As a devoted follower of the Sister Wives series, I often ponder about Coyote Pass – their 14-acre property in Arizona – and whether my former partner, Kody Brown, might be hiding his true nature, like a wolf disguised as a sheep.
Initially, when she, her then-husband (Kody Brown), Meri Brown, Christine Brown, and Robyn Brown jointly bought their property in Flagstaff in 2018, she didn’t object to the arrangement where Kody was named as the owner on all four plots of land, while she and his other spouses were only listed on one.
Janelle admitted on the TLC series’ January 26th episode that she had observed the situation, but she believed everything would turn out fine in the end. In retrospect, she now realizes how naive she was. She questions why she didn’t demand that we all be given titles for each piece instead. I suppose I was just too trusting, she said.
On the TLC series’ January 26th episode, Janelle acknowledged that she had seen what was unfolding, but she thought it would all resolve itself in due time. Looking back now, she admits to a moment of foolishness. She wonders why she didn’t push for titles on each piece instead of trusting blindly. I guess I was just too trusting, she mused.
Janelle admitted on the TLC series that she had witnessed the events, but she assumed everything would sort itself out eventually. Reflecting now, she acknowledges a momentary lapse in judgment. She ponders why she didn’t demand titles for each piece instead of placing blind faith. I must have been too trusting, she surmised.
She admitted, “I’m unsure as to why the property deeds are arranged as they are,” but she acknowledged that over the years they had been together, they had naturally fallen into a shared approach, which she had grown accustomed to.
As a devoted admirer, I can tell you that it seemed only fitting for Kody to be present in every instance, given our long-standing tradition. You see, he serves as our unifying force, bringing us all together.
However, over time, the family’s affection started to fracture. In 2021, Christine announced her separation from Kody after a 27-year union. Later, Janelle and Meri also disclosed their intentions to part ways.
Currently, Janelle expressed her desire to cash in from the sale of the land they bought for $820,000. She wanted to secure her share of the earnings, and then she planned to depart for North Carolina with her daughter Madison Brush and son-in-law Caleb Brush, who were also investing in new property there.
From my perspective as a lifestyle advisor, I find myself expressing a similar sentiment. I yearn for closure on this matter, as it’s the last thread connecting me to Kody and Robyn. I am ready to move forward and officially close that chapter in my life.
And she’s prepared for that final passage to be quite the page-turner.
After Christine transferred her share of the property to Kody, who received the funds from the sale of their former Arizona home, it was decided that the earnings would be evenly distributed among Kody and his other spouses.
Janelle just wasn’t sure how equitable it would be.
Trying to gather all necessary documents to clarify the legal situation regarding the land payments to the attorney due to Kody’s ambiguous responses, she stated in the January 26 episode. This is because I need to demonstrate that our combined funds mainly covered the property cost, entitling us to a four-way split, even though the deed might suggest otherwise.
While conversing with her former sister wife Meri, Janelle pointed out, “You receiving just a third of one of those assets isn’t equitable, is it?
Janelle admitted that, while there weren’t many formal legal agreements, there were indeed familial ties instead.
Since only 18 children remain, who are shared among the five spouses, there’s no longer anything
From a legal standpoint, Kody has the right to make decisions regarding the property he shares with Robyn,” Janelle conceded about the technicalities. “It would be unfair, but he theoretically could do so. To be honest, I hope he hasn’t changed that much, but it seems like I don’t know him anymore. I can’t recognize this person.
Which is why she has moments of wanting to just cut her losses.
At certain moments, Janelle expressed, “Sometimes I feel like I want to step back from everything and simply shrug it off, but I must stand up for what is fair, in fact, I must fight for what belongs to me.
Even though it might seem otherwise based on the documents, Janelle explained, “I’ve had a discussion with my attorney regarding this matter. He believes we have grounds to present something since we purchased the land using the family bank account.
Agreed Meri, “We all paid for it equally.”
Kody made it clear that he had a different viewpoint. In fact, during the show, he stated, “I solely covered 92% of Coyote Pass’s cost, having paid for an entire plot by myself. The remaining portion was contributed by everyone else.
