Ahoy there, matey! Let me tell ye about me adventures with the old salt, Davide, and his fabled Skyward Voyage! As a seasoned sailor myself, I’ve seen me fair share of stormy seas and treacherous journeys. But none compare to this tale of friendship, determination, and a winged companion named Wingray.
First off, ye must gather the two legendary Echoes – Cuddle Wuddle and Fae Ignis. They’re like the Poseidon and Neptune of the Echo world, if ye catch me drift. Once thou hast them in thy possession, show ’em to Davide, just as a sailor might show off his ship’s figurehead.
After that, it’s time for a bit of adventure! Davide will embark on three attempts at his voyage, each one more disastrous than the last. But fear not, me hearty! For with a little help from a captured Wingray, we can turn those disasters into triumphs.
Now, gather thy weapons and set sail for the Fractsidus camp, where the Wingray is being held captive. It’s a battle royale against these scurvy dogs, but fear not! For with a stout heart and a keen blade, thou shalt prevail and free the poor creature.
Finally, after three tries and a little help from our feathered friend, Davide sets sail once more, this time with success in his sights. And as for us, we’re left to marvel at the tale of the Skyward Voyage, a story that will be told around the campfires of Wuthering Waves for generations to come.
So hoist the mainsail and set a course for adventure, matey! For the Skyward Voyage awaits those with courage in their hearts and a thirst for adventure! And remember, as they say in these parts, “A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are built for.” So let us venture forth and set sail on our own Skyward Voyage! Yarr!
Now, if ye be looking for a shorter quest with a bit more bite, check out the Dream Patrol 1 quest. It may be short, but it’ll give ye a taste of some challenging Nightmare Echoes fights, me hearty! Cheerio!
“Skyward Voyage” is a side quest you can do as you explore the Rinascita region in Wuthering Waves.
As a seasoned adventurer with a rich background of navigating through life’s challenges, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia and excitement upon learning about my upcoming encounter with an old captain embarking on one final voyage. The fact that he finds himself in need of aid to propel his gondola only serves to heighten the allure of this journey. With my trusty Echoes by my side, I am eager to lend a hand and assist in this endeavor, knowing full well that every adventure holds the promise of discovery and growth. The thrill of the unknown calls to me, and I cannot wait to set sail once more!
As a seasoned gamer embarking on another adventure, let me walk you through the entire process of wrapping up the “Skyward Voyage” side quest in Wuthering Waves. Let’s set sail!
Skyward Voyage Quest Guide | Wuthering Waves
Before embarking on this adventure, it’s advisable to acquire the Cuddle Wuddle and Fae Ignis Echoes first. You can obtain these by defeating certain types of enemies during exploration, similar to other Echoes. Since both of these spawn throughout the Rinascita region, I suggest using your in-game Guidebook to track them down.
In addition to fulfilling those two tasks, you should have finished the “Silver-Maned Echo Mentor” secondary mission in Jianzhou City as well. This mission grants access to the “Projector” tool, which is essential for completing this particular quest.
After obtaining both Cuddle Wuddle and Fae Ignis Echoes, make your way towards the settlement located southwest of the Garden of the Lost, which is situated within the Thessaleo Falls region. It’s close to Twin Peaks as well. At this settlement, you will encounter “Old Captain” Davide. Engage him in conversation to initiate the “Skyward Voyage” side quest in Wuthering Waves.
Preparing for Davide’s Voyage
Davide requires your assistance as he prepares for his final journey. To start off, he requests that you demonstrate a Cuddle Wuddle for him. That’s the reason we asked you to secure one earlier!
To make him see the Cuddle Wuddle, first, assign it as your main Echo. After that, employ the Projector Utility to display it. Let’s hear what Davide has to offer next.
Following our chat, face the direction opposite where Davide was standing and move towards the northeastern region. Locate the radiant chair in that area, sit on it to initiate a cinematic sequence and advance the mission.
After the cutscene concludes, you’ll have to link up with Davide again, and he’ll be found to the west of the Garden of the Lost.
Once the cutscene is over, it’s time to reunite with Davide once more. He can be found situated to the west of the Garden of the Lost.
You’re to meet up with Davide at that specific location, and afterwards, he’ll proceed towards his camp close to the Twin Peaks. In other words, he’ll be waiting for you there. Indeed, this mission involves quite a bit of to-ing and fro-ing!
Head back to Davide’s settlement again, this time with the objective of exhibiting a Fae Ignis to him. As you did previously with the Cuddle Wuddle, ready your character by equipping the Fae Ignis as their main Echo and employ the Projector to demonstrate it to him. The method remains the same as before.
After wrapping up our chat, I’ll head towards where Davide was sitting and take a seat in his place, ready to witness him embark on his journey from the illuminated chair.
Darn it, I found myself crashing once more, right where I went down before – southwest of the Garden of the Lost. It feels like déjà vu all over again! Guess I’ll have to catch up with Davide to debrief on the latest mishap.
Rescue the Wingray
As Davide prepares for his third journey, he hints that a tranquil Echo, like the Wingray, might be beneficial. He mentions a camp of Fractsidus members nearby, where he spotted a confined Wingray. Let’s kill two birds with one stone by dealing with those Fractsidus members and liberating the Wingray!
After your discussion with Davide, you can locate the Fractsidus camp directly south of his position. Prepare for combat and make your way there. Keep in mind that you’ll need to vanquish every one of the Fractsidus members inside, but they shouldn’t be overly difficult to defeat.
After vanquishing the Fractsidus troops, make your way towards the enclosure housing the Wingray, located in the south part of their camp. Use powerful strikes to breach the barriers and liberate the Wingray.
The Wingray is set to hover towards where Davide is stationed at the camp’s entrance. Make your way there and have a chat with him.
After our talk, you’ll find yourself back at Davide’s settlement for a third and final time. So, take your seat on the radiant chair once more to witness Davide’s departure. It appears that the situation with Wingray has been resolved, to some degree at least.
In any case, with this information, you should be well-equipped to finish the “Skyward Voyage” side mission in Wuthering Waves!
If you’re looking for a more straightforward and concise walkthrough, be sure to review our guide for the Dream Patrol 1 mission. Although it may seem brief, it proves quite beneficial as it grants access to the difficult Nightmare Echoes battles.
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2025-01-04 23:06