The Wreck in Star Wars Outlaws: Full mission walkthrough

The Wreck in Star Wars Outlaws: Full mission walkthrough

As a seasoned gamer who has navigated through countless digital realms, I can confidently say that the journey through Star Wars Outlaws is as captivating as the galaxy itself! The intricate gameplay mechanics and immersive storyline have kept me on my toes, from leaping across platforms to battling Zerek Besh agents.

To wrap up your journey before departing Toshara, make sure to chat with Waka who resides at a tavern in Mirogana. This conversation is crucial for finishing the mission titled “The Wreck” in Star Wars Outlaws. We’ve prepared a comprehensive guide to help you accomplish this task swiftly and efficiently

Apart from providing a written tutorial (reminiscent of old times), we’ve additionally developed a video demonstration that illustrates the process clearly. You can view it either right here above, or on our YouTube channel for your convenience

However, in “The Wreck,” Waka informs Kay that they require a Navigation Computer for the Trailblazer’s Hyperdrive, which can be found on an old spaceship. But before this can happen, Kay must obtain a Class Eleven Power Core first, to gain access

Indeed, prior to engaging in all these activities, it’s essential that you first enhance your Speeder, as this is crucial for acquiring the speed boat. Obtaining the speed boat, in turn, is a prerequisite for participating in the 60-meter long jump challenge

But this is quite the quest, so let’s get straight to it!

How to get the Class Eleven Power Core in Star Wars Outlaws

The Power Core can be found within an Imperial base, positioned at the upper left part of your map. You can quickly teleport to Jaunta’s Hope and then take a speeder to reach the remaining distance

As you get near the Communications Station, steer towards the left and head straight for a rocky outcrop that’s right before the Turbo Blaster

Climb up the wall and sneak past the Stormtroopers and Imperial Officer guarding the gun.

Make a break to the north run alongside the next cliff face and avoid the sentries above.

Hug the wall and make your way up the path and avoid any patrols.

Approach the upcoming cliff base and seek a suitable climbing spot. Once found, ascend carefully while keeping a crouched position for better control

Ahead lies the main gate to the compound, secured by an AT-ST walker and numerous Stormtroopers. To your left, you’ll find a gap in the stone wall where Viper Probe droids are patrolling

Steering clear of the AT-ST’s line of vision, I’ll creep towards the tall grass near the cave opening. Once the droid halts, I’ll take advantage of the moment and slip by unnoticed

) With a splicing tool in hand, lower yourself to uncover the ventilation grate below. But if you don’t have one, swerve left, then bide your time till the other Viper Probe Droid departs from the scene

With your Blaster’s Ion Module, you can disable these two droids on the cliff edge silently, without triggering an alarm at their base

Make the jump across the gap, climb up the wall and you will see the base before you.

In my cinematic exploration, I’d advise you not to miss the opportune moment to launch your grapple line. However, be cautious when doing so, as a vigilant Stormtrooper may be on patrol. A well-timed distraction might be necessary to take them out of action

When you reach the bottom, move towards the base. The center of this platform has a position where Kay can safely descend, but it’s clearly visible to a Stormtrooper. Either wait for your stun device to recharge, or have Nix create a distraction so that you can lower yourself down safely

In the current location, which is the engineering bay, locate Nix and employ it to strike the Imperial technician who’s at a greater distance from you. After that, incapacitate the technician who’s closer to your position, followed by another one in succession

Utilize Nix to access the door that had been a challenge for the technicians, retrieve the Power Core, and subsequently exit by scaling out

As a devoted movie enthusiast, if you hadn’t taken down that Stormtrooper swiftly, they would have entered a dramatic slow-motion sequence, allowing you the opportunity to switch your Blaster to its stunning mode and peacefully subdue them instead

Make your return journey by crossing back over and heading towards the initial entry point. At a safe distance, employ the Ion Module to disable the Viper Probe Droid, then summon your speeder for a quick exit. It’s best not to linger as you escape without being pursued

How to get the nav-computer in The Wreck

Afterward, navigate to the spot indicated by the map’s marker; it will lead you to a cave entrance where powerful gusts of wind make entry impossible

To get in, use the speed boost on the Speeder and fly through to the end of the tunnels.

Eventually, you’ll find a closed door. Place the power core into the slot on the module to its left, and afterwards, utilize your Ion Module to energize it using the power source located to the left of that

Currently, you’re before a wrecked High Republic Cruiser. Proceed along the trail and ascend till you reach the point on its starboard side (right), specifically near the engine area

Grapple hook your way up, and then swing across the gap that is on your left.