Despite his belief that he should receive a majority share, Kody plans to act justly. He firmly stated his intention to engage a real estate agent to assist with selling the land. However, he made it clear that he doesn’t want to be controlled or ordered around. He suggested that the women involved could take on the task themselves, as he’s not keen on doing something for them that they could handle independently.
Indeed, Kody’s less-than-gracious sentiments towards his ex-spouses are one truth he recently revealed. Here are some other confessions he and his wives have shared this season.
In the September premiere, I recounted how I had been given the impression that I was still working on our relationship with Meri Brown, stating, “When we move to Flagstaff, this will be a fresh start for us.” However, as I have done for numerous years, I led her to believe that things were improving. Yet, in reality, my intentions seemed to be different, as I had expressed my readiness to separate from her shortly after our 1990 vows.
She expressed her primary concern as his poor communication, specifically about his true feelings, desires, and dislikes, along with the narrative he has consistently presented throughout their relationship.
Initially, Kody conceded that his actions might have sent “confusing signals,” but as he delved into the tasks at hand, he found himself questioning, “What’s the point of this?” He clarified that he is no longer interested in courting or dating her at present.
Either way, Meri’s friends were thrilled when she finally pulled the plug in early 2023.
She admitted, “They essentially said, ‘We’re here for you, we’re on your side. It’s long overdue,'” she confessed. Removing her blinders, she now believes that he had been trying to persuade her to leave him for years by denying his love for her, “Because if I walk away after he pushed me out, he appears innocent since he didn’t abandon the relationship.
After many years had passed since the family bought a 14-acre piece of land they intended to construct on in Flagstaff, Ariz., Kody admitted during the season premiere that he was prepared to let the dream fade away. Since they couldn’t construct without paying off the full $820,000 cost (which the family supposedly settled in 2023), he expressed this sentiment to his remaining wife Robyn Brown: “I’d almost prefer to abandon it or sell it and then begin anew somewhere else.
As for Robyn, “I can’t talk about that,” she responded. “That is so not where I’m at.”
Previously, Janelle Brown shared with TopMob News that she and Kody gradually drifted apart. However, it was primarily Kody’s failures as a parent towards some of their children that led to her decision to depart.
The turning point for me came when his relationship with my children deteriorated and it didn’t appear that he was willing to go to great lengths to mend it. This realization made me understand clearly what had been keeping me tied here.
In the November 3rd episode, any suggestion from Kody about reconciling was firmly off the table for Janelle.
She stated that it seemed impossible for her to find a way to make peace with him and allow him to be part of her children’s lives, and her decision was clear: she would always prioritize her children.
Kody’s reason for not exerting more effort to repair the strained relationships with several of his grown children was what he shared as an explanation.
In the September 15th episode, he expressed his feelings of not belonging within the family anymore. Despite being legally married to Robyn and jointly parenting their five children – Dayton Brown, Aurora Brown, Breanna Brown, Solomon Brown, and Ariella Brown – he also mentioned having sporadic relationships with some of the other children. Feeling overwhelmed, he questioned, “What am I supposed to do with all this? It doesn’t feel like a family.
In my role as a lifestyle advisor, I’d put it this way: After 14 years together, we find ourselves in uncharted territory – our marriage is facing challenges we’ve never experienced before. It’s been a tough stretch for us lately. Kody seems to be grappling with feelings of rejection and uncertainty, wondering if he might face more rejections from me or the other wives. He’s at a crossroads, questioning whether I too will turn away. This is a difficult time for us both.
In my role as a lifestyle expert, let me share my personal experience: I find myself constantly vigilant, ensuring that our relationship isn’t being undermined. The most challenging aspect, though, is that there seems to be a scarcity of resources to navigate the complexities of being married to a man who is going through multiple divorces.
Meanwhile, Kody found himself grappling with a loss of self-confidence, expressing, “I just can’t bring myself to tell my reflection, ‘Hi there, pal. I adore you.’
