Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

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As a seasoned adventurer with countless battles under my belt, I’ve learned that every foe presents its unique challenges. The Ruin Grader, for instance, requires a strategic approach to defeat it effectively. If time is on your side, aim for those weak points to paralyze it and gain the upper hand. But if you’re pressed for time, brute force might just be the way to go.

With Natlan as our new region in Genshin Impact, it’s inevitable that Spiral Abyss will have a new roster of enemies for Floor 9 and 10. On Floor 9, we will be facing Saurians and Ruin enemies.

Some players may be oblivious to their strengths, weaknesses, and methods to easily kill them. But don’t fret as this guide will help you uncover all the breadcrumbs in Spiral Abyss Floor 9. This whole page is entitled to help you with the 9th floor with detailed information regarding each chamber, enemies, waves, and characters you are recommended to bring along.

Blessing of the Abyssal Moon

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Hey there fellow gamer! Just wanted to give you a heads up about the Contending Moon Blessing. When I activate my Elemental Skill, my Normal Attack and Elemental Skill damage gets boosted by 40% for 12 seconds. But if I’m in the blessing of Nightsoul, that boost doubles to a whopping 80%!

Ley Line Disorder

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

“Every party member receives a 50% boost in Pyro damage.” This means that all party members, regardless of their abilities or blessings, will get a bonus in dealing Pyro damage.

Team Recommendations

Team Recommendations for the First Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

The recommended elements for the First HalfSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide
All elements except those mentioned below
The not recommended elements for the First HalfSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide
Geo, Dendro, Hydro
➥ This is because each Saurian has high resistance against their own elements. For example, the Tepetlisaurus has 50% Geo Resistance (Whelp has 30% Resistance) while Koholasaurus has 50% Hydro RES.

(As a gamer) My Melt Squad consists of Rosaria, Kaeya, Bennett, and Xiangling.

Team Recommendations for the Second Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

The recommended elements for the Second HalfSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide
All elements except those mentioned below
The not recommended elements for the Second HalfSpiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide
➥ It’s a known fact that Ruin enemies have high Physical RES. And with all chambers here featuring Ruin enemy, it’s better if you didn’t bring along a Physical team.

Yanfei, Xingqiu, Bennett, and Xiangling make up the Vaporize Squad.

Floor 9 Chamber 1

First Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Tepetlisaur Whelp x6
Wave 2: Tepetlisaurus x3

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

To begin with, six Tepetlisaur Whelp encircle you in the initial phase. These small creatures are only proficient at charging towards you with their heads. If you can successfully dodge them during their headbutting sprees, you should be fine. However, if you keep a distance from them, they will burrow into the earth and approach your location. Once they’ve reached you, they’ll burst out of the ground and attack, so it is advisable to maintain a safe distance as well!

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

During the second wave, it’s the parents’ turn; 3 Tepetlisaurus. They share the same skills as the babies, but with some enhancements – for instance, after attempting to attack by charging at you, they’ll also leap and slam towards your position. However, what sets them apart is when they burrow underground; they’ll pop back up momentarily to tease you (essentially standing still). This brief appearance is the optimal moment to strike because during this time, they mostly just display amusing expressions without engaging in any other actions.

Second Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Ruin Guard x1

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

In this particular area, there’s just a single wave of enemies, specifically the Ruin Guard. It’s essentially a standard foe, moving slowly and attacking physically. However, watch out for its dangerous move – it spins and charges towards you. This attack can last around 10 seconds, and if your character isn’t shielded, getting too close may lead to an unwanted flight every time you approach.

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

The Ruin Guard possesses a vulnerable spot in its eye. By utilizing an archer’s skill (specifically, their Aimed Shot), you can strike this weak point. This will temporarily incapacitate it, rendering it unable to move for a brief period. Seize this opportunity to deploy all your abilities, including skills and ultimates!

Floor 9 Chamber 2

First Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Koholasaur Whelp x6
Wave 2: Koholasaurus x3

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Initially, six diminutive Koholasaur Whelps encircle you. Despite their adorable appearance, they possess a single skill – spitting in your general direction. Regardless of how far away you move, they can only laboriously shuffle towards you at a snail’s pace. Though endearing, they pose minimal danger.

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

During the second phase, you’ll encounter three Koholasaurs. Notably, they can now use their tails for attacks. Apart from this modification, they behave similarly to the Whelps.

Second Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Ruin Grader x1

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Here, we only see a single entity, and that’s the Ruin Grader. It boasts a wider array of skills compared to the Ruin Guard, including the spinning move. During specific attacks, the Ruin Grader reveals vulnerable points on its head and legs, which appear to be its cores.

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Targeting the vulnerable spots on the Ruin Grader can momentarily halt its ongoing assault, giving you a respite. Hitting the second weak spot will immobilize the Ruin Grader for a short while. However, deciding whether or not to focus on these weak points is somewhat ambiguous. If you have plenty of time left, it might be advantageous to try and immobilize it, making it easier to manage potential damage. A ranged character like a Bow user, with their precision shots, could increase the chances of hitting those crucial spots. Conversely, if time is running short, a more straightforward approach would serve you better.

Floor 9 Chamber 3

First Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Yumkasaur Whelp x6
Wave 2: Yumkasaurus x3

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Initially, you’ll find yourself surrounded by six Yumkasaur Welps. These creatures have the ability to attack from a distance, so stay vigilant. However, there’s nothing particularly extraordinary about them in other aspects.

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

During the second phase, there are 3 Yumkasaurus. They frequently lunge forward using their tongues as a means of attack, striking with their sharp claws. While they are formidable opponents who relentlessly attack, there is a silver lining: when they extend their tongue, it gives you time to dodge, and after they’ve finished attacking with their claws, there’s a brief moment where you can retaliate with counterattacks.

Second Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Ruin Drake: Earthguard x1

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

In this particular area, you’ll find only one wave and that’s the Ruin Drake: Earthguard. At some stage, this Ruin Drake will rush forward (indicated by two devices spinning on top of the creature), followed by hurling bombs into the sky. It’s strongly advised to focus your attacks on its vulnerable spot, which is the head – marked by glowing orange orbs – as doing so will immobilize the Ruin Drake.

Spiral Abyss Floor 9 Complete Guide

If you don’t act accordingly, starting from the onset of the fight, the Ruin Drake will boost its resistance by 40% to the element it has taken the most damage from, which you can identify by the color of the bombs.

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2024-09-16 03:06