Unlock Today’s Strands Puzzle: Master ‘You’re Pushing My Buttons’ with Our March 10th Solutions!

Are you stuck on the answers for today’s Strands puzzle in The New York Times? You’re in luck! We’ve got all the solutions, including the Spangram, for March 10th’s Strands puzzle. To make your experience even more enjoyable, we’ve included some tips and tricks alongside popular games like Connections, Crosswords, and Wordle. Strands has rapidly gained popularity among players of The New York Times Games. Today’s theme, “You’re Pushing My Buttons“, provides multiple interpretations. Our team at ComicBook has solved the puzzle and can help you understand its meaning and have a fun time with Strands!

In the game of Strands, your goal is to discover words connected to the topic provided at the top, which are hidden within the grid of letters. This word search game offers a distinctive challenge as you’ll unscramble jumbled words to create relevant words or phrases that align with the theme. The main theme can be deciphered by locating the Spangram, a key word that serves as the central focus for all other words, such as types of potato chip flavors or bird species. Words associated with the Spangram and the theme can be found both before and after you’ve discovered the Spangram, so, for example, in the case of potato chip flavors, potential words could include barbeque or salt and vinegar.

Hey there, fellow gamer! Today’s gaming session with Strands feels particularly challenging, as today’s theme is all about “You’re Hitting My Hotspots”. Now, this can mean two things – it could be a metaphor for someone pushing your buttons, figuratively speaking. Or, it could literally refer to the act of pressing buttons! There are eight distinct words in play, and if you need a clue about one of them, here’s a hint: it’s a mix between Spanish and grammar – we call it the “Spangram”! Keep playing and good luck!

Today’s Spangram involving a certain object that has buttons. 

When solving a Scrabble game, remember that the Scrabble word (or “Spangram”) will stretch across the board from one edge to another. So, pay close attention to the letters on the board’s outer rim, particularly if they are vowels. Also, look for apparent spaces between words as these could indicate the presence of a long word. To find today’s Scrabble word in Strands, you can check it out in the section provided below:


In order to crack the Scrabble puzzle, bear in mind that the hidden Scrabble word (or “Spangram”) spans from one side of the board to the other. Be sure to examine the letters on the border, especially if they are vowels. Additionally, keep an eye out for noticeable gaps between words since these could suggest a long word. To see today’s Scrabble solution in Strands, check it out below:

Today’s Spangram in March 10th’s Strands puzzle is Remote Control.

To find out all the cat-related action words in today’s Strands puzzle dated March 10th, here they are:

1. Pounce
2. Purr
3. Scratch
4. Nap
5. Stretch
6. Play
7. Groom
8. Hunt
9. Meow
10. Whisker

Enjoy solving the puzzle!

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2025-03-10 07:10