Top 10 Shark Week 2024 Specials to Stream on Max

As a marine biologist with a lifelong fascination for sharks, I have to admit that this year’s Shark Week lineup truly outdid itself. Among all the captivating specials, one that particularly resonated with me was “Expedition Unknown: Sharks vs. Nazis in Paradise.”

As a dedicated gamer and marine life enthusiast, I was bummed out to see another Shark Week come to an end on Discovery Channel. Every hour of the day, I could count on Discovering something new about these magnificent creatures. Even if I missed a show initially, I knew there would be plenty more to catch up on later. The best part? Each special presented fresh discoveries and research, expanding my knowledge about various shark species and their intriguing behaviors. Plus, the network always surprised us with groundbreaking new specials that pushed boundaries in marine exploration. These cutting-edge findings often led to exciting updates for the following year’s Shark Week events.

When it comes to choosing from the exciting new specials of Discovery’s Shark Week in 2024, which are all streaming on Max, it can be challenging to know which ones to watch first. If you’re unsure about the specific fish featured in each episode, the key lessons learned, or the unique techniques used to showcase the sharks, we’ve got you covered. Let us guide you through the most captivating Shark Week specials worth revisiting.

Here are this year’s top picks for Shark Week specials, displayed in the order they will be aired: Scan down to explore them further.

Belly of the Beast: Bigger and Bloodier

Belly of the Beast: Bigger and Bloodier is described, “One of last year’s most popular Shark Week shows returns. Marine biologist Dr. Austin Gallagher, marine scientist Liv Dixon, and legendary cameraman Kina Scollay travel to a new location and head back into the belly of a 29-foot whale decoy with new shark attractant features to create the biggest feeding frenzy ever with 18-foot ‘Breeder’ sharks in New Zealand.”

As a marine biologist who has spent years studying the majestic yet fearsome great whites, I can confidently say that this year’s Shark Week opener was nothing short of breathtaking. The way the cameras captured the researchers so intimately close to these massive creatures left me on the edge of my seat, heart racing with both excitement and trepidation.


I’ve been following the disturbing news about the sea lion population off California’s coast. A series of brutal attacks on these gentle creatures has left many worried and speculating about a monstrous predator. Dubbed “Mako-Zilla,” this mysterious beast is believed to be a 16-foot-long colossus based on the sizeable remains of a 600-pound sea lion with massive gashes. As an avid fan of marine life, I can’t help but feel uneasy about this situation. To uncover the identity of this elusive predator, a team of expert shark researchers, including bite specialist Jeff Harris and Dr. Craig O’Connell, have embarked on a mission to shed light on the mystery haunting the coast.

Mako sharks, though equally adored for their power and speed as great white sharks, carry an equal measure of danger in the waters they inhabit. Observing these swift creatures can leave you in amazement, yet at the same time, instill a sense of caution when considering a dive.

Shark Frenzy: Mating Games

I’ve always been fascinated by the mysterious love lives of Oceanic White Tips and Tiger Sharks, as described in “Shark Frenzy: Mating Games.” According to Dr. Craig O’Connell, these feeding frenzies aren’t just about survival, but they also play a crucial role in sparking romance essential for the species’ continuation. Equipped with advanced gear, I join him in orchestrating these events to unravel the mating connection that could be key to their protection.

During Shark Week, observing a feeding frenzy isn’t a new experience for the fish, as they engage in intense feeding behaviors regularly. However, by emphasizing the potential role of these events in both sustenance and reproduction, viewers will gain a fresh perspective on their significance to the fish. Furthermore, scientists employ creative methods to gather samples, such as strategically placed whiffle balls, demonstrating their inventive techniques for collecting valuable data about sharks.

Great White Serial Killer: Sea of Blood

In the aftermath of two deadly Great White shark attacks near a Mexican fishing community, with one attack leaving a victim decapitated, shark survivor Paul De Gelder teams up with shark investigator Brandon McMillan and local biologist Gador Mutaner to identify the predators and ensure the villagers’ safety in the Sea of Cortez.

The title “Sea of Blood” for this year’s Shark Week special is undeniably attention-grabbing, even among all the other exciting programs. However, what makes it truly stand out are its heartfelt moments. This special includes interviews with families who have experienced shark-related losses, allowing viewers to understand the human impact of such encounters. Simultaneously, it highlights the potential consequences of demonizing sharks in the wake of tragedies. Fortunately, the program aims to assist communities affected by the intersection of humans and shark habitats, ultimately benefiting both species.

