WWE’s Drew McIntyre Addresses Bad Blood Main Event Status, CM Punk’s Obsession, and More

WWE's Drew McIntyre Addresses Bad Blood Main Event Status, CM Punk's Obsession, and More

As a fan who has been following WWE for years now, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia when it comes to the Hell in a Cell matches. They were once the pinnacle of raw, unadulterated violence and bloodshed – the last resort for feuds that truly mattered. But lately, it seems like the cell has lost its mystique, with matches being scheduled for no apparent reason other than the name of the event.

Next week, I’m set to lock horns with CM Punk at WWE’s Bad Blood Premium Live Event in Atlanta – a match-up that truly lives up to its name. This feud between us has been simmering for most of the year, with Punk sabotaging my title shots left and right, and me retaliating with numerous attacks on him. It all culminates in a no-holds-barred Hell in a Cell match at Bad Blood, and I recently sat down with ComicBook to discuss what this battle means for me.

All Consuming Hatred

WWE's Drew McIntyre Addresses Bad Blood Main Event Status, CM Punk's Obsession, and More

Initially, McIntyre responded to Punk’s latest remarks about his fixation on the rivalry between them. He admitted that he was pleased Punk was so preoccupied with him, as it was the only opportunity Punk had against him. McIntyre commented that Punk must be wondering how he could possibly defeat someone who is larger, stronger, faster, younger, and better looking than himself in every way on Earth. Therefore, it’s natural for Punk to be obsessed. However, McIntyre also admitted that the rivalry had not left him untouched as well.

McIntyre mentioned earlier this week that he prefers to keep his personal life private and focuses more on a larger cause. However, due to Punk’s intense exchange the previous week, he felt compelled to delve a bit deeper. He revealed that his family, particularly his wife, has been worried not only about the impact of the match on him mentally but also on his home life. Initially, when he re-signed with the company, he assured her that it would be enjoyable from then on. However, the animosity has taken over, making him a liar. He admitted that it has consumed him, pushing his wife to second place. He apologized for this and stated that the hostility needs to end because prolonged hatred is not beneficial, and it all comes to an end at Hell in the Cell.

A Battle Worthy of Hell in a Cell

WWE's Drew McIntyre Addresses Bad Blood Main Event Status, CM Punk's Obsession, and More

The intensity of this competition perfectly suits a Hell in a Cell match and evokes the kind of payback that should transpire under such intense conditions. Although it doesn’t alter the brutal assault McIntyre plans for Punk, he’s pleased that some mystery is being reinstated to the concept, as it had lost its luster over time.

McIntyre stated that he would have defeated his opponent in any type of match, even if it were a street fight or a Hell in a Cell match, which is what the event was intended for. It seemed foolish to him that they called a Pay-Per-View event “Hell in the Cell,” and then had random matches with cells or Hell in a Cell matches, simply because of the name of the event. He mentioned that he had a justified cell match with Randy Orton during their blood feud, but his other match with Lashley was not justified.

McIntyre expressed that he’s grown tired of seeing numerous Hell in the Cell matches without a genuine reason, as it was once considered the final option. He wants to take a break from it and preserve its danger. The match had an allure, and it’s crucial to rekindle that mystique. A story should develop naturally between Punk and me, stemming from our mutual dislike, yet respect for each other’s skills. However, we reached a point where we needed to conclude this rivalry. I know how – through a Hell in the Cell match, symbolizing the ultimate blood feud, a fitting end to a genuine grudge.

The Next Chapter and Main Event Status

WWE's Drew McIntyre Addresses Bad Blood Main Event Status, CM Punk's Obsession, and More

After their intense feud this year, one might wonder what’s next for McIntyre once Bad Blood is over. “What’s next for me,” McIntyre declared, “is what it’s always been about. Seventeen years ago, I didn’t join WWE just to fill a spot; I came here to outshine everyone else and be the best. This past year, I held the World Championship for a mere 5 minutes and 46 seconds, only to lose it because of Punk. I won Money in the Bank and cashed it in, but again, I was denied the world title due to Punk’s actions. I had the opportunity to become World Champion at the first-ever PLE in Scotland, a moment that held great significance for me, but once again, it was spoiled by Punk. Three times within a year, I’ve been deprived of the World Championship.

McIntyre expressed, “Perhaps this time, I’ll seize the World Title at last and enjoy a lasting stint with it. In the company of spectators, perhaps that will happen for the first time,” he said. “Given the circumstances, it was crucial to offer an escape, and I am proud of our efforts. However, it’s not exactly what I envisioned as a child, so I look forward to finally having my extended run with it.

McIntyre is all set for what lies ahead, but let’s be clear, he’s the headliner in the Bad Blood match. He wants to move past Punk and let history remember us together for these last ten months. In today’s context, ten months might as well be a decade. People’s focus, especially given how captivated they’ve been, we’ll always be linked in some way moving forward. However, I can’t allow the story to end with Punk and he won’t win. We are the main event of Bad Blood. Whatever may happen next or what might unfold, I’m unsure. But I know the fans see this as the true main event of Bad Blood, and I always speak my mind.

Bad Blood streams live on Peacock on October 5th at 6 PM EST.

After the “Bad Blood” event, what’s the next exciting move for McIntyre that you’d like to witness? Feel free to discuss all things wrestling with me on Threads or Twitter at @mattaguilarcb!

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2024-09-28 23:39