Unlock Today’s New York Times Connections Puzzle Answers for March 13th!

Interested in today’s Connections puzzle categories? You’re in luck! Here are the accurate solutions, categories, and clues for The New York Times‘ Connections game on March 13th. Even though Wordle has been quickly popularized, Connections has also emerged as one of The New York Times’ most successful games, alongside others like Strands and Spelling Bee. Today’s puzzle includes some tricky categories such as Yellow, Blue, and Purple. Fret not if you need assistance – we have all the correct categories, answers, and hints to help you maintain a stress-free winning streak on March 13th’s Connections.

The game Connections involves arranging 16 words into four hidden categories based on their common associations or connections. These categories are identified by distinct colors, with Yellow being the simplest, followed by Green, Blue, and Purple representing increasing difficulty. The topics within these categories can span a wide range, such as wedding venues, DC superheroes, horror movie characters, or words that sound like others. You have four chances to guess incorrectly before losing your progress, but don’t worry – if you’re stuck, we provide hints to help maintain your streak!

Today, on March 13th, navigating through the Green categories isn’t much of a challenge, but encountering difficulties in Yellow, Blue, and Purple sections is more common. Here are today’s Connections words: Spin, Art, Wave, Flag, Flop, Angle, Wilt, Turn, Anon, River, Whistle, Slant, Hole, Hail, Bias, and Thou. If you’d like a nudge for each category without revealing the answers, here are some hints:

1. A rotational motion or movement in circular paths
2. A creative work produced by an artist or craftsperson
3. An undulating or wavy movement of water or wind
4. A national symbol often bearing a design and colors that represent a country
5. A clumsy fall or failure, usually in a public performance
6. The degree or direction of deviation from a horizontal or vertical line
7. To wither or droop, typically due to lack of water or light
8. To change the course or direction of something or oneself
9. An unknown or unidentified person
10. A large, flowing body of water that serves as a boundary between two landmasses
11. A shrill, piercing sound made by a whistle or bird
12. A slight tilt or incline from the horizontal or vertical position
13. A small, hollow depression in the ground
14. Precipitation consisting of ice pellets
15. A predisposition or tendency to favor one person, group, or side
16. An old-fashioned way of addressing someone as a sign of respect or formality

Enjoy unraveling the connections between these words and finding your answers!

  • Yellow: What’s your take on things?
  • Green: You’ll say these a lot in New York City
  • Blue: Cowboy Carter is familiar with the game
  • Purple: Think back to high school English class

To discover today’s puzzle’s accurate topics, here are the categories for Connections on March 13th:

To find out what the right subjects are for today’s puzzle in Connections, here are the themes scheduled for March 13th:

In order to know the appropriate topics for today’s Connections puzzle, these are the categories set for March 13th:

To learn what the suitable subjects are for today’s Connections game, these are the themes that will be used on March 13th:

To find out the correct topics for today’s Connections challenge, here are the themes to look forward to on March 13th:

For today’s Connections brainteaser, these are the subjects that will be featured on March 13th:

To learn what topics you’ll find in the Connections puzzle for March 13th, here they are:

If you want to know the subjects for today’s Connections challenge, they are as follows for March 13th:

To discover what topics today’s Connections game is centered around, these are the themes for March 13th:

For those curious about the subjects in today’s Connections puzzle, here they are on March 13th:

To find out what topics will be covered in today’s Connections game, these are the themes for March 13th:

Choose the one that fits your style and voice best!

  • Yellow: Partiality
  • Green: Signal Down, as a Taxi
  • Blue: Cards in Texas Hold ‘Em
  • Purple: Shakespearean Words

Here are the category assignments for the words from the Connections puzzle on March 13th:

1. Fruit – Grapefruit
2. Country that borders Spain – Portugal
3. Animal that lays eggs – Duck
4. Instrument with strings – Violin
5. Large body of water in the Pacific Ocean – Bering Sea
6. Type of dance – Salsa
7. Color often associated with autumn leaves – Amber
8. Part of a car – Headlight
9. Type of cake that has cream filling – Devil’s Food Cake
10. Name of a famous explorer who sailed the Pacific Ocean – Magellan
11. Name of a popular sports car brand – Ferrari
12. Name of a character from a fairy tale – Snow White
13. Type of flower often used in weddings – Orchid
14. Name of a famous painter who created “The Starry Night” – Van Gogh
15. Type of bird that lives near water – Heron

  • Yellow: Angle, Bias, Slant, Spin
  • Green: Flag, Hail, Wave, Whistle
  • Blue: Flop, Hole, River, Turn
  • Purple: Anon, Art, Thou, Wilt

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2025-03-13 07:11