This summer, the highly anticipated anime adaptation of “Tougen Anki: Dark Demon of Paradise” will debut, leaving fans eager with a fresh trailer and poster showcasing the new animation. Originally created by Yura Urushibara for Akita Shoten’s Weekly Shonen Champion magazine in 2020, this series is now poised to captivate an entirely new audience as it prepares for its anime debut. Initially scheduled for a 2025 release, the latest news regarding the “Tougen Anki” anime has moved up the premiere date to July, making it a part of the Summer 2025 anime lineup.
The anime titled “Tougen Anki” is set to release sometime in July, and it has recently unveiled significant details about who will be involved in bringing this new series to the screen. Distributed by REMOW, the upcoming anime has disclosed its main team, cast, and additional information. To commemorate these latest updates, “Tougen Anki” has shared a sneak peek at the forthcoming anime through a fresh trailer, which you can watch in the video above. Additionally, you can also find the newest poster for “Tougen Anki” below.
What to Know for the Tougen Anki Anime
Set to debut in July during the Summer 2025 anime season, “Tougen Anki” is under the direction of Ato Nonoka from Studio Hibari. Yukie Sugawara will pen the scripts, Ryoko Amisaki will supervise character designs, Yumika Okazaki will handle editing, and Kohta Yamamoto will compose the music with Pony Canyon managing the music production. Previously confirmed voice actors include Kazuki Ura as Shiki Ichinose, Hiroshi Kamiya as Naito Mudano, and Kotaro Nishiyama as Jin Kougasaki.
With the recent update, more actors will join the cast, including Manaka Iwami as Homare Byobugaura, Shogo Sakata as Ikari Yaoroshi, Natsuki Hanae as Juji Yusurube, Kaito Miura as Rokuro Kiriyama, and Aimi as Kuina Sazanami. As the anime gears up for its summer release, international distribution plans have not been disclosed yet. However, given that the trailer features English subtitles, it’s quite possible that this series will be accessible to audiences beyond Japan.
What Is Tougen Anki?
Regarding the upcoming anime titled Tougen Anki, REMOW offers a tantalizing glimpse into its storyline: “In this narrative, one inherits the blood of a demon… For centuries, the descendants of Oni (demons) and Momotaro have coexisted among humans. Initially, the Oni lived in isolation due to their fierce nature. However, their tranquility was disrupted by an attack from Momotaro. Since then, two organizations – the Momotaro Agency and the Oni Agency – have been at odds, each side stemming from one of these ancient factions.
The narrative progresses as follows: “Shiki Ichinose finds out about his Oni ancestry after an unexpected assault by Momotaro. This discovery propels Shiki towards uncovering the fate tied to his blood. He embarks on a journey to confront the demon residing within him. Here starts a fresh era of dark heroism in this story of demons.
Excitedly, I’ve got fantastic news for fellow manga enthusiasts! Last year, Yen Press brought Yura Urushibara’s captivating series, “Tougen Anki: Dark Demon of Paradise“, to English readers with its first volume now available. This means we can delve into the story before the upcoming anime premieres and expands its fanbase! Let’s jump right in and savor every moment together!
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