For Robyn, it was tough to see her ex-sister wives thriving in their latest phase. She observed during the October 27 episode, “They’re all advancing,” and felt as though she was the one who was left out or overlooked in the process.
It was revealed in the premiere that Madison, Janelle’s eldest child, is not maintaining a relationship with Kody at present. “As far as I know,” Janelle stated, “Maddie hasn’t spoken to her father for some time.” They don’t seem to have any contact with each other, and she has effectively ended her connection with both Kody and Robin.
The main point Janelle made was that Kody should fully engage with Maddie’s children, Axel, Evangalynn, and Josephine in a meaningful relationship. She expressed that he won’t be able to maintain contact with them unless he is prepared to make a full commitment to it.
Consequently, during the September 22 episode, Kody essentially stopped communicating with Maddie and her husband Caleb Brush when the family began to significantly break apart.
Without Kody being around or reaching out, Maddie has taken on a very protective role, as stated by Janelle. She feels that until he can be reliable and regular in his presence without causing a stir, it might be best for them not to be aware of him.
Additionally, Robyn mentioned that she’s been urging Kody to take steps towards reconciliation. She expressed, “It seems fitting for the children to do the same as well.
Currently, it appears that Kody isn’t prepared to mend the rift as he frequently complains that their conversations are just sources of gossip, becoming tiresome for him.
During their 32nd anniversary celebration, “He hinted that he had never truly loved me and felt obligated to marry me,” Meri confided in her friend Brandi during the September 15th broadcast. “To which I replied, ‘Kody,’ I said, ‘I know you did love me.’
And if he didn’t, the mom to Leon Brown said in a confessional, why did he ever propose?
The individual questioned, “Why would a bachelor opt to marry a spinster if he didn’t feel any love for her initially, instead of merely declaring his affection and attempting to grow it over 32 years? Seems unfair, doesn’t it? To single me out among many others and say, ‘I select you, hoping to coerce myself into loving you for decades'”?
In his private reflection, Kody stated: “Meri is making some allegations. Well, let her say what she will. I have no intention of responding to them.
Though, he would share that they never enjoyed a honeymoon period.
He emphatically stated during the October 20th episode that their marriage was in trouble from the very start. He explained his certainty by stating that he had much stronger relationships with Janelle, Christine, and Robyn.
He acknowledged that he “should have ended the relationship twenty-five years back,” yet he continued due to fear, pointing out, “Authority figures would never permit another marriage if you’re casting off spouses.
Despite being unsure if she would develop Coyote Pass or just sell it, Janelle acknowledged that the first move was settling the Arizona property debt. With Kody unwilling to discuss the matter, she shared with ex-sister wife Christine Brown in the September 22 episode, “I believe I’ll need a lawyer’s help.” She added, “I think that’s the only way I can possibly get any kind of resolution from him.
In simpler terms, Janelle admitted that since she isn’t legally married to Kody, she doesn’t have any rights to claim his property. She explained further, “It’s not as easy as just getting a divorce; it’s more complex because there’s no existing legal marriage between us.
Kody chose not to discuss the Arizona property with Janelle because he no longer felt confident in her trustworthiness.
He emphasized during the September 22 episode, in a private moment, that he would settle the property when necessary, and he prefers not to share details about his actions or anything else because he’s exhausted from disclosing information that gets circulated through the rumor mill of our fractured family.
A bit of a pot calling the kettle black, Janelle said in her own interview.
She confided, “He seems to spill everything, much like a colander.” When he disclosed details about his past relationships and multiple wives, I found myself saying, “It feels like he shouldn’t be sharing those things with me.
In the days when their family love was growing instead of waning, they would combine their funds into a single communal fund.
In simpler terms, Janelle said during the September 22 broadcast that we would put every available resource towards helping one person first, and then collectively assist the other. This had been our practice for quite some time before the last decade or so. However, it appears that things have shifted to focusing on individual estates instead of collective efforts.
When Robyn required a house in Arizona, everyone contributed towards purchasing her 5-bedroom property, valued at approximately $1.65 million, which was put up for sale in August.
