The Lucky Devils #1 Review: A Hell of A Good Time

The comic series “Eight Billion Genies” was known for its captivating premise and compelling narrative. When the creative duo of writer Charles Soule and artist Ryan Browne announce a new series, it certainly piques curiosity. In this fresh limited series, they swap genies for demons. The series titled “Lucky Devils” presents two ordinary individuals grappling with life-altering issues that may have a supernatural cause. The debut issue of this new offering from Image Comics is promising, as it could potentially live up to the expectations set by its predecessor.

The comic book series, titled “Fortunate Souls,” launches its nine-part journey by presenting readers with Cam and Starr, a Philosophy professor and a nurse living in Chicago. Despite Cam’s struggles with issues affecting his romantic relationships and finances, Starr finds herself stagnant in her career due to limited advancement opportunities. However, their luck seems to take a turn when they encounter Collar and Rake, their personal tormentors from the underworld. These demonic duo have caused numerous misfortunes for their human victims throughout their lives; yet, they offer Cam and Starr an unusual deal. As with the comic “Eight Billion Genies,” not everything is as it seems, and some characters are hiding secrets.

In this narrative, both Starr and Cam are captivating characters who could effectively drive the plot forward. Their lives, while sharing similarities concerning demons, offer distinct differences that make them intriguing to follow. Meanwhile, Collar and Rake, who share a romantic bond, serve as humorous and vibrant contrasts to their more unfortunate counterparts. This initial issue offers ample room for exploration and exposition, but the demonic duo manages to keep things engaging by delivering information in an entertaining fashion.

Absolutely, no great tale lacks an unexpected turn, and boy, does “Lucky Devils” deliver just that! It’s not difficult to discern that Collar and Rake aren’t entirely truthful with Cam and Starr, but their deceptions are so intricate that most readers won’t figure them out until the very end of each issue. The series takes a sharp turn in its final pages, compelling readers to continue their journey with it. This approach definitely keeps one hooked on the story.

Previously discussed, exposition can be a challenging yet essential part of storytelling, but thankfully, Browne complements Soule’s script beautifully in this instance. Ryan expertly fills every inch of each page with Rake and Collar seamlessly integrating into the panels themselves, weaving their explanations across various locations. The true evidence of Browne’s talent is revealed when we get a glimpse of the demons’ underworld dwelling at last.

As a film enthusiast, I’d express it like this: Brown masterfully crafts a gritty, nightmarish setting reminiscent of our world but with chilling, supernatural elements for Collar and Rake. It’s a grim, crowded landscape that manages to feel real without veering into the absurd. The artist brilliantly portrays the raw emotions of these tormented souls in our hellish love story, subtly revealing their tender moments before the catastrophic unveiling of their grand scheme.

The comic “Lucky Devils” kicks off with a bang, introducing an intriguing concept through four charming main characters. Following the success of “Eight Billion Genies,” this new Image Comic certainly has big shoes to fill and it succeeds admirably in doing so. Collar and Rake could very well be the most formidable demons of 2025, and I’m eagerly waiting to see how Soul and Browne develop the rest of the series.

Published by: Image Comics

On: January 8th, 2025

Written By: Charles Soule

Art by: Ryan Browne

Colors by: Ryan Browne & Kevin Knipstein

Letters by: Christopher Crank

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2025-01-08 16:39