Star Wars: Original Lando Showrunner “Grieving” Over Cancelled Star Wars Disney+ Series

Star Wars: Original Lando Showrunner "Grieving" Over Cancelled Star Wars Disney+ Series

As a long-time Star Wars enthusiast and avid follower of Justin Simien’s work, it’s heartbreaking to witness his grief over the cancellation of “Lando.” Having been deeply invested in the project myself, I can only imagine the pain he must be feeling, having poured his heart and soul into a story that may never see the light of day.

Justin Simien, the former showrunner of the canceled Star Wars series “Lando” on Disney+, is still dealing with the loss. In an interview with Collider, he discussed his journey towards acceptance and his upcoming documentary series, “Hollywood Black.” It’s evident that Simien is affected by how Lando was sidelined and replaced by Donald Glover. He shared, “Yes, there was a Bible, concept art, scripts, but it just didn’t happen. I move on, I attend therapy regularly.” Simien had been slated to lead the Lando Calrissian series on Disney+. The disappointment is even deeper knowing that substantial work had already gone into the project, and its potential existence seems uncertain now.

In simple terms, Simien expressed, “I believe the experience is one of having to truly confront it – it’s genuine grief. Although I haven’t personally given birth or lost a child, I can only imagine the pain might feel like. It’s about pouring all your heart and soul into something, yet ultimately, you have no control over whether it thrives or perishes, and this process is truly one of grieving.”

In simpler terms, Simien expressed that he must honestly express his feelings, such as “I am grieving. I don’t feel well,” and allow himself to experience those emotions. He further stated that there are many aspects of his experiences that he gets to keep and bring into future projects. He emphasized that he cannot share the storyline, intellectual property, or characters, but there is much more that he has gained as a creator, which belongs to him exclusively.

Lando Was In Limbo For A While

Star Wars: Original Lando Showrunner "Grieving" Over Cancelled Star Wars Disney+ Series

In addition to this tough situation, it’s worth mentioning that Lando learned about his exit from Star Wars in the same way as fans – through news reports. Despite previous announcements about his role, the lack of updates had sparked suspicions among some viewers. Later, TheWrap interviewed the director who revealed he was taken aback by the sequence of events. He continues to hold a fondness for Star Wars and maintains a positive relationship with Donald Glover, but was caught off guard by the turn of events.

Simien clarified when asked about the sequence of events regarding Lando. He said, “For the first time, I received an official update on the situation. Of course, there were rumors circulating. Being a small town, it’s inevitable. Donald Glover and I share many friends, so I had some inkling of what could be happening and why we hadn’t heard anything.”

He expressed, “It’s fantastic that I’m a big admirer – honestly, sincerely – of Donald Glover. In fact, I appreciate his work, as well as that of his brother. Consequently, I’m content to simply be a fan and observe it, allowing me to experience it much like an audience would. This is exactly what I looked forward to when I agreed to the project.”

Is it your opinion that he deserved the chance to purchase this property? Keep up with our pop culture chats at @ComicBook on social networks!

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2024-08-03 21:10