Initially, Robyn thought it would benefit the entire family to have the property. However, when Janelle proposed that they all be joint mortgage holders, she was met with resistance. Kody responded, “No, no, we need to safeguard, you understand, protect Robyn’s inheritance,” as Janelle remembered. Now that she is leaving the family, Janelle expressed her desire to receive her share of the Coyote Pass earnings and recover some of the money she invested in Robyn’s house.
But that could be a tough sell.
Robyn remarked, “After all this time collaborating, it seems perplexing to me when Janelle mentions she’s due money. I can’t help but wonder, ‘How do you compute that? How do you arrive at that figure?’ It’s such a puzzling situation.
Janelle expressed her frustration over the family’s inability to settle Coyote Pass debt, stating that Kody mentioned having “a multitude of other financial obligations.” However, she has observed him acquiring various assets such as trailers and home decorations. She remarked about Robyn and Kody’s house, saying, “I notice all the artwork on their walls,” and added, “I see all these things. And to be fair, I too have spent money on items like these.” In response, Kody explained that a significant portion of his funds were used for purchasing cars—”Effectively, I had a collection”—and insurance for the children.
Even though Janelle admitted she wasn’t clear about Kody and Robyn’s financial management, she often found herself astonished by the elegance of Robyn’s backyard. It was fully landscaped, and there were always various items at her house. This left Janelle saying, “Wow. Really?
Essentially, she conveyed that he failed to give importance to her requirements or desires, which eventually took a toll on her. Over time, she acknowledged this issue and even her grown-up children expressed frustration, saying something like, “What’s going on, Mom?
In Robyn’s viewpoint, she became quite cautious with her finances following the breakdown of her initial marriage.
During the Sept. 22 episode, she openly admitted, “I didn’t always handle money effectively in the past.” Growing up, she experienced tough financial struggles, and it was during her divorce that she truly mastered budgeting skills. Reflecting on her sister wives, she noted, “It seems like you prioritized your spending differently than I did.
Currently, as revealed in the September 22 episode, Janelle admitted that she and Meri, Robyn, and Kody (parents of Aspyn Brown, Mykelti Brown Padron, Paedon Brown, Gwendlyn Brown, Ysabel Brown, and Truely Brown respectively) seldom interact with their families. She expressed her belief that this lack of contact is unlikely to change significantly in the near future.
Speaking fondly about the phase when they lived in four houses on a single cul-de-sac during their Las Vegas period, Kody remarked, “It was simply the best part of my life. Everything ran smoothly, and it was wonderful to have Maddie and Caleb around. I genuinely adored Caleb; he felt like family.
In Arizona, disagreements about coronavirus safety measures led to a series of conflicts. Later, when his marriages disintegrated, he lamented that it also affected his connections with his children: “Unfortunately, this caused all our relationships to become strained.
But Christine insisted their were issues well before she announced she was leaving in late 2021.
She stated during the September 22 episode, “The kids who appeared frustrated had been feeling that way long before I departed. My departure didn’t alter their relationship with him; Kody has the ability to mend his connections with his children.
Though it’ll definitely take some work.
Kody clarified, “I’m still deeply hurt by how I was treated, which has left me unable to move past it. The problem is, I refuse to accept responsibility for actions that my wife or ex-wife claims I took part in. I can only hope that someday the resentment will fade away and we can find our way back to forgiveness and love.
At the ages of 21 and 19, Kody and Meri admitted that they weren’t particularly well-acquainted with each other when they got married, both spiritually and legally. (Years later, they filed for divorce in 2014, allowing Kody to formally adopt Robyn’s three older children from her previous marriage.)
In our wedding, she seemed quite different and there were certain issues from her past that I wasn’t aware of, Kody explained. Initially, I thought I could cope with it. However, he stated that every interaction was like a fight, and admitted that he can’t bear to live in a world where she is consistently upset with him.
