Stalker 2 preview: Huge mod support and post-launch roadmap confirmed

Stalker 2 preview: Huge mod support and post-launch roadmap confirmed

As a seasoned Stalker, I’ve wandered through the forsaken lands of the Zone since the original game graced our screens back in 2007. The haunting beauty and relentless danger of this nuclear wasteland have always captivated me, but never has it felt so alive as it does in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

Straight out of the gate, let me say this: Stalker is so back.

Lately, I was given the chance to step into GSC Game World’s office in Prague for a detailed, three-hour gameplay sneak peek at Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl.

As a passionate cinephile, I’m thrilled to share that the visual interpretation of my ideas is now available for your viewing pleasure! Don’t miss out; head over to our freshly minted TopMob Gaming YouTube channel and enjoy the show!

Just like numerous others, I felt apprehensive when Stalker 2 was initially unveiled in 2018. However, GSC Game World managed to impress me significantly with Stalker 2, and spending just a few hours with it made it clear that they had achieved something special.

As a devoted cinema-goer, I must say that the creators have truly hit the sweet spot in catering to both veteran and fresh players. It’s essential to understand, however, that Stalker 2 is not merely a rehash of the originals; it’s a new chapter, and that’s precisely what one would expect after a 15-year hiatus since the last game was released.

Essentially, they haven’t created something brand new, but instead, they’ve brought back the systemic, emergent gameplay that made the original versions so unique and enhanced it further.

If you’ve had concerns that the game might become overly simplified to suit contemporary gaming tastes, rest assured, as it offers a challenging experience with an intense ambiance that leaves no doubt that the Zone aims to claim your life.

However, who granted me this authority, one may inquire? Myself, as I have traversed the originals numerous times and delved into almost every modification available – from Lost Alpha and Oblivion Lost to Gunslinger, Misery, Anomaly, and GAMMA.

I’ve handled every situation there is, and I’m well aware of the Sunrise suit in Cordon. So, there’s no need to try to surprise or intimidate me with that, as I’m quite familiar with the world of Stalkers.

First, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. It’s important to note that GSC Game World is a studio based in Ukraine, and they’ve experienced tremendous challenges due to the Russian invasion of their country, which began in 2022.

In the making-of documentary for STALKER 2 titled “War Game: The Making of STALKER 2,” the team at GSC Game World shares their personal journeys and the process of establishing their office in Prague (a city that endured a fire in one of its server rooms). This captivating film is definitely worth your time.

Despite its challenging nature, it’s essential viewing, given the tireless efforts of the developers who battled against overwhelming odds to bring us Stalker 2 under extremely difficult circumstances.

I’d like to mention an issue I encountered, as there were occasional bugs even for other media personnel, but considering the situation, I find it reasonable. Therefore, I won’t delve deeper into the topic except for this brief remark.

To put it frankly, despite their flaws, the initial games were rather faulty, yet we couldn’t help but adore them regardless.

But onto Stalker 2 itself!

In my experience, I managed to delve into the initial two installments of Stalker 2. The first episode commenced with a scene evoking the prologue of Shadow of Chernobyl, featuring a truck navigating through a tempest, as bolts of lightning punctuated the surroundings.

In the back is Skif, Heart of Chornobyl’s protagonist.

As the storm grew more intense, Hermann, the driver, unfortunately collided with a wall. Fortunately for us, it turned out to be our intended destination.

We’ve been assigned the job of examining the Zone using a unique scanner, which derives its power from an enigmatic artifact that Skif holds.

Although little information is given about these characters or reasons to become invested, the enormity of the situation draws me in instantly.

Stalker 2 preview: Huge mod support and post-launch roadmap confirmed

Following a brief overview, we’ll assume command of Skif, leading us to the outskirts where the Zone’s boundary wall stands. It’s evident already that strange phenomena are disrupting human efforts to confine it.

Prior to entering the Zone, I found myself captivated by the eerily tranquil and otherworldly charm of Stalker 2.

Before me stood a gravitational anomaly, tearing away a massive portion of the wall, leaving debris suspended mid-air. The shards of the wall sparkled as they caught the soft glow of the moonlight.

This setup is powered by a customized version of Unreal Engine 5.1, nicknamed ‘5.1.GSC’, which was meticulously adapted to meet GSC Game World’s unique requirements. Technical Producer Yevhenii Kulyk shared insights into how they tamed this engine.

In order to construct such a vast world, we needed to adjust, modify, and enhance certain tools originally supplied by… the fundamental Unreal Engine, tailoring them to match our specific requirements for building this particular world.

