As someone who has ventured into the world of Web3 games, I cannot stress enough the importance of prioritizing security and privacy in this digital frontier. Here are some guidelines that I have found essential:
TopMob Staff
Traditional games differ from the rapidly growing Web3 games, which leverage blockchain technology. In Web3 games, players can own and trade digital assets with real monetary value. This unique feature has been attracting worldwide player attention.
However, this new type of game offers players fresh ways to enjoy and potential earning opportunities. Yet, since real money is involved, it’s crucial to pay close attention to security and risk management. This article will explain the basics of Web3 games and discuss essential safety measures to keep in mind when playing with actual money.
Web3ゲームは、ブロックチェーン技術を活用したゲームのことを指します。Global Market Insightsのレポートによると、2023年時点で26.38億ドルもの市場規模に成長しています。
- 資産の真の所有権: プレイヤーは、ゲーム内のデジタルアイテムを実際に所有し、ゲーム外でも自由に売買や取引することが可能です。
- Play-to-Earn(P2E)モデル: ゲームをプレイすることで報酬として暗号資産を獲得し、実際の収入を得られる仕組みを採用しています。
- 分散型運営: Web3ゲームの多くは、中央集権的な運営者に依存せず、コミュニティが運営を決定します。
- クロスゲーム相互運用性: 一部のWeb3ゲームでは、異なるゲーム間でアイテムや通貨を共有できる仕組みが整えられています。
1. 信頼できるプラットフォームを選ぶ
When playing Web3 games, choosing a reliable platform is crucial from the start. Therefore, it’s essential to consider the transparency of the development team, the reputation of the community, security audits, licensing, and regulations.
Let’s verify if the developer’s information is publicly available, if there are records of their past work, what user reviews or feedback say about them, whether they have undergone security audits by third-party organizations, if they comply with appropriate licenses and regulations. Choosing a reliable platform can significantly reduce the risk of being involved in scams or unlawful games.
2. ウォレットのセキュリティを強化する
To enhance the security of your wallet, it’s recommended to use strong passwords and change them periodically, enable two-factor authentication, safely store your seed phrase and never share it with others. By strengthening your wallet’s security, you can minimize the risks of asset theft and unauthorized access. This way, you can protect your assets effectively.
3. スマートコントラクトを理解する
Many Web3 games are built upon smart contracts. In essence, a smart contract is a self-executing program that outlines the rules of the game and conditions for transactions. By understanding smart contracts, you can potentially avoid unexpected losses or unfavorable conditions.
Therefore, if possible, let’s check the smart contract code and verify the results of third-party audit. Also, I recommend understanding the functionality and limitations of the contract, and consulting a specialist if there are any suspicious points or parts that are unclear.
4. リスク管理を徹底する
5. 最新の情報とアップデートを常にチェックする
在 Web3 的世界正在快速地发展,新的威胁和解决方案不断出现。为了保持安全,请尽可能多地关注 Discord、Telegram 等官方的社区频道,同时注意任何与安全相关的新闻和警告。
6. プライバシーを保護する
In Web3 games, transactions on the blockchain may become public. To ensure privacy, it’s crucial to limit the exposure of personal information and make use of wallet addresses that offer high anonymity.
To protect your privacy and reduce the risk of being targeted, consider using a VPN to hide your IP address and avoid excessively sharing game assets or transactions on social networks. This way, you can prevent misuse of personal information.
7. 詐欺や不正なスキームに注意する
In the realm of Web3 games, there exist various scams and fraudulent schemes. For instance, be cautious of games that promise excessive returns or guaranteed profits. Additionally, steer clear of games that are growing unusually rapidly or have unclear business models.
8. コミュニティの力を活用する
If suspicious activities or potential threats are discovered, it’s advisable to inform the community and pay attention to their warnings or alerts. By leveraging the strength of the community, we can identify hidden threats or issues early on and address them promptly.
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2024-09-23 21:00