Star Wars Outlaws Can Take Several Key Lessons from Starfield

Star Wars Outlaws Can Take Several Key Lessons from Starfield

Alright, let me share my thoughts on this intriguing comparison between Star Wars Outlaws and Starfield, two games that have certainly caught the attention of many space-faring gamers like myself.

Ubisoft along with Massive Entertainment are generating significant buzz with their upcoming title, Star Wars Outlaws. Given its status as a major AAA studio’s next big release and their established reputation, it was bound to draw attention. However, factor in the prestige of the Star Wars license and the game being billed as the first open-world Star Wars experience, and the excitement and eagerness for the game reach unprecedented levels.

The creators behind “Star Wars Outlaws”, at Massive Entertainment, drew inspiration from an array of unanticipated sources for this upcoming game. For example, it might seem that “Outlaws” would have little resemblance to the aesthetic, mood, and storyline of “Ghost of Tsushima”. However, as the director Julian Gerighty disclosed in a recent interview with GamesRadar, “Ghost of Tsushima” was one of the primary inspirations for “Star Wars Outlaws”, particularly concerning its open-world design.

In a similar vein, Massive Entertainment may find more suitable comparisons for the type of gameplay they aim to provide. For example, consider Bethesda’s upcoming title, Starfield. Given that it was released just months before Outlaws, it’s unlikely to have influenced Massive’s development process significantly. However, as gamers, we can examine Bethesda’s space-faring game, focusing on its strengths and weaknesses. This analysis could prove valuable in predicting how Star Wars Outlaws might fare if it chooses a similar approach or blazes its own trail.

It’s essential to recognize that Star Wars Outlaws and Starfield are poised for unique gameplay experiences. While Starfield leans towards an open-world, player-driven narrative with a focus on agency, Star Wars Outlaws appears to be more cinematic and story-focused, offering players the classic Star Wars scoundrel fantasy. In essence, each game represents distinct design philosophies.

Although it’s not completely devoid of shared aspects, the Venn diagram between these two games doesn’t encompass much common ground at first glance. Both share an interstellar backdrop, enabling players to traverse space freely, visiting various celestial bodies such as planets, moons, and stations. The option to engage in thrilling aerial battles adds another layer to the experience. While it may seem unremarkable that a space game incorporates space travel and combat, it’s still worth noting that Starfield can act as a role model for other games aspiring to explore the same genre.

Star Wars Outlaws Can Take Several Key Lessons from Starfield

One aspect that drew criticism towards Bethesda’s RPG was its inability to offer smooth transitions between planetary exploration and space travel, requiring loading screens each time. In contrast, Star Wars Outlaws has been touted as a game offering seamless navigation since its announcement, although some might suggest the visual effect when Kay Vess’ ship lands on a planet or moon could be considered an advanced loading screen. However, eliminating these interruptions in gameplay can greatly enhance the experience, particularly in an open-world game.

Star Wars Outlaws boasts a significantly larger number of manually created play areas compared to what we’ve seen in Starfield, with at least five handcrafted planets and moons for players to discover. Unlike Starfield, which had its own handcrafted locations, some players felt that they weren’t sufficient, especially since a large portion of the game’s open world was procedurally generated. In comparison, the handcrafted areas in Star Wars Outlaws are said to be as expansive as multiple zones in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, making it a substantial offering for those who haven’t played the 2018 title, as it implies a considerable amount of play space.

The visuals presented in Star Wars Outlaws have been quite striking, showcasing a wide range of environments. Ranging from the imposing insides of Imperial space stations to the dusty savannas of Toshara, the bustling cityscapes of Canto Bight, the icy landscapes of Kijimi, the barren deserts and dunes of Tatooine, and beyond – Star Wars Outlaws boasts an impressive assortment of environments. This environmental variety is expected to enhance its space setting’s enormity, which was a point of contention for some with Starfield. Here’s hoping that Outlaws delivers where Starfield fell short.

Star Wars Outlaws Can Take Several Key Lessons from Starfield

In contrast to Starfield, which faced criticism for its empty space environment, Star Wars Outlaws should create a more lively, unpredictable, and enjoyable space experience to distinguish itself. If the space in Star Wars Outlaws is densely populated with interesting encounters, it will significantly outshine Starfield in this aspect, as the moment-to-moment gameplay in its vast emptiness was found lacking by many players.

Furthermore, discussing Star Wars Outlaws inevitably requires mentioning factions, similar to how we can’t avoid discussing factions in a Bethesda game. However, it’s worth noting that the way they are implemented in Star Wars Outlaws is quite distinct. In this game, factions will primarily be criminal syndicates (except for the Empire, which will function as the law within the Wanted system). Your objective will be to balance and maneuver through the complex underworld without causing undue anger from any of the factions. This could prove challenging since your actions with one faction may not always align with the interests of others.

In the realm of Starfield or other Bethesda RPGs, I’ve noticed that factions typically operate in isolation from one another, with my choices in a quest for one group rarely affecting my relationship with others. However, it appears that won’t be the case in Star Wars Outlaws, as the decisions I make could potentially impact my standing with all factions involved – which is quite exciting! Many gamers, including myself, have longed for a more interconnected faction system like the one promised in Star Wars Outlaws, reminiscent of the consequences-focused factions in Bethesda’s previous games. So, there’s good reason to be hopeful about this upcoming title!

Star Wars Outlaws Can Take Several Key Lessons from Starfield

Without a doubt, there are valid concerns about the upcoming game “Star Wars Outlaws,” which we’ve mentioned before in our recent articles. However, we fervently hope that these doubts will be forgotten once the game is released, as the idea of an immersive AAA “Star Wars” open-world game where one can embody a space outlaw perfectly aligns with the kind of gaming experience we believe should thrive.

I’d like to express that the opinions shared in this article are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of GamingBolt as a collective entity. As someone who has spent many years immersed in the gaming world, I understand that perspectives can vary greatly. This article represents my unique take on the subject matter at hand, based on my personal experiences and insights.

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2024-08-13 18:12