Throne & Liberty: Norn Bercant Boss Guide & Mechanics | Doomrot Grove Dungeon Boss

In the captivating world of Throne & Liberty, I’ve come to know Norn Bercant as the formidable final boss lurking within the cooperative dungeon of Doomrot Grove. His battle mechanics predominantly revolve around strategic positioning, making every move count in our epic confrontation!

The character known as “The Florist Witch” prefers employing plants with thorns and toxic substances to eliminate her adversaries. Consequently, she boasts a diverse arsenal of attacks that span across areas and require strategic positioning to handle effectively. If you happen to be in an unfavorable spot at an inconvenient moment, you will quickly succumb…

Fret not, though! Just read on and we’ll tell you everything you need to take Norn Bercant down.

Norn Bercant Boss Guide & Mechanics | Throne & Liberty: Doomrot Grove Co-op Dungeon

The Vine Wall

To start off, the primary technique Norn Bercant employs is known as the Vine Wall. This event usually occurs when the boss’s health is roughly between 80-90%. It kicks off quite early in the battle. At this stage, you should spot that four players have a sizable green pod over their heads.

Here’s how we can rephrase that:

Now, the players identified by the green dot need to arrange themselves swiftly. Two players should move towards the boss and stand facing it, while two other players should back away from the boss and also face in a different direction. The remaining players without a mark should position themselves right in between these two groups of marked players. The correct formation should resemble the example provided.

In a short while, the seeds will transform into Barrier Hedges right in front of the designated players. Simultaneously, Norn Bercant will summon numerous missiles from the arena’s perimeter, heading towards her. If everyone arranges themselves strategically, these Barrier Hedges should obstruct all projectiles and safeguard us from harm.

The Floor is Poison

Immediately following the Vine Wall mechanic, Norn Bercant will place light green circles under each player’s feet. These green orbs behave like poison, exploding after a brief period. To dodge their effect, simply make sure to move away from them promptly once you spot them.

During the initial phase, she’ll execute this move consecutively twice. However, be prepared for her to intermittently use it throughout the remainder of the battle. In light of this, we advise your team to spread out to prevent anyone from unintentionally stepping into another player’s poison area.

Immediately following the poison symbols, Norn Bercant executes a Wrath Attack. To dodge this damage, execute a Rolling Block just as the purple diamond symbol arrives at the center of its icon.

After Norn Bercant strikes the ground with one of her hands, a lush green wave surges across the entire arena’s floor. To shield yourself from harm, simply leap above the waves, as perfect timing is crucial for success!

Launch Attack and Debuff

The final key ability of this boss is a challenging upward thrust attack. Norn Berncant will forcefully strike the ground, propelling everyone aloft and inflicting a debilitating effect. This debuff will cause substantial periodic damage at a rapid pace.

By now, you should see red lines advancing from the arena’s perimeter heading towards the boss. Seeds will be fired at Norn Bercant from turrets positioned along the vine walls near the arena edge. To get rid of the debuff caused by the launch attack, simply stand on one of those red lines and allow the seeds to strike you.

Moving ahead, Norn Bercant consistently repeats her patterns, except when the boss’s health drops to approximately 25%. At this point, root spikes will appear and persist for a while following an attack. To dodge these, try gliding using your morph ability after the launch attack.

Here’s all the essential information about Norn Bercant, the Doomrot Grove boss, and its mechanics in Throne & Liberty. Now, it’s time for you to take him down! If you require assistance with other bosses, we offer a guide on how to conquer Umbrakan as well. He is a Solo Dungeon boss, which means it’s a challenging one-on-one battle of skill!

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2025-03-15 04:06