Throne & Liberty – The Voice Behind the Mask Exploration Codex Guide

As a seasoned adventurer with countless hours spent traversing the fantastical realms of Throne & Liberty, I must say this “The Voice Behind the Mask” Exploration Codex quest is a delightful challenge for both novice and experienced players alike.

In the game Throne & Liberty, ‘The Voice Behind the Mask’ is one of the quests you can find within the Sandworm Lair area under the Exploration Codex.

The adventure begins when you stumble upon an unusual, chatty mask that claims to bestow increased strength upon you. Yet, this mask won’t simply hand over its promised power; instead, you must first pass through a series of challenges set by the mask if you aspire to claim the supposed enhanced power it offers.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through each phase of the journey, enabling you to demonstrate your might and silence that boastful chattering mask!

The Voice Behind the Mask Exploration Codex | Throne & Liberty Guide

In the game Throne & Liberty, to initiate the “Voice Behind the Mask” Exploration Codex quest, navigate straight towards the north from the Sandworm Lair Waypoint in Stonegard. The spot where you need to go has been clearly indicated on your map for easy navigation.

To arrive at your destination, consider utilizing the handholds or anchors close to the Landmark. You’ll find yourself climbing a rocky ledge in that vicinity.

Upon ascending the ledge, engage with the enigmatic mask lying below. It will address you, instructing you to trace a source of light should you desire to uncover more potent forces.

Currently, numerous Luminous Spheres, your guides, will materialize in the vicinity. Engage with these spheres to create a guiding light that indicates the direction towards the Enigmatic Fissure, which you need to reach.

However, to make things much simpler, you can just use a Glide Morph to glide down into the ravine below and go all the way north to reach the Unknown Rift faster. We’ve marked the exact location of the Unknown Rift in the ravine on the map above.

To help you better understand, take a closer look at the image you see – that’s what the Mysterious Crevasse appears like at a near distance! Proceed forward and step into it to continue your adventure.

The Mask’s Trials

Upon entering the Mysterious Abyss, the mask will address you personally and propose some challenges. The initial challenge involves a combination of navigating platforms and memory work. Pay close attention to the squared platforms overhead, then leap across them. Be aware that your path may be concealed as additional platforms emerge, so it’s essential to remember the original route you had to take.

If you prefer not to commit anything to memory, simply utilize the screenshot provided as a guide for identifying the platforms you’re allowed to stand on. It appears that the pattern is identical across all players!

Once you’ve walked to the round stage at the end of the path, a Magic Teleportation Circle will show up. When you’re prepared for the next challenge, feel free to engage with it!

The second challenge is simpler than the first: Endure a 30-second sandstorm. To succeed, simply navigate past the whirling sand tornadoes scattered across the region, being mindful not to make any unnecessary movements. It’s expected to be quite manageable.

As before, a Teleport Magic Circle will appear once you’ve finished the trial. Feel free to proceed whenever you’re prepared for the next challenge.

It’s time for the final challenge – vanquish the Ancient Crystal Scorpions! To complete this stage, you simply need to eliminate the opponents that appear. They aren’t particularly formidable foes. But beware of the Ancient Crystal Scorpion’s sandstorm attack, as it can rapidly deplete your health points if you’re not careful.

Ending the Trials

Immediately following your victory against the Ancient Crystal Scorpion, search for another Teleport Magic Circle that should appear nearby. Bring it with you to collect your prizes.

In this area, you’ll find two interactive objects on low platforms. Initially, read Hale Verpheus’ Letter by interacting with the Ancient Writing. After that, engage in conversation with Dantalux Guardian’s Pledge. Upon interacting with both items, you will be teleported back to the Sandworm Lair Waypoint.

“And there you go! That’s the method for finishing the ‘Voice Behind the Mask’ Exploration Codex mission in Throne & Liberty.

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2024-10-12 03:47