Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

I’ve always been fascinated by the stories of famous individuals and their unexpected stage names. As I read through this list, I couldn’t help but be in awe of how these people transformed themselves, often starting from humble beginnings.

Whoopi Goldberg has always been after the laughs. 

Caryn Johnson, now a comedian, has revealed that her initial stage name was inspired by a humorous present that was commonly given at the time.

She revealed to Seth Meyers on Late Night’s July 11 episode that she was called “Whoopi” first, and later became known as “Whoopi Cushion” herself.

In her thirties, The View‘s co-host remarked that it was her mom, Emma Harris, who encouraged her to switch “Cushion” to “Goldberg” as the name of her project.

“Whoopi recounted how she was told, ‘You’re underestimizing your capabilities,’ by someone. ‘If you go by Whoopi Cushion, people won’t fully recognize your talents,’ she added. I replied with a sassy retort, ‘And you’re the one who names the stars?’ To which she answered, ‘Yes.””

Based on the given text, it seems that Whoopi’s mother chose the surname Goldberg for herself and her family without any particular reason or significant history attached to it. It was simply a name she liked among the many family names they had. As someone who comes from a large and diverse family myself, I can relate to the idea of having a multitude of family names and the challenge of deciding which one to identify with. While some families may have deep-rooted traditions or historical significance behind their names, others may choose names based on personal preference or simplicity. Ultimately, it’s fascinating to learn about the stories behind different family names and the unique experiences that shape each individual’s identity.

In a natural and easy-to-read way, Whoopi’s mother, who passed away in 2010, didn’t allow her daughter to use her name for nothing in return. And the 68-year-old author clearly outlines what her mother requested in compensation in her new book titled “Bits and Pieces.”

“Whoopi noted, ‘She specified that she desired just three items.'” “She mentioned a desire for a hat made of English beaver and packaged with a brush in a leather box. Furthermore, she requested an Ermine coat, and lastly, a Bugatti.” “As you’ll find out when you read the book, my mother had impeccable taste.”

Instead of saying “she never fulfilled her mother’s wish of a Bugatti-because she couldn’t drive,” you could paraphrase it as “her mother had always desired for her to own a Bugatti, but due to her inability to drive, she was unable to make that dream come true for her.” And instead of “she did fulfill the requests of the hat and coat,” you could say “however, she managed to honor her mother’s wishes in other ways by acquiring a stylish hat and coat for her.”

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

If Whoopi gets a chance to show you, there’s a picture of my mother and granddaughter. My granddaughter had recently given birth, and my mother was wearing her beaver bowler hat. She didn’t like to wear the ermine coat outside but loved dragging it down the stairs in classic movie star fashion.

I’ve come across many fascinating stories in my years as a biographer, but none quite as amusing as this one. And let me tell you, it’s not just her that goes by an alternate name in Tinseltown. I’ve met and researched numerous celebrities whose real names are far from the glamorous monikers we’re accustomed to. This discovery adds a delightful layer of intrigue to their stories, making their journeys all the more captivating. So keep reading if you’d like to uncover more about these enigmatic figures.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Initially, the singer went by her real name to release a Christian album in 2001. However, she believed that adopting the stage name Katy Perry, which derives from her mother’s maiden name, would attract more fans in the pop music scene.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

As an obsessed fan, I’d put it this way: Cardi B became enamored with the nickname Bacardi bestowed upon her by her loved ones. The moniker resonated deeply with her, but she eventually felt that it didn’t quite capture her essence. So, she made the decision to shorten it, adapting it into a name that better represented who she is.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Before she became the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle was briefly known as Rachel. 

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

During an interview on Apple Music’s Home Now Radio, Shania Twain explained the background of her stage name: “Initially, I was named Eilleen Regina Edwards. After being adopted, I became Eilleen Regina Twain. As a professional singer, I sought a stage name that didn’t resemble my grandmothers’, namesakes of both Eilleen and Regina. I wanted to differentiate myself onstage, so I chose Shania Twain as my new identity. I was captivated by the name Shania, which I had encountered before, and thus, Shania Twain came into existence.”

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Surprisingly, the nickname “Gigi” for Gigi Hadid originated in school when her teacher mixed her up with another student named Helena. As her mother affectionately called her “gigi,” she requested that the teacher use that name instead, and it eventually became her identifiable moniker.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

If you’re looking for an explosive action-star name, how about Vin Diesel instead?

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

The radiant grin of Miley Cyrus was the origin of her endearing childhood moniker, Smiley. Over time, this label evolved into simply Miley, a name that has remained with her ever since.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

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Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Before the meat dresses and chart-topping music, Lady Gaga was just an everyday girl from New York.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Jason Sudeikis revealed on “Today” that he was named Daniel after his father. However, to prevent confusion, his mother ended up calling him Jason instead.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Emma Stone had to choose a new stage name when she discovered that the Screen Actors Guild already had a member using her real name.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

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Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

For every artist, there exists a hidden self, and Lana Del Rey is the one that the singer identifies with most.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

In 2014, Frank Ocean legally changed his name because, why not? 

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

An intriguing detail about Tina Fey from “30 Rock” is that her real name is Elizabeth. As a nod to her given name, she named her character on the show Liz Lemon.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

This pioneer of West Coast rap would later go on to be known as Snoop Dogg.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

It’s interesting to note that the singer known as Lorde has a deep fascination with the nobility. This explanation sheds light on why she opted for the name with a feminine ending.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Prior to entertaining crowds with his lively dance moves,music sensation Ricky Martin was known by this common name in daily life.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

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Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

During an acceptance speech, Taylor Swift left fans baffled when she expressed gratitude towards her then-boyfriend Adam, who turned out to be none other than Calvin Harris, whose real identity was later uncovered. Calvin explained to Shortlist magazine that he adopted the pseudonym to give his music a more soulful and ambiguous racial image for his debut single.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Before she became a household name, this was what erstwhile Friend Jennifer Aniston answered to.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

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Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Before he became arguably the biggest movie star in the world, Tom Cruise went by this name.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

In the year 1980, Natalie Portman entered the world as a newborn and began her journey towards becoming a successful actress in the future.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Prior to gaining fame as a successful television personality and marrying Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi went by a different name.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Guess music superstar Elton John didn’t think his original name would be a hit with audiences.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

Check The Simple Life alum Nicole Richie‘s birth certificate and this is the name you’ll see.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

As an obsessed fan, I can’t help but be captivated by the story of how Bono, the iconic lead singer of U2, got his memorable nickname. It wasn’t some grand, public event or a formal decision – just a playful gesture from my high school friends. They bestowed upon him this name, and before I knew it, Bono’s famous moniker came to be.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

We agree. Carmen Electra is much more effective when it comes to selling a sexy Baywatch persona.

Whoopi Goldberg Shares Cheeky Story Behind Her Stage Name

In my passionate quest for comedy recognition, I adopted the alias Eric Bishop and embarked on a grueling phase where I was repeatedly denied the opportunity to perform before an audience. My fellow comedians had inexplicably barred me from gracing their stages week after week. Determined not to let this setback hinder my dream, I ventured out to a new venue and penned down three seemingly gender-neutral names as potential stage personas. With bated breath, I stepped onto the unfamiliar stage and was met with an overwhelming standing ovation. Needless to say, the name Eric Bishop resonated strongly with that crowd, and it became my permanent stage moniker from then on.

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2024-07-17 17:18