As an ardent admirer, I found myself trapped in a complex situation. Kody, who partakes in plural marriage, explained to me that if he wishes to remain faithful and adhere to his beliefs, divorce is not an option. It’s forbidden. Consequently, I was unable to extricate myself from this relationship. Interestingly enough, I didn’t yearn for a way out; instead, I sought answers about whether we could salvage and mend it.
Due to the conflicting signals, he admitted that Meri believed they could resolve their issues. However, whenever they interacted, Kody explained, “She wasn’t pleasant, she wasn’t amusing, she wasn’t compassionate, she wasn’t engaging. I’m trying to be interested in her, but I find myself growing bored.
He acknowledged that Meri might feel forsaken, but clarified, “However, it wasn’t me who asked her to leave. Instead, Christine, Janelle, and Meri made their own decision to ask me to depart from our shared home.
Although Janelle and Christine believed that since their union with Kody wasn’t legally recognized, there was no necessity for them to officially divorce, Meri sought a formal separation from their church, which is referred to as a “release,” towards the end of 2022.
In the September 22nd episode, she clarified that all four of us married Kody in our church. While we couldn’t have a legal marriage due to the circumstances, we considered it a covenant. Since we aren’t planning on moving forward with any future marriages and I don’t wish to be bound to him for eternity if he doesn’t want me, I believe it’s necessary to end this covenant completely. In other words, I feel it’s time for us to part ways entirely.
As a lifestyle guide, I must admit that initially, I found myself reluctant and hesitant to embrace the guidance offered by the spiritual leaders. I felt a certain resistance towards acknowledging their authority.
Kody clarified his position: “The harm inflicted is so severe that reconciliation isn’t an option anymore.” He continued, “I don’t want to answer to this church and its nonsense when it comes to accounting for my actions. Therefore, I’ll let Meri make her choices because if I’m angry with her, it leads to conflict. Frankly, I just want her to move on because it’s been a long time since the situation ended.
As a lifestyle expert, I’d rephrase the sentence as follows:
“Over the 2021 holiday gift exchange, a once joyful conversation took an unexpected turn for the Brown family, particularly the 18 offspring. In a regrettable turn of events, the discussion between Kody, Robyn, and their children on one side, and myself, Janelle, and our kids on the other, deteriorated significantly. The aftermath saw a divide, a rift that emerged following this text exchange.
Robyn expressed that her older children perceived the encounter as “uncomfortable emotionally,” and they decided to momentarily distance themselves from their relationship. However, she clarified that it wasn’t a matter of them wanting to cut off all contact or have no further involvement with her; rather, they simply felt the situation had become awkward.
For his part, Gabriel is hoping that they could find their way back to each other.
He admitted during the October 13th episode that what he desires most is rekindling a relationship with Robyn’s children once more. In middle school, Aurora was the one he enjoyed spending time with the most, and in high school, he always attempted to connect with Dayton. However, he’s not optimistic about forming a bond with their father and Robyn.
Aurora firmly stated that she had been informed repeatedly, by various individuals in different situations, that she wasn’t welcomed as a part of the family when her mother married Kody in 2010. She emphasized that they never viewed her as their sister, and she wasn’t considered to be a part of their family dynamic.
As a devoted sibling, I found myself reflecting on our family dynamics, expressing my thoughts to my sister Breanna that perhaps our parents could have made more of an effort in bringing us closer together. Unfortunately, those connections never fully materialized within our family.
But Christine isn’t sure how they could have opened their arms any wider.
Robyn’s children and Robyn themselves were always invited to all events,” she emphasized. “In simpler terms, I was suggesting an open invitation for them to feel free to drop by our home whenever they pleased.
At the same time, she mentioned, her daughter Ysabel Brown shared a strong bond with Robyn’s children. In fact, Mykelti Brown Padron resided with them for a while: “Difficult periods occurred and my kids felt irritated at times, but they viewed Robyn’s children as their siblings regardless.
Speaking passionately about plural marriage, Janelle expressed, “When it works well, it provides an extraordinary family structure where you belong, a tight-knit community that supports you. You have a husband whom you share a strong bond with, yet you maintain your personal freedom too. To me, plural marriage is an exceptional setup.