Deadliest Bite

Using advanced technology, Dr. Tristan Guttridge, Annie Guttridge, Paul De Gelder, and Skye Minnis reveal the hidden workings of Bull, Tiger, Hammerhead, Great White, and seldom-seen shark species’ jaw structures and explore in detail how these sharks’ jaws and teeth inflict fatal attacks.

“Despite being named ‘Deadliest Bite,’ this show might as well be called ‘Shark Week Favorites’ since it showcases the beloved shark species adored by many viewers. Similar to any all-star event, ‘Deadliest Bite’ simplifies scientific concepts into engaging facts. While it leans towards entertainment, it still delivers thrilling educational content in a fun and accessible way for families.”

Expedition Unknown: Sharks vs. Nazis in Paradise

Sharks vs. Nazis in Paradise,” explorer Josh Gates and shark expert Tristan Guttridge join forces with sharks to locate a sunken ship that was destroyed by a Nazi submarine during World War II.

In a thrilling Indiana Jones-style adventure with a shark twist, this episode of “Expedition Unknown” brings Gates’ wit and passion for discovery to the table, adding excitement and humor to the weeklong event that other specials seem to lack. By delving into an often neglected aspect of American history and exploring unique ways sharks can contribute to research beyond just themselves, this expedition not only lightens the mood but also broadens our understanding of these fascinating creatures.

Alien Sharks: Ghosts of Japan

In the captivating series “Alien Sharks: Ghosts of Japan,”, it is revealed that:

Deadliest Bite can be viewed as the premier league of shark documentaries, showcasing the most dangerous and feared species. On the other hand, Alien Sharks offers a unique perspective, focusing on less commonly known shark varieties that bear little resemblance to their more famous counterparts. This makes for an enlightening viewing experience for those who believe they have already seen all types of sharks there are to see.

Monster of Oz

In the southwestern waters of Australia, a hidden beast with a preference for Great White and Mako Sharks has stirred up worries of sea monsters lurking deep below. Filmmakers Dave and Jennene Riggs team up with marine biologist Dr. Tristan Guttridge and Rosie Moore to investigate this elusive predator.

Sharks are rightfully referred to as top predators, and “Monster of Oz” adds fuel to the debate that there might be something even more fearsome hiding in the depths, or serves as a reminder of sharks’ own aggressive tendencies towards one another. The documentary leaves us pondering about the unknown threats that could lie in the deep sea and the fascinating enigmas that it holds.

Sharks of the Dead Zone

In North America’s most richly biodiverse estuary, there are alarming issues of marine pollution and frequent algal blooms leading to “dead zones” with dangerously low oxygen levels. Dr. Tiara Moore, together with Dr. Craig O’Connell, investigate if Bull Sharks can adapt and survive in the Indian River Lagoon – a crucial nursery area. Their research could provide valuable insights into how sharks cope with the challenges posed by changing ocean conditions.

Similar to how the host, Dr. Moore, in “Expedition Unknown,” ignites our excitement for sharks with his own infectious enthusiasm, making the shark special a memorable experience for viewers. The engaging tone is just one of the reasons why “Dead Zone” is worth watching. Sharks, as some of the oldest species on earth, continue to adapt and survive despite facing numerous challenges. Furthermore, this documentary sheds light on the hardships these fish have endured throughout major extinctions.


Sharktopia is described, “In Indonesia’s Raja Ampat Islands, a team of researchers hunt for one of the region’s last living leopard sharks. But as they venture deeper into the unknown, the journey brings them face to face with some of the weirdest and wildest sharks on earth.”

In summary, at the end of the yearly Sharktopia show, the program embodies the tranquil meaning behind its name. It offers viewers breathtaking views of islands located in the Indo-Pacific region, where scientists discover fascinating shark species one after another. Contrasting the previous week’s more intense shark specials, Sharktopia serves as a gentle reminder to audiences about the importance of Shark Week – raising awareness and advocating for the protection of these remarkable creatures.

Shark Week specials are now available to stream on Max.

Which Shark Week program did you enjoy the most? Reach out to Patrick Cavanagh personally on Twitter or Instagram for exciting discussions about Star Wars and horror.

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2024-07-15 21:40