You can apply to be mentored by Doctor Who’s Russell T Davies in new writing programme

You can apply to be mentored by Doctor Who’s Russell T Davies in new writing programme

As a seasoned cinephile who has spent countless hours immersed in the vast universe of television and film, I find myself utterly enamored with this extraordinary initiative by Bad Wolf and Screen Alliance Wales. The Blaidd Writers Programme, a testament to the rich tapestry of Welsh storytelling, is an inspiring endeavor that promises to nurture the next generation of brilliant drama writers.

As a passionate movie enthusiast, I’m thrilled to share that the acclaimed screenwriter Russell T Davies, best known for his work on “Doctor Who”, is among three prominent figures participating in a groundbreaking mentorship program. This innovative scheme aims at nurturing and discovering the upcoming generation of Welsh storytellers.

The plan honors the 10-year milestone of the production company Bad Wolf, known for its origins tied to a Doctor Who narrative and specializing in sci-fi dramas, as it teams up with the charitable organization Screen Alliance Wales.

The Blaidd Writers Programme is designed as an ongoing, six-month program offering financial support and training to discover and cultivate promising new Welsh drama writers.

The chosen candidates will work together with Bad Wolf to create a fresh, modern drama series set in Wales. They will benefit from guidance by the esteemed professionals David T. C. Davies, Marnie Dickens (of Wilderness fame), and Jack Thorne (known for His Dark Materials) during this process.

As a passionate movie enthusiast, I’d like to share an exciting opportunity for budding Welsh screenwriters! There are three spots available in a competitive program, welcoming aspiring writers who have no more than one professional credit in feature films or TV. Let’s seize this chance to make our mark in the world of cinema!

The application process will run from Monday 16th September until Friday 4th October on the Screen Alliance Wales website, but any hopefuls should start preparing the relevant materials now.

At first, applicants need to provide a 10-page excerpt from their initial screenplay, a two-page summary or pitch for this project, and a 500-word explanation detailing their reasons for being suitable for the program.

Should they progress to the next round, they’ll need to provide a complete draft of their pilot script. This script will play a crucial role in determining who is granted access to the transformative chance that lies ahead.

You can apply to be mentored by Doctor Who’s Russell T Davies in new writing programme

Jane Trancer, a co-founder at Bad Wolf, shared: “For over ten years, Wales has been the pulsating core of Bad Wolf. It’s crucial for our ongoing success and the growth of the Welsh television industry that we cultivate upcoming generations of talented screenwriters.”

“Under the tutelage of both our industry advisors and the executive producers and script consultants from Bad Wolf, the Blaidd Writers will not just refine their writing skills by creating scripts, but also gain valuable insights into the television industry and the intricacies of production.”

Thorne stated, “Being half Welsh and having a part that is a writer, I’m drawn to this plan because it focuses on financially backing writers during their development.”

The current state of our industry is quite peculiar, yet it’s crucial that we nurture upcoming talents. If we fail to do so, we risk depriving ourselves of what lies ahead.

“I’m passionate about helping those with disabilities express themselves, as I believe this group is often overlooked. Therefore, I plan to collaborate with them in my current project.”

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2024-08-20 20:04