get any kind of resolution from him.

Janelle admitted that since she and Kody aren’t legally married, she has no legal grounds to make any kind of claim on his property. In her own words, “It’s not as simple as just calling a lawyer and requesting a divorce. The situation is much more complex because there’s no legal marriage in place.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Kody stated that he chose not to discuss the Arizona property with Janelle because he had lost trust in her.

He made it clear during the September 22 episode in a confidential setting that he will settle the property when necessary, and he refuses to share specifics about his actions or plans because he is fed up with sharing information that gets distorted by the rumor mill in our fractured family.

A bit of a pot calling the kettle black, Janelle said in her own interview. 

She conveyed, “He spills secrets as if he were a colander, and it left me feeling uncomfortable because I wasn’t sure if he should have been sharing details about his past relationships and other wives with me.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

In days gone by, when their affection for each other continued to grow instead of diminish, they would combine their funds in a single savings account.

In simpler terms, Janelle said during the September 22 episode that we would go to great lengths to assist one individual, and then we’d unite to aid the other. This was the norm until around ten years ago. However, it seems like now the focus has shifted towards personal estates, and everyone wants their own independent estate.

When Robyn required a house in Arizona, everyone contributed towards purchasing her luxurious five-bedroom property worth $1.65 million, which had been put up for sale in August.

Initially, Robyn mentioned that the property would benefit the whole family. However, when Janelle proposed they all be co-mortgage holders, she was turned down. Kody explained, “We need to safeguard, you understand, protect Robyn’s inheritance,” as Janelle remembered. Now that she’s leaving the family, Janelle stated she wants her share of the Coyote Pass earnings and also hopes to recover some of the funds she invested in Robyn’s house.

But that could be a tough sell. 

Robyn remarked, “After all this time collaborating, it seems perplexing to me when Janelle mentions she’s due for payment. I can’t seem to grasp the math or the logic behind it.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Janelle expressed her frustration over the family’s inability to settle Coyote Pass debt, as Kody claimed he had numerous other financial obligations. However, she observed that he frequently acquired items such as trailers and home decorations. “I notice all the artwork on Robyn and Kody’s walls,” she said, “and I see many things there. It’s not a problem if people spend money on possessions, as I have done so myself.” (In response, Kody explained that most of his funds were spent on buying vehicles—”I basically had a fleet”—and insurance for the children.)

Janelle admitted that she wasn’t aware of the financial management between Kody and Robyn, but she would often be taken aback by how well-maintained Robyn’s backyard was. It was always fully landscaped, and there were numerous items at her house, which left Janelle exclaiming, “Wow! That’s surprising.

Essentially, she expressed that he didn’t place importance on her needs or desires, which became a significant problem for her over time. Eventually, even her children, both adults, began to notice and express frustration, asking something along the lines of “What’s going on, Mom?

Instead, we could say that Robyn became more cautious with her finances following the breakdown of her first marriage.

She admitted on the September 22 episode that she hadn’t been good with managing money in the past. When she was younger, she experienced financial difficulties and it was during her divorce that she learned to budget effectively. Regarding her fellow sister wives, she suggested they may have prioritized their spending differently than she did.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Currently, Janelle admitted in the September 22 episode that when she and Christine, mother of Aspyn Brown, Mykelti Brown Padron, Paedon Brown, Gwendlyn Brown, Ysabel Brown, and Truely Brown, gather with their families, there’s virtually no communication taking place with Meri or Robyn, nor Kody. I don’t anticipate this situation to improve significantly in the near future.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Speaking fondly about their time on a single cul-de-sac in Las Vegas, Kody described it as “the best period of my life”. He reminisced, “Life was flowing seamlessly, and having Maddie and Caleb around made it even better. I genuinely cared for Caleb, he felt like family to me.

However, a breakdown occurred in Arizona due to disagreements concerning coronavirus safety measures. Subsequently, as his marriages disintegrated, he lamented that his connections with the children worsened too, stating, “This led to the deterioration of all our relationships.

But Christine insisted their were issues well before she announced she was leaving in late 2021. 

On the September 22nd episode, she stated that “the kids who appeared frustrated had been feeling that way long before I departed.” She added that her departure did not affect the dynamic between their father and the children, implying that Kody has the power to mend his relationships with them.

Though it’ll definitely take some work. 

Kody clarified, “I’m still deeply hurt by how I’ve been perceived, which has prevented me from moving on. To set things straight, I refuse to shoulder blame for actions that my wife or ex-wife is accusing me of. I long for the day when our resentment fades and we can rediscover forgiveness and affection.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

At the tender ages of 21 and 19, I, Kody, admitted that my relationship with Meri was not as deep when we joined hands in matrimony, spiritually and legally. Over time, circumstances led us to file for divorce in 2014, enabling me to formally adopt Robyn’s three older children from her previous marriage.

In our wedding, she seemed quite different from what I later discovered. I believe there were some issues, or ‘baggage’, that Meri had kept hidden from me. Initially, I thought I could adapt to this situation. However, he admitted everything was a constant battle, and he couldn’t bear living in a world where she was frequently upset with him.

Despite his desire to depart, he found himself bound by the situation. Kody explained that a person in a plural marriage is not permitted to seek divorce. Consequently, he couldn’t escape from that relationship. However, it wasn’t that he longed for an exit. Instead, he yearned to understand if there was a chance to salvage and repair the relationship.

Thus, due to the conflicting signals, he admitted that Meri believed they could resolve their issues. However, Kody pointed out that whenever they were together, she was not pleasant, engaging, considerate, or intriguing. In essence, he expressed curiosity towards her but felt increasingly bored.

