Pavel Durov, creator of Telegram Messenger with encrypted features, anticipates that increasing government monitoring will lead to the emergence of safe communication gadgets modeled after cryptocurrency wallets for enhanced security.
During an interview with Tucker Carlson on April 17, Durov shared stories from the past, highlighting how governments attempt to restrict the sharing of information between individuals.
“The world is becoming less amenable. Governments are becoming less tolerant of privacy. And that’s clearly the trend because they have more technological power.”
Yet, according to Durov, increased scrutiny may lead to advancements in specialized communication devices for enhanced security, mimicking the development of hardware wallets for managing digital currencies.
The FBI reportedly tried to convince individuals connected to Telegram to install surveillance access points in their system against US law.
Durov expressed his view that the UAE’s political neutrality in international affairs makes it an excellent choice for businesspeople advocating for privacy and opposing surveillance.
“It’s a small country that wants to be friends with everybody. It’s not aligned geopolitically with any of the big superpowers. And I think it’s the best place for a neutral platform like ours to be in if we want to make sure we can defend our users’ privacy and freedom of speech.”
Regarding company ownership, Durov explained that he shuns venture capital investments to maintain control over how Telegram is run. He disclosed having around “a few hundred million dollars” in both fiat currency and Bitcoin as an alternative source of funding, enabling him to finance his projects and businesses independently with full ownership.
Despite this, he managed to gather financial resources for several initiatives previously, including a cryptocurrency venture.
In line with Durov’s apprehensions regarding increasing government monitoring, on April 16, Edward Snowden, an American whistleblower, cautioned that the United States National Security Agency (NSA) was on the brink of seizing control of the internet through a vast expansion of its spying capabilities.
After Elizabeth Goitein, who is the co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, brought attention to it, Snowden’s warning follows the discovery that a seemingly harmless modification to the term “electronic communications surveillance provider” in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) 702 bill could grant the U.S. government extensive new powers. As a result, almost every company and individual offering any kind of internet-related service would be compelled to collaborate with NSA surveillance activities.
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2024-04-17 11:36