Starfield: Shattered Space Animated Short Showcases the Fate of Dazra’s Scaled Citadel

As a seasoned gamer with a hearty appetite for epic space adventures and a soft spot for intriguing narratives, I can hardly contain my excitement for Bethesda’s upcoming expansion, Starfield: Shattered Space. The Scaled Citadel incident, as depicted in the animated short, has piqued my curiosity like no other intergalactic event in recent memory.

Next week, Bethesda’s initial paid expansion for Starfield, titled Shattered Space, will be released. This adventure transports players to Va’ruun’kai, home of the House of Va’ruun, following an accidental experiment that allows Vortex creatures to invade our world. A fresh Settled Systems animated short offers a glimpse into the disaster that struck the Scaled Citadel, laying the groundwork for the expansion’s storyline. You can view it below.

The Scaled Citadel serves as Dazra’s governing center, where Anasko Va’ruun, leader of Va’ruun, appeared to be giving a speech. All of a sudden, an unusual energy field formed, enveloping everyone within the citadel. A mother was able to save her child before being trapped and vanishing mysteriously. It’s unclear what happened to those still inside, but they might have experienced a similar fate; their locations remain unknown.

In the struggle for dominance over Dazra, it’s uncertain whether the protagonist can save Anasko and reestablish tranquility. The space odyssey “Starfield: Shattered Space” launches on September 30th, available for Xbox Series X/S and PC. Don’t miss our article for essential insights before diving in.

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2024-09-23 22:10