In simple terms, the performance of Unreal Engine 5 hasn’t been great on personal computers, often encountering problems like delays during shader compilation and navigation hiccups in its launches.

Inquiring about additional insights from Kulyk, I mentioned that my gaming experience was generally seamless (with the possibility of shaders being pre-compiled from a prior gameplay), and then asked for further explanations on the improvements made to refine Unreal Engine 5.

“To meet our expectations… for optimization for Xbox and PCs as well, we made [a lot] of changes to basically render threads, some CPU optimisations, a lot of RAM optimisations.”

With the finish line in sight, Kulyk was keen to stress the amount of progress they had made

Currently, we’re almost at the end of the final stages of refining the entire project. Our goal is to deliver a game that consistently runs smoothly with high frame rates and maintains optimal performance throughout play.

It’s yet unclear how the game performs on other PCs, as I wasn’t aware of the specifications of the one I was using. However, a nearby user had an Nvidia RTX 4090-equipped system, indicating potential smoothness. The game ran well on Xbox Series X during Gamescom, which is a positive sign.

Moving on, I jumped right into Episode One, which acts as a guide for the game. It’s quintessentially Stalker, and it doesn’t pull any punches.

Immediately, I was navigating anomalies, mutants and bandits as I carried out my scanning.

The situation rapidly deteriorated unexpectedly, as it turned out that the scientists I was due to meet had all perished at their research station.

Upon exiting, a bloodsucker was waiting to greet me too.

In the end, I arrived at the final location I had to check, but just before that, the military appeared. Interestingly, they were also disrupted by an impolite sniper – such is life in this Zone.

In instances such as these, the game takes control from the player, and you’ll witness a cutscene unfold from your character’s viewpoint. This can seem somewhat incongruous for an open-ended game like Stalker, given its free-roaming nature.

The constructed sequences flow smoothly, but it’s somewhat disconcerting when gameplay control is abruptly shifted, resembling a shift often seen in Call of Duty games.

As I progressed through the game, I found myself strolling along a corridor. Unexpectedly, the camera jolted towards a door I intended to ignore, causing me quite a startle, to put it mildly.

Stalker 2 preview: Huge mod support and post-launch roadmap confirmed

After overcoming the surprise attack, I stumbled upon an enigmatic figure along with what seemed to be associates of the Monolith group.

Skif is spared by the man accompanying Monolith and is knocked out, ending Episode One.

Later on, Skif finds himself stirring from sleep with a sightless canine gnawing at his feet, moments before he propels them both into a gravitational aberration.

A chuckling Observer saw Stalker hand Skif a bolt for maneuvering through the peculiar energy zone. Now, the game unfolds, granting players the liberty to act according to their preferences, just like in typical Stalker style.

In the narrative of our film, I find myself delving into a realm reminiscent of the legendary Cordon, now expanded and rebranded as the Lesser Zone.

As I flipped open my trusty device, my eyes were instantly drawn to the sprawling cinematic landscape unfolding before me – a vast, intricate tapestry of adventures just waiting to be woven by the hands of passionate storytellers like myself.

You’ll find some places you recognize, yet their arrangement is different. Everything looks breathtakingly beautiful, making Kulyk and the entire team feel proud.

Firstly, I’m incredibly pleased with the manual creation of our map’s digital version. Unlike before, we didn’t rely much on procedural generation for this world. Instead, everything you witnessed today and what was showcased in the release, was meticulously handcrafted by our team.

In contrast to earlier versions of Stalker, such as Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl’s predecessors, the world map now lacks any barriers. Previously, you could provoke enemies and then escape to move into a new section of the map, avoiding them. However, with an open-world design, I found myself pondering whether bandits would relentlessly chase you across the entire map or if they would retreat from hostile territories before approaching.

Curious, I pressed Kulyk.

“It basically depends on the faction, and it definitely depends on the monster type you met. So some of them are protecting their territory, because our A-Life system, 2.0, is built, first of all, on several pillars.”

In the early games, the A-Life system stood out by creating a lively, immersive world where non-player characters (NPCs) carried on with their activities independently of the player’s actions, making it seem as if the world was alive and thriving.

Initially, it’s important to note that this application includes an ‘offline mode’. This means that while you play, certain events might occur in the background. Consequently, you might observe changes like the aftermath of battles with mutants or NPCs (non-player characters), or perhaps the results of firefights.

Regarding the boundary structure, Kulyk elaborated on the existence of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) within the Zone.

