ZZZ Lycaon Build and Team

ZZZ Lycaon Build and Team

As a dedicated fan of ZZZ and someone who has spent countless hours exploring its vast world, I’m excited to share my thoughts on the best Lycaon builds and teams based on my personal experience.

ZZZ Lycaon Build and Team
Diana D’Estefano

ZZZ is the newest addition to the popular lineup of gacha-style games, drawing in a significant number of fans recently. With multiple characters to select from (lucky you if you obtain them!), it’s natural to ponder which optimal builds and team compositions will yield the best results.

In this piece, we’ll explore the top-performing ZZZ Lycaon setups and synergies. Bear in mind that preferences can influence the ideal choice. We aim to provide unbiased guidance.

ZZZ Best Lycaon Build

When discussing builds, it’s important to keep in mind that the subject isn’t always straightforward. Each character comes with its own unique statistics, which is just one aspect to consider. Furthermore, additional elements like W-Engines and Bangboos need attention as well. Let’s break down the process step by step:

ZZZ Lycaon Build and Team

Best W-Engines

When designing an optimal ZZZ Lycaon character setup, it’s crucial to focus on the importance of W-Engines from the get-go. W-Engines serve as valuable items that empower specific characters by improving their statistics. Therefore, these essential items are indispensable when striving for an effective build.

Here are the ones we believe are best for Lycaon:

  • The Restrained
  • Hellfire Gears
  • Six Shooter
  • Steam Oven
  • Precious Fossilized Core
  • Vortex – Arrow

Best Drive Discs

In simpler terms, Drive Discs in ZZZ function similarly to enhancing elements in Genshin Impact, often referred to as Artifacts. These items can be utilized to boost your character’s statistics.

Here are the ones you should use to create the best ZZZ Lycaon build:

  • Shockstar Disco
  • Swing Jazz

ZZZ Lycaon Best Team

After we’ve covered the part about selecting the top items to enhance your character’s performance, it’s important to identify which other characters align well with your playstyle. Keep in mind, there are various elements to consider. For instance, the fact that some games are free-to-play is an essential factor.

As a free-to-play gamer, I can tell you from my experience that acquiring top-tier characters takes more effort and investment of time compared to those who spend money on the game. Consequently, my roster might not be as powerful as others’. Nevertheless, I’ve learned to make the best out of what I have. By strategically building a team, I can still put up a good fight against opponents.

Here is an example of a team you can use if you are a free-to-play player:

  • Lycaon
  • Corin
  • Soukaku

As a gamer, if you’ve been fortunate enough to acquire other characters from the ZZZ roster, I’d suggest considering this option instead.

  • Lycaon
  • Ellen
  • Soukaku
ZZZ Lycaon Build and Team

ZZZ Lycaon Best Bangboo

During discussions about a team’s makeup, it’s inevitable that the Bangboos come up. These adorable creatures offer assistance during fights. However, their effectiveness can vary depending on specific situations.

If you’re a free-to-play gamer, consider selecting the following Bangboos to aid Lycaon in ZZZ:

  • Penguinboo
  • Avocaboo
  • Sumoboo
  • Bagboo

If, as in the previous case, you have been able to get better Bangboos, I recommend opting for the following:

  • Sharkboo
  • Butler
  • Penguinboo
  • Bagboo

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2024-07-22 10:30