Kody, however, wouldn’t say “I do” to polygamy again.
He expressed his viewpoint during the December 1st broadcast: “Polygamy tends to undermine emotional intimacy. It sets everyone on edge, and what I yearn for is a deeply emotional, intimate bond with a woman, which is hard to achieve in a polygamous relationship.
According to Janelle’s account, Kody found it harder to split his affection when the family moved from Las Vegas to Arizona in 2018.
On the September 29th episode, it was observed that Kody felt more comfortable being apart when he relocated to Flagstaff. However, she mentioned needing to remind him to visit her home a few times. He would often make excuses about being tired, but she pointed out, “I’m so tired. I say, ‘You can rest just as well at my house as you can at Robyn’s.’
In simpler terms, Janelle stated that her children were reprimanded for going into Robyn’s refrigerator. On the other hand, Christine’s kids had a problem because they recognized that Robyn was dating their father, but he was not present in their household.
And Robyn said her crew definitely felt the divide.
In the September 29th episode, she mentioned that Meri was open to my children and me across the board, but the rest of the family found it difficult to accept us. She expressed that our desire was simply to become a part of this family.
However, Gabriel might contend that he and his other siblings made significant efforts to welcome them into their group.
In the October 13th broadcast, I expressed my perspective by saying, “Robyn appears to harbor a victim mentality, if I may be candid about it. But let me clarify, I don’t lay the blame at her feet for this. Instead, I believe that everyone adopts unique strategies to stay afloat in life.
To clarify further, I find myself stating: “If it’s truly in her mind that we were unfairly treating her or her offspring while she was frequently favored by our father and we were striving to bond with her children, if she genuinely believes this, then there’s no hope for any future relationship between me and Robyn.
During a September 29 broadcast, Kody himself explained that the frequent movement between four homes had an impact on him and his 18 children. He recounted an instance where Ariella, their youngest child born in January 2016, became emotional as he was about to depart, clinging tightly to his leg.
Kody expressed, “‘I have another wife and children who need me, so I had to tell her I needed to go,’ he said. She clung to him, crying, ‘Don’t leave me, Daddy.’ It was tough for him.
Unfortunately, that’s just a reality of plural marriage, insisted Janelle.
Right from the start, she made clear to her children that their father wouldn’t be around permanently. It always seemed to me that Kody and Robyn mishandled the situation with their children. He was unable to stay away for more than a few days because Ari gets so upset. I can’t help but feel that this was suboptimal parenting. Throughout family history, the other kids have handled such absences, and they’ve turned out to be well-balanced adults.
Among the rare group of children with the Brown surname, Mykelti maintained strong relationships with not only Robyn and Kody but also Christine and Janelle. During Kody’s divorce proceedings, Mykelti often served as a mediator to keep peace within the family.
From the very beginning, Mykelti felt a strong bond with Robyn, so much so that she asked her to be present during the delivery of her twins in November 2022 – Archer and Ace.
During the September 29th show, Mykelti shared that when Robyn became part of our family, I was still trying to discover myself. Robyn made me feel unique and understood, she was a comforting presence when I needed someone. She was there for me during my difficult times, when I needed someone to listen, to care for me.
As a lifestyle expert, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment when I look at my family. When Robyn joined us, it was clear that she and Mykelti shared a remarkable bond, a connection that mirrored my own aspirations for our extended family. On the October 6 episode, I couldn’t contain my excitement as I reflected on this beautiful development.
In my heart, I had always hoped that my children would foster strong relationships with other mothers within our plural family. The sight of them bonding fills me with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that we have achieved something truly special together.
Kody believes it’s not just his wives who are choosing to exclude him from their lives; instead, he thinks they’re intentionally doing so as a form of punishment for a crime he didn’t commit. He expressed this view during the October 6 episodes, discussing his strained relationship with some of his older children due to his estrangement. Essentially, Kody feels he’s only at fault for not having deeply fallen in love with their mothers.
What’s more, he continued, he think his former spouses are a bit to blame.