In this game, certain creatures inhabit specific territories that are similar to their natural habitats. Some of these groups or monstrous entities might wander across the map and attempt to apprehend the players. As a result, there’s always activity in front of the player, and, needless to say, behind their mental horizon.

As I traversed the enigmatic energy field, I decided it was prudent to converse with the wanderer who had chanced upon me. The conversation flow felt reminiscent of a Bethesda production, deviating from the original style.

There are multiple choices, and quite often, an option to initiate combat if you so wish.

Skif tends to be terse, limiting his conversation choices, yet these options still provide players with significant control over their actions.

Stalker 2 preview: Huge mod support and post-launch roadmap confirmed

Despite things taking an unexpected turn, Skif is on a quest for explanations, and the helpful Stalker guides us towards a neighboring community.

Although that didn’t imply I wouldn’t take the time to enjoy the glow of the irradiated roses, nevertheless… In Episode Two, we find ourselves in daylight again, and I couldn’t resist taking another look at the breathtaking scenery as it bathed in a warm light.

I, too, contribute to the vividness of this realm with my meticulous work on its sound design. The haunting growls of abnormalities, monstrous beings, and far-off gunshots lend an authenticity that makes the world seem alive and pulsating.

As a cinephile, let me tell you, the voice performances in this film are simply exceptional! I even gave it a spin with Ukrainian dialogues, but the accompanying B-roll footage really showcases the fantastic English voiceovers as well.

But with my PDA beeping away with quests to do, I made my way.

During my journeys, I encountered an ancient outpost where rogue elements had cornered another Stalker within a dwelling. Memories of past encounters with marauders in prior adventures made me charge in, ready to dispense some Zone retribution.

Shootouts are intense, fast-paced, and disorganized, drawing inspiration from modifications like Anomaly and GAMMA for Stalker. Frequently, they conclude just as abruptly as they begin.

The guns have an appropriate heft, and the sensation of firing them is incredibly gratifying. You must strategize your shots carefully and account for recoil. Ammunition is limited, but each bullet inflicts as much damage as it receives, so enemies can be swiftly defeated with a skillfully aimed headshot.

As a dedicated film enthusiast immersed in the gritty world of Stalker’s Zone, always remember to check on your weapon’s state. The harsh, unforgiving nature of this place can swiftly wear down even the sturdiest gear. A gun that’s seen better days is bound to jam at the most inconvenient moments, just as I painfully learned.

Inside, Zhorik, with his deteriorating weapons, shares that his friend Gloomy has also run into some trouble.

As a seasoned Stalker, I unwisely consented to aid them. A brief distance ahead lies an aging warehouse, where roughly five to six outlaws are stationed as guards.

Stalker 2 preview: Huge mod support and post-launch roadmap confirmed

With a surge of confidence following my recent skirmish, I boldly approach and eliminate the initial adversary I encounter. Quickly, others make their way towards where he’s fallen, having heard the gunfire. Before long, I find myself facing a hail of bullets and explosive grenades being tossed in my direction.

Enemies communicate with each other to signal their actions to the player, helping them predict the enemy’s moves. However, knowing their plans doesn’t necessarily make the situation any less challenging.

Following some initial missteps, I eventually succeeded in dislodging all the rogues and conversed with Gloomy, who displayed a lack of enthusiasm, and evident displeasure towards Zhorik, who appears to have been the one to land us all in this predicament initially.

In both Stalker and Stalker 2, self-interest dominates, and individuals are quick to abandon others when needed.

Frequently, you’re praised for staying out of trouble or betraying others. In the Zone, it’s bullets and intelligence that ensure your survival, not morals.

Ultimately, I navigated towards the town that pulsed with authentic Stalker ambiance, as folks gathered near flickering fires, strumming guitars and exchanging tales of their experiences within the Zone.

As dusk approached, the comforting glow of the fire gradually erased the chilling terrors that lay within the enigmatic expanse known as the Zone, leaving me momentarily at peace.

As time was ticking away, I found myself heading into a nearby tavern and having a chat with the bartender, Warlock. He kindly guided me towards the Gaffer.

Following a short opening, the Ward – a sort of paramilitary peacekeeping unit responsible for law enforcement within the Zone – emerged as a force. They were enraged over the loss of their soldiers and were on the hunt for a man named Squint. Interestingly enough, this individual is the same one we have been pursuing.

If someone asks if you recognize them, your response needs to be quick because the opportunity might not last. I already decided on my answer before it expired, but it could lead to an intriguing turn of events if you hadn’t made up your mind yet.

Here are two options you could consider:

As someone who values solitude and dislikes large-scale governance, it was only natural that I assisted the Gaffer with various tasks within the community.

