Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Showrunner Unpacks Its Canon Impact in Exclusive Interview

Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Showrunner Unpacks Its Canon Impact in Exclusive Interview

As a long-time fan of Lara Croft and her incredible adventures, I eagerly await the premiere of Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft on Netflix. The showrunner, Tasha Huo, has gathered a team of fellow fans to craft this series, which is evident in their dedication to capturing the essence of the games we’ve all grown to love.

Lara Croft is widely recognized, having thrilled audiences for many years through films and gaming consoles, courtesy of Crystal Dynamics. While it may appear that Lara has accomplished everything in the world of Tomb Raider, this isn’t entirely accurate. The franchise is set to explore new territories, with an original series scheduled on Netflix. Recently, ComicBook had a conversation with the showrunner of ‘Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft’.

Interview with Tasha Huo, Showrunner of Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft

In regards to the animated version of Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, I’m curious about the creative process behind its visual style. Can you share how your team collaborated to develop this appearance? Were there any specific inspirations or guidelines you followed during production?

Tasha Huo: Essentially, our primary motivation in creating this game was our passion for it, being avid gamers ourselves. We aimed to embody all the exciting elements we adore about gaming, especially Lara’s unique action-oriented movements that set her apart as an action heroine. Our inspiration primarily came from these aspects of the game, though we also drew influence from various action movies and incorporated references. We even delved into anime to encapsulate the overall vibe of the series. As long as we enjoyed the process, we felt we were on the right track.

Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Showrunner Unpacks Its Canon Impact in Exclusive Interview

In terms of The Legend of Lara Croft, it holds a significant position within the Tomb Raider series’ history. Since the series will pick up with our protagonist following the events of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, I’d be happy to share some insights into how we approached aligning this show with the Tomb Raider continuity and the steps involved in that process.

We had conversations with Crystal Dynamics at the start, essentially receiving approval to tackle the interim period of Lara Croft’s life. This phase, as I discovered after playing the Survivor series, was particularly intriguing. The Lara we see now is significantly different from the one we knew in the ’90s and later periods.

What’s the story behind her transformation into that character? This question posed a significant challenge while creating the series for me. Essentially, I was trying to understand how Lara managed to establish such an extensive network, which allowed her to communicate even in isolated places like a monastery with a monk she seemingly knew. I was curious about how she came to know that person. Moreover, I wanted to explore how she developed her humor, as it was fascinating to develop the beloved Lara we all grew attached to initially.

It’s clear that Lara embodies the essence of adventure perfectly, and for this series, we have Hayley Atwell stepping in to give Lara a daring tone. I was curious to know why you believe Hayley is the ideal actress and voice to realize your vision of Lara?

In my opinion, Hayley’s portrayal in “Agent Carter” made it evident to me that she possesses a remarkable ability to be both hilariously funny and elegantly classy, much like our character Lara. Additionally, she demonstrates a level of gravitas that is strikingly similar to what we see in the Survivor series. Essentially, she embodies all the qualities we aim to combine and merge to bring forth the classic version of Lara. To me, it seemed almost inevitable.

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2024-09-02 17:09