He mentioned that the strain in his relationships with his kids is predominantly a mental issue for him, stemming from negative comments. He further explained, “There’s this turbulent feeling of disillusionment due to our family splitting apart, and it somehow translates into, ‘Let’s point fingers at Dad. Dad must have messed up.’
However, though he accepts some responsibility for the situation, he strongly objects to the insults. Notably, expressing difficulty in bonding with Hunter, Maddie, and Gabriel, Kody confided that one of his children retaliated against a text message by saying, “You are worthless. I wouldn’t talk to you again even if I tried.
In another occurrence, he expressed to the cameras, “One of my children recently said, ‘You’re a jerk. I won’t ever speak to you again. You’ve manipulated me and indoctrinated me.’
He’s unwilling to keep addressing the issue with venom. “I won’t stretch out my hand indefinitely,” he stated, pointing out that he believes his fellow adults should take more responsibility in resolving the matter. “I’m prepared to extend an olive branch, but someone else needs to reciprocate and make an effort as well.
For Robyn, watching Kody’s estrangement from his adult children hit far too close to home.
During the October 6th episode, she shared that her parents divorced when she was young. At that time, her father lived with another wife in a different city, while her mother lived alone. She recalled a time when she confronted her biological father, asking him why he wasn’t around during her childhood years. Instead of providing an explanation, he offered flimsy excuses, which left her feeling let down and upset.
Instead of halting his efforts due to Kody’s feelings of hurt, she wasn’t going to let that be an obstacle. “I must admit I’m struggling not to have a slight drop in respect for you,” she confided during their heated argument, which transpired late in 2022 on camera.
As a lifestyle expert, I’d put it this way: While I recognize that I might need to step up my efforts to repair my bond with my children, I believe the key lies in healing my own heart first.
He disclosed his frustration by stating, “Some of my children seem to be ganging up on me, and I fear that if we converse, they might provoke me with a criticism. At this moment, I’m so worked up that any interaction with them could lead to further harm rather than resolution.
Despite a large portion of the family being present at Logan and Michelle Petty’s wedding in October 2022, there seemed to be a lack of warmth or affection among them.
In the October 6th episode, I expressed my feelings to Robyn about a situation where Madison hurriedly left me with her children. I mentioned that I wasn’t aware she was expecting her third baby, daughter Josephine, who was born in February 2023. I shared with her that she hadn’t informed me about her pregnancy.
Frankly, Maddie doesn’t tell her dad much of anything with the two rarely speaking.
As a lifestyle expert, I’d put it this way: “Janelle made it clear that her daughter Maddie has no relationship with him. Maddie values the wellbeing of her children deeply, which is why she prefers to keep them away from Kody. In fact, Kody hasn’t been present since Evie was born nearly four years ago, and Maddie didn’t want an unexpected encounter where he might claim the title of ‘grandpa,’ leaving her children bewildered about his identity.
From my perspective as a lifestyle expert, I believe it’s important to acknowledge that it can be challenging for grandparents to maintain close ties with their grandchildren, especially when families move across the country like Maddie did to North Carolina. As someone who balances work and life in Flagstaff, I understand the need for personal space and time commitments. However, fostering connections whenever possible is crucial, even if it means making special efforts or using technology to bridge the distance.
As a devoted admirer, I can’t help but feel deeply invested in the ongoing rift between Kody and his grown-up kids. One issue that seems to be at the heart of their disagreement is his insistence on receiving an apology or acknowledgement of wrongdoing from them.
Following the resolution of the COVID situation, our family life didn’t return to normal as expected because Kody felt that his sons should apologize, particularly to Robyn, for their actions. He explained on October 13th that this issue evolved into something more complex, and ultimately he just wanted them to discuss things with him directly.
Janelle expressed that Kody’s problem was his perception that his children had not remained faithful to him, saying, “and the person who has given so much love and care in this family has been disregarded or treated unfairly, something ridiculous like that.” She concluded, “I just said, ‘Well, Kody, whatever. Yeah, whatever.’