Stalker 2 preview: Huge mod support and post-launch roadmap confirmed

Engaging in various odd tasks and finding myself in tricky situations, I often found the experience strikingly reminiscent of playing Stalker Anomaly at times. Kulyk’s work clearly drew inspiration from this game.

1) “Absolutely, we’ve been keeping an eye on the mod-making community and the incredible work they’ve accomplished over the years. Personally, I spend a lot of time playing Anomaly and GAMMA, to name a few. Additionally, some of our team members were actually the mod creators for the original games.

As a passionate movie enthusiast, I’ve always been captivated by the enduring allure of “Stalker”. Over time, it’s been the modding community that has breathed new life into this classic. GSC Game World has promised to develop a modding toolkit, but it’s essential to note that these tools can sometimes be restrictive in their capabilities. However, Kuylk assures us that the upcoming toolkit will address any apprehensions we might have about its limitations.

We’re essentially assembling and equipping a comprehensive toolset for mod creators. This collection of tools will range from small ones to large-scale ones, allowing them to develop everything from minor modifications to complete overhauls.

It’s clear that large-scale projects require time for modders to complete, leading me to look towards GSC for future content. Notably, following Shadow of Chernobyl in 2007, we received Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat relatively quickly. I inquired from Kulyk if a similar sequence (either sequel or prequel) might be in the works.

“I will not spoil that at this moment.”

There’s no set outcome, and when questioned about a New Game Plus feature allowing for greater Zone exploration, Kulyk might become more forthcoming.

As a movie enthusiast, I’m excited to let you know that we’ve been working diligently on a plan for our film’s journey post-release. I believe we’ll be ready to reveal the specifics of this roadmap shortly. Stay tuned!

Currently, experiencing the typical atmosphere without a large amount of emissions wasn’t an option, as I encountered this during my journey back to town following the clean-up of a military base (my stealth abilities could use some work).

In this scenario, everyone hastily sought shelter in the cellar for protection, while the Stalkers engaged in various activities. Some were resting, others were working out, numerous ones were drinking. This particular instance seemed more vibrant compared to past games, underscoring the equality between us as players and the NPCs populating the Zone.

It’s delightful to engage with games that provide a real challenge instead of the usual power fantasies. This particular game didn’t feel unjust, and it was set in The Zone – a perilous area where only a few (maybe Scar from Clear Sky being an exception) could endure its lethal radiation.

It’s quite possible that you might end up in what seemed like a secure shelter, but suddenly, outlaws claiming protection could appear before you.

As soon as the credits rolled, I found myself instantly drawn back into the captivating world of cinema, a realm I’ve long been enamored with. Over time, I must admit, I’ve grown accustomed to its evolutions. Yet, even for a seasoned cinephile like myself, the transformations in this dynamic universe never cease to astonish me. For one, the behaviors of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) have undergone quite a metamorphosis.

Stalker 2 preview: Huge mod support and post-launch roadmap confirmed

As I prepared to ambush them with a short-barreled shotgun once they were near enough, I was taken aback when it sprang towards me unexpectedly, inflicting a crushing attack.

To my surprise, however, while exploring a cave in search of artifacts, I didn’t flinch but felt an unexpected rush of adrenaline as a creature that seemed to thrive on blood stepped out from the shadows, intent on making me its next meal.

It’s no surprise that I squandered every bullet, firing them haphazardly in every direction. Overwhelmed with fear, I started to scatter grenades behind me, hoping against hope that the Zone might offer a miracle.

Somehow, with barely a sliver of health left, I pulled it off.

As a movie buff, after some quick supplies – hot dogs, fresh baked rolls, and flasks of spirits – seemed to cure my ailments and radiation sickness, I found myself treading back into town. Once gathered with the group by the fireside, I took my seat, and it was then that the reality of it all truly sank in.

It was Stalker.

Once the preview ended, everyone present started sharing tales from The Zone. Within a matter of a few hours, we found ourselves immersed in the role of Explorers, much like them.

I walked away from my time with Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl relieved, impressed and in awe.

I never imagined in all my fantasies that Stalker 2 would turn out to be as impressive as it’s looking now, especially given my disappointment with many sequels of beloved franchises. It’s truly amazing that the game is being developed amidst a war.

If fortune favors us and GSC Game World shows incredible determination, it’s promising that the remaining parts of the game will remain compelling when it releases on November 20th, 2024.

Before that time, my excitement is building as I eagerly look forward to it. Once more, the allure of the mysterious charm of the place called The Zone has drawn me back.

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2024-10-20 18:35