Where To Find Every Stash Location In Swamps In Stalker 2

In the game of Stalker 2, caches play a crucial role in player survival since they hold valuable resources that aid the players. These caches typically include an assortment of ammunition, healing supplies, and occasionally additional useful items.

As a gamer, I’m diving right into sharing my insights about the hidden treasures scattered across the Swamps. Be warned, it’s a risky business with plenty of hazards lurking and high levels of radiation. To stay alive in this radioactive wasteland, it’s essential to load up on anti-radiation meds and ammo before setting foot there. Good luck, fellow adventurer!

Every Stash In The Swamps Region

Each player’s hiding spot, or ‘stash’, has a randomly assigned name, but its location remains consistent. Furthermore, certain ones offer safe passage without any dangers, whereas others might contain unexpected hazards.

Horodysche Hamlet Stash

At Horodysche Hamlet, there’s a well-kept little house. Enter via the main entrance, and immediately to your front, you’ll spot another door marked with a skull symbol. Behind this door lies a hidden cache and a VS Vintar Sniper Rifle.

The room containing the stash and weapon is trapped. Tread carefully!

Train Wreck Stash

Heading towards the southwest corner of the Swamp Region as a gamer, I stumbled upon a tiny island nestled in the swamp waters. A train track stretches from the shore, leading me on an exciting journey. At the end of this track lies a solitary train carriage sitting atop a sunken landmass. With a leap of faith, I crossed over to this landmass, setting foot on the mysterious train coach that awaited my exploration.

Step into the coach, then glance at the left side. Use the knife to smash open the box and pass through it to discover the hidden stash. Inside you’ll also find an SSP-99 Ecologist armor that offers robust base statistics for radiation resistance.

Cabin Near Circus Stash

Navigate towards the Circus landmark as your starting point, then begin walking in a southerly direction towards the marshy region. As you traverse through the woodland, you’ll eventually spot a solitary cabin. Ascend the cabin walkway using the steps, and inside the cabin, you’ll discover a hidden cache. This cache may contain various supplies such as ammunition, healing items, and other valuable resources to aid your journey in the wasteland.

Keep an eye out for a sneaky creature called a Bloodsucker nearby. It’s tricky to detect, but should you see it, make sure not to lose track of it.

Fishing Hamlet Stash

Head to the fishing village located in the marshy region. There, you’ll come across a dilapidated L-shaped storage structure. The loot cache is hidden within this building. Simply enter through the double doors and ascend the large crates inside to reach the platform above. This location contains miscellaneous items, during our playthrough, we discovered some anti-radiation medications alongside other goods.

Old Church Tower Stash

In your exploration, you’ll discover a hidden cache near the church bell tower, specifically next to the old church. To access it, start by entering the church and look for a breakable platform on the left side. Once broken, navigate underneath the church until you find a ramp. Ascend the barrels and leap across to reach the broken wall leading to the attic where your stash awaits.

As a gamer, I’d say: “Scale the tower from its highest hidden room up top, use the ladders provided on my descent, and uncover a hidden cache at the base.

Bunker Outside Of Old Church Stash

1. As you arrive at Old Church, you’ll spot a brick-built shelter nearby.

2. In this shelter, there is a locked door that you need to open.

3. To unlock it, go to the room adjacent to it. There, you’ll find a broken wall which you can aim through to destroy the obstruction barricading the door.

4. Inside this adjoining room, you’ll come across a hidden cache and an impressive GP-37 assault rifle.

Here, you’ll find numerous altered creatures that could potentially pose a threat. Ensure you’re well-equipped with effective defense tools to handle any potential dangers.

Watch Tower Near Fishing Hamlet Stash

Heading northeast from the Fishing Village, you’ll come across a watchtower. Ascend the tower by utilizing the built-in staircase to reach a hidden cache at its summit. On top of the tower, you’ll discover an SVDM-2 Sniper Rifle along with some ammunition for your convenience.

Shipwreck Stash

Head towards the east from Fishing Hamlet until you spot a damaged ship in a marshy area. Enter the wreckage through the broken section at the front of the ship and ascend the stairs on the left side. Inside, you’ll discover a hidden cache that includes a Mercenary Suit, as well as numerous ammo crates to replenish your weapon supplies.

Burnt Farmstead Stash

Heading north from Burnt Farmstead, I stumbled upon a compact lookout tower and an old tractor. As I approached them, I chanced upon a hidden stash on some nearby crates. This place is teeming with peculiarities, as it seems to have fire-spewing anomalies rising from the ground.

Lonely Grave Stash

Venturing up north in the Old Church’s territory, I stumbled upon some peculiar patches of land teeming with anomalies. The easternmost patch held a grim sight – a decayed tree standing sentinel over a humble grave. Hidden behind this grave, I uncovered a secret stash brimming with handy loot. Among the finds was an extended magazine for my VS Vintar, a precious addition to my arsenal indeed!

Pumping Station Stash

At the Pumping Station, there are a pair of hastily set up oil containers. Nestled between these two containers, you’ll discover a concealed cache, skillfully tucked away behind a pallet.

This area is full of hostile enemies, shoot them first before taking this stash.

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2025-03-08 23:43