In a sense of fairness, he clarified, it was understandable that Meri might feel forsaken. However, it wasn’t him who asked for her removal; rather, it was Christine, Janelle, and Meri themselves who opted for my departure from our shared residence.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Although Janelle and Christine didn’t feel the necessity of divorcing Kody due to their union not being legally recognized, Meri intended to petition their church for an official separation, which is commonly referred to as a “release.

In the September 22 episode, she clarified that all four of us married Kody in our church. Although we couldn’t legally marry him, it was something we referred to as a covenant. Since none of us are moving forward with marriage and I don’t want to be bound to him forever if he doesn’t want me, I believe it’s best for us to completely sever this bond. In other words, I feel it’s time for us to end our church-sanctioned union and go our separate ways.

Kody hesitated on this concept, she mentioned, preferring not to recognize or submit to the leadership of the church officials.

Kody put it this way: “The harm was so severe that we can never make amends, regardless of the circumstances.” He added, “Therefore, I no longer wish to answer to this church and its nonsense. So, I plan to allow Meri her freedom because if I’m upset with her, it turns into a battle. And frankly, I just want her to leave because it has taken her so long to acknowledge that this is over for years.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

2021 holiday gift exchange conversation took an unpleasant turn for the 18 Brown family members. As Christine put it, “Things went awry, things fell apart.” Kody and Robyn, along with their children, stood on one side, expressing no interest in Janelle, me, and our kids. This text exchange led to a divide within the family.

According to Robyn, her older children expressed that they found the interaction “uncomfortable emotionally” and felt it necessary to distance themselves from their relationship, but not as a complete severance. Instead, she clarified, it was more about saying, “This has become unpleasant.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Aurora made it clear that she had been informed numerous times by various individuals, directly and indirectly, that she wasn’t welcomed into the family when her mom married Kody in 2010. She emphasized that they never recognized or treated her as their sister.

Her sister Breanna stated that the parents might’ve made more effort to strengthen our family bond, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen as much as it could have.

But Christine isn’t sure how they could have opened their arms any wider.

Robyn’s children and Robyn are always welcome to join any event,” she emphasized. “Put simply, they can feel free to drop by our home whenever it suits them.

As a dedicated follower, I’d like to share that my daughter, Ysabel Brown, was incredibly close to Robyn’s children. In fact, Mykelti Brown Padron lived with them for a while. During challenging periods and moments of frustration among my kids, they still viewed Robyn’s kids as their siblings without hesitation.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Expressing her enthusiasm, Janelle described plural marriage as follows: “When it works well, you’re part of an incredible family network, connected to a community that supports you. You have a loving husband and maintain a strong bond with him. Yet, you also enjoy your personal freedom – for me, that’s the beauty of plural marriage.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

According to Janelle, Kody found it more challenging to divide his affection when the family moved from Las Vegas to Arizona in 2018.

During the September 29th episode, it was observed that when Kody relocated to Flagstaff, he found it simpler to stay away. Occasionally, I had to remind him of our arrangement and encourage him to visit my home. He’d often make excuses about being tired, but I would respond by saying, “You can rest just as effectively at my house as you can at Robyn’s.” In other words, he needed to understand that resting was an option, regardless of where he chose to be.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

According to Janelle, her children were reprimanded for accessing Robyn’s refrigerator, indicating a sense of distance they felt from Robyn. For Christine’s kids, the problem was more about the fact that they recognized that Robyn and their father were a couple, but he wasn’t living with them at home.

And Robyn said her crew definitely felt the divide. 

She mentioned that Meri welcomed her children and herself warmly during their encounter, whereas the rest of the family found it difficult to embrace them. Essentially, they wished to feel included within the family on the episode that aired on September 29th.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

During a September 29 episode, Kody admitted that the constant movement between four homes of his children, including his youngest with Robyn, Ariella (born January 2016), had an impact on them. He shared a moment when Ariella held onto him tightly as he was about to leave, showing how deeply connected she was.

In my own words, I shared with her, “There’s another partner and mother who requires my presence, other children needing to see me too.” She clung to me, crying, “Don’t abandon me, Daddy, don’t leave me,” and it was a challenging situation for me to navigate.

Unfortunately, that’s just a reality of plural marriage, insisted Janelle. 

As a lifestyle expert, I’ve often found myself reflecting on my experiences as a single parent. Right from the start, my children understood that their father wouldn’t always be around. It’s been challenging, and I’ve always felt that Kody and Robyn could have handled the situation with her children more responsibly. Leaving for more than three or four days at a time just makes Ari so distressed, which I believe is a form of poor parenting. Throughout history, other children in our family have managed, and they’ve grown up to be well-adjusted adults.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes Off After Explosive Fight With Robyn

Among the rare group of children with the Brown surname, Mykelti maintained relationships with both Robyn and Kody, as well as Christine and Janelle. During Kody’s periods of divorce, it was Mykelti who often served as a mediator or peacemaker within the family.

From the very start, Mykelti felt close to Robyn as soon as she joined the Brown family. In fact, Mykelti extended an invitation for Robyn to be present at the birth of her twins, Archer and Ace, in November 2022.

In the September 29th episode, Mykelti shared that when Robyn initially became part of our family, I was still discovering myself. Robyn made me feel unique and understood, she was a comfort to me during difficult times. When I needed someone, she was there; when I needed someone to listen, to care for me, she was always present.

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2024-10-07 06:21