Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

As a seasoned adventurer with countless hours spent roaming the lands of Throne & Liberty, I can confidently say that the “Open Nesting Grounds” Exploration Codex task is one for the books! This guide has been an invaluable asset, helping me navigate through the treacherous terrain and elusive enemies of this region.

In the game Throne & Liberty, “Open Nesting Grounds” is among the various missions outlined in the Exploration Codex. As the name suggests, this mission is set entirely within the region known as the Nesting Grounds.

In this adventure, you’ll encounter some of the most formidable creatures from your area, collect native plants, and uncover secret manuscripts containing ancient lore. Lucky for you, we’re here to provide a bit of assistance along the way!

In this walkthrough, we’ll assist you in accomplishing each goal associated with the “Open Nesting Grounds” Exploration Codex mission.

Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex | Throne & Liberty Guide

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

Here are the three main goals for completing the “Open Nesting Grounds” Exploration Codex mission in Throne & Liberty: As you can see, they all occur within the boundaries of the “Nesting Grounds” region. This area is conveniently located somewhere between Laslan and Stonegard, so you should have no trouble finding it. We’ve helpfully marked its location on the map provided above for your convenience.

Here’s an option that might fit your requirements:

Gather Wild Herbs or Bloomed Wild Herbs

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

For this objective, you need to interact with at least 1 bundle of either Wild Herbs or Bloomed Wild Herbs. They are all over the Nesting Grounds and look like the image above.

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

Also pay attention to your map and minimap, as nearby Wild Herbs are marked with leaf-shaped icons.

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

For reference, the map above also shows all potential spawn points for Wild Herbs in the Nesting Grounds.

It’s important to mention that both Common Wild Herbs and Flowering Wild Herbs are acceptable. The key distinction is that Common Wild Herbs can be found year-round, whereas Flowering Wild Herbs emerge exclusively during rainy seasons in the Nesting Grounds. However, for this specific Exploration Codex task, there’s no difference to be aware of.

Defeat Chief Terror Bird

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

The top predator, known as the Terror Bird Chief, emerges at every Terror Bird’s Nest in the Nesting Grounds. We’ve highlighted their spawn points for you on the provided map. Additionally, within the game, you can locate them by following the Exploration Codex mission or seeing blue circles marked on your map.

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

Keep in mind that the Chief Terror Bird isn’t always present. However, when it does appear, it will show up as a red skull icon on your minimap. This Level 23 opponent is no joke, so gear up for battle! Be cautious too, as it can knock you down, leaving you incapacitated for a while.

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

Manage to take this beast down to complete the Exploration Codex Objective.

Collect a Collection Codex Page

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

In the end, locate and gather a single Collection Codex page hidden within the Nesting Grounds area. The map provided here shows their general locations, but remember, you only need one specific page. Unfortunately, these Collection Codex pages aren’t indicated on your in-game map, so they can be challenging to find!

Throne & Liberty: Open Nesting Grounds Exploration Codex Guide

For example, the image above shows the Mysterious Book for the Laslan Monster Lore: Vol.4 Page 1.

But well, that’s the end of our guide! Now you know how to complete every objective for the “Open Nesting Grounds” Exploration Codex task in Throne & Liberty. While you’re in the region, we also recommend checking out our guide for the “Elemental Tree Harvest: Nesting Grounds” Exploration Codex entry.

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2024-10-05 23:36