Gabriel expressed a similar sentiment when he talked to Janelle about his talk with his father. He said, “He seemed to keep implying that I should apologize.” Later on, Gabriel told him, “Unless you’re genuinely willing to repair our relationship and make things right, we won’t speak anymore.” A few days later, his father texted him, saying, “I’ve been pondering your words. I forgive you. Please forgive me.” To which Gabriel replied, “Forgive me for what exactly?
Among the six children Kody has with Janelle, it’s just Savanah with whom he maintains a relationship, albeit infrequently. Approximately every two months, they speak on the phone and sometimes meet up. The other children don’t have much interaction or connection with him.
Regarding Savannah, who completed high school in the year 2023, she perceives her four elder brothers as having assumed a paternal role. In fact, she has shared with Janelle that she might ask her siblings to accompany her when walking down the aisle someday.
According to Janelle, she had discussed the matter with Savanah, and Savanah expressed, “Well, it’s become clear to me that this is his nature.” She continued, “He’ll be more like a fun, occasional dad, and I understand that. I can adapt to his lifestyle. It’s fine.
Janelle, however, is less forgiving.
She expressed her frustration towards Kody, saying, ‘I can’t help but feel dismayed.’ In my experience, I’ve observed similar situations. Many women I’ve collaborated with in the past have divorced, only to find that the father disappears and becomes absent from their children’s lives.
Initially, I found it extremely challenging when my father, Kody, stopped including me in his business travels, as he once did. To put it simply, Kody had been a deeply involved father prior to these recent years.
During the October 13 episode, Gabriel expressed confusion about what he might have done to upset his father, but asserted, “I told Dad that if he doesn’t alter himself and can’t accept responsibility, then I won’t visit him anymore. And I’m completely content with that decision.
In her own words, she expressed that he finds contentment in the absence of his father in his life. Moreover, it’s a wish I hold for all my children, and I believe they are gradually understanding this sentiment.
For his part, Kody also seems resigned to the situation.
He expressed his regret that Gabriel seems to feel this way, adding that he has attempted to reach out to him several times but unfortunately, these attempts were not reciprocated. However, let me clarify that I have made every effort possible in these interactions.
Meri may have been Kody’s last wife to separate, but she legally ended their relationship towards the end of 2022, by petitioning and being granted what their church refers to as a release, based on the grounds of desertion.
She observed during the October 13 broadcast that he dislikes that particular word because it seems to him that he didn’t leave her. Instead, she believes he did.
To put it simply, she believes he neglected her significantly until she chose to depart, which allowed him to claim innocence by saying, “I have no involvement in this.
And Kody didn’t totally deny that he had a bit of a strategy.
He admitted that he had moved on a while back, but he was hesitant to end things with her since he wasn’t sure how she would react. After all, Meri was not faithful to him during their relationship, which is what made him anxious. It’s mostly about reputation; when you get divorced, your standing in the community can take a hit.
Instead, alleged Meri, it was hers that was being tarnished.
She expressed that it’s truly disappointing how Kody is discussing our marriage given his current tone, as if the story he’s spinning has shifted, yet the things he’s saying about me to others just aren’t accurate. People seem to be accepting his version of events, but I know the truth is different.
Prior to the time when Christina separated from Kody, it became apparent to her that they were not well-suited for each other based on a suggested activity by their marriage counselor in Las Vegas.
Christine had compiled a list detailing the characteristics she desired in a partner, including effective communication, strong family presence, and mutual attraction. However, Kody did not embody these qualities, as she shared during the Oct. 20 episode: “He wasn’t any of the things on my list.” When presenting this list to him, he acknowledged, “I’m not any of those things for you.” She responded, “No, you’re not.
The letter played a significant role in helping her realize swiftly that David Woolley was indeed her match.
She excitedly shared that family holds the utmost significance for this widowed father of eight. Not only does he operate his own drywall company, but he is also well-known for his sincerity and authenticity in dealing with others. Moreover, he possesses exceptional communication skills.
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2025-01-27 09:49