To continue, you should take another swipe and then traverse the damaged hull of the vessel, moving forward until you locate an area featuring a narrow opening

Push yourself through, followed by clearing the space ahead by jumping over it. Turn right, scale the low barrier, leap over the gap on your right side, and continue climbing up

Head towards the right, use your grappling hook to cross over the space, then proceed on foot until you find a place to anchor your grappling line for a descent

As a cinephile, here’s how I’d put it: Venture below and, before you know it, the floor gives way, sending me tumble-tumblingly, I suggest you say, Kay slide down, you to follow the hallway——–one replicates to Zig, “I,Itally needs tockersusually to keep in part oft topph Chartermsk section

Traverse right and jump onto the next handholds and up into the ship.

Upon entering, proceed forward until you hit the edge, then veer right up the overturned pathway till you spot a partly opened door. Utilize your Ion Module to activate the power source, and pass through it

Leap over to the scalable wall, move leftward while ascending, and continue your ascent until you spot another locked door

This door has two power nodes which you need to use your blaster’s Ion Module on.

Follow the path and drop down and you will find yourself in the reactor room.

Go to the right and climb up the wall, traverse left and pull yourself up to the next platform.

Move all the way to the edge of this platform, then leap over to grab the nearby handhold. Holds a hold on to me: Proceed to the far end of this platform and grasp onto the support, then maneuver left around it until you reach the following catwalk

As you continue walking, the platform may give way, sending Kay tumbling downwards. To successfully reach the next platform, you should perfectly time your leap at the very last moment

On your right side, there are three suspended platforms. Leap from one to the next until you reach the last one. Once there, look towards the wall to your left, and you’ll find some handholds. Jump again and move along these handholds to get to a spot where the rock face is visible, with light streaming in from it

Descend into the following area and proceed along the corridor. You’ll find the elevator to the bridge on your right, though it’s not functioning at the moment. Continue walking to the end of the corridor, then take a right turn and descend further

Head through the door to your left, then move along the pathway. Keep going straight ahead, following the pathway on your right, until it eventually caves in beneath you, causing you to slip down

Walk around to the other side of the reactor core until you get to a platform jutting out.

Descend gently and make your way towards the reactor. Flip the lever and proceed to the spot on your right where a lowered ladder can be found

Traverse upward, then explore your surroundings until you find another point to ascend. Once there, continue moving around until you reach a terminal. Interact with the terminal, which will cause panels on the reactor to open and close. To proceed, you’ll need to leap up and navigate along the reactor before the panels close again

Leap forward towards the endpoint, then hop sideways to a reachable ledge. Perform the same action moving to your right, and finally, ascend by pulling yourself up when you reach the left side

Flip the switch and this will be the reactor core fully powered up.

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Move to a prominent spot, jump down to the lower platform, then traverse the space using momentum. After that, proceed along the pathway, make a right turn, and continue walking down the hallway until you reach the elevator on your right, which is now active

Ride the elevator, proceed down the hallway, and engage with the computer located to your left once conversation starts. After finishing the interaction, take a right and pass through the open doorway. Next, cross over the open space on the platform

It appears you have provided a text that refers to “Go through” (which is a reference to the next to the user’s, turn left, lift

It appears you are using a screen, and you that you’dream, and elevated for additional functionality, for, and to lift, and elevate to use, and elevating to bring new technology, for, and to create a new one, to be in the course of a new

Once it’s stopped, jump across to the other lift and shoot the power module next to it.

Once at the top, leap across to the platform down below.

In this area, you’ll find rapid-opening equipment. Once they begin to open once more, make a dash for it and scramble up the wall at the end to reach the following platform

In your provided text has requested me to create a story, and elevated, and easy to use the next, and climb

From here, turn right and walk until you get to a small gap and squeeze through.

—-like,ly, you-wise, you, I,

After that action, two Zerek Besh operatives will step into the room. Hide behind the computer and watch as the agent on the left approaches an explosive barrel. Once he’s next to it, fire at the barrel and then eliminate the agent on your right-hand side who is exposed

After this, head over to the first computer terminal and get the nav computer.

This will trigger a cutscene where Kay mashes the controls, causing the ship to leer and break up.

Following the cinematic sequence, head forward briskly and leap over the chasm. Continue running until the ground caves in, which will send Kay sliding downward

Rise, head to your right, and step into the nearby room. Two agents from Zerek Besh, positioned beside an explosive of a bomb barrel, just ahead of you, on the level above you, with an explosive explosive barrel. Aimon an explosive,! Shoot Take cover, Shooten’sitngle, to your left; upon encounter two agents, standing next to your right; shootthe doorway to the left

Pass through the doorway, continue running forward until the ceiling directly in front of you caves in, and then make your way to the opening on your right side, moving beyond any obstacles that may be blocking your path

Following this, another scene will unfold, leading you to push the engine of the cruiser back to our initial entry point in the wreckage

Jump onto your speeder and make a swift return to Mirogana’s landing pad. Once there, climb aboard the Trailblazer for another cutscene, wrapping up the storyline known as “The Wreck.”

And that’s that! You’ll now be free to leave Toshara and explore the rest of the Core Worlds.

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2024-09-05 17:31