Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Oh, the thrill of discovering hidden treasures never gets old! As a seasoned adventurer who’s spent countless hours traversing virtual landscapes, I can confidently say that Enshrouded’s latest update has added another layer of excitement to my gaming life. The new fossils scattered throughout Embervale’s Springlands Biome are a treasure trove waiting to be unearthed, and I’m eager to dive in!

I’m thrilled about the latest update from Enshrouded! Now, there are a plethora of fresh goodies to discover and amass in the game. Among these new treasures, you’ll come across Fossils – intriguing items that can be found scattered across Embervale. Since they’re collectibles, each fossil in this game is one-of-a-kind and has a specific spot where it’s hidden.

Having spent years exploring the diverse landscapes of Embervale, I must say that the Springlands Biome is a hidden gem for any fossil enthusiast. In this guide, I will be sharing my personal findings and insights into the fascinating world of fossils that can be discovered in this unique ecosystem. From petrified tree trunks to perfectly preserved marine life, there’s something for everyone in the Springlands Biome. So grab your hiking boots and let’s embark on a journey through time together!

All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

In the Springlands Biome of Embervale, there are five distinct fossils hidden and waiting for you to discover them. These fossils are scattered throughout the region, making some of them challenging to locate.

As a seasoned gamer, here’s how I’d put it: “Alright, folks! Let’s dive right in and explore the map locations for every fossil we’re after, and don’t forget to check where you can mine them. Ready? Let’s set off on this adventure!”

  • Fossil 1 – Big Ammonite
  • Fossil 2 – Sea Urchin Cluster
  • Fossil 3 – Elevated Sea Urchin
  • Fossil 4 – Ammonite Imprint
  • Fossil 5 – Round Sea Urchin

Fossil 1 – Big Ammonite

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

To find the large Ammonite fossil, head towards the Saline Quarry region instead. You’ll locate this spot easily by moving eastward from the Cinder Vault.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

At the specified spot, where there’s a salt deposit, you’ll discover the large Ammonite resting upon it. To gather this big Ammonite, just approach it and press ‘E’ on your keyboard.

Fossil 2 – Sea Urchin Cluster

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

The map up top indicates where you can find the Sea Urchin Cluster, which is reachable by heading southwest from the ancient spire located in Low Meadows.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Upon reaching the designated spot, you’ll find a wooden platform ahead. Step up onto it to reach the Sea Urchin Cluster.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Ascending the structure will directly take you to the location of the Sea Urchin Cluster. As previously mentioned, gathering it is all that’s needed to secure this fossil.

Fossil 3 – Elevated Sea Urchin

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

To find the Elevated Sea Urchin, you’ll want to head a short distance southwards from the ancient spire located in the Low Meadows.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Different from other fossils we’ve encountered, the Elevated Sea Urchin may be tricky to locate. This is because it’s skillfully hidden among a pile of rocks. The image provided indicates the specific rock pile where you should ascend to gather the Elevated Sea Urchin.

Fossil 4 – Ammonite Imprint

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

To reach the Ammonite Imprint, follow the path indicated in the map provided. You’ll spot the Critter Nest nearby, which is almost always found beside the Egerton Salt Mines.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

To enter the Critter Nest, begin at the south entrance of the Egerton Salt Mines and proceed along the path that lies ahead.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Taking this route will lead you to a wooden platform above. Use the platforms below for your descent.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Once you are down, follow the path marked in the image above.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Continuing along this path, you’ll come across some wooden steps. Ascend those stairs, and directly ahead, you’ll discover the entrance to the Critters Nest.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Explore the den, then lower yourself to uncover a fossil imprint of an Ammonite, which is conveniently placed on the wall ahead.

Fossil 5 – Round Sea Urchin

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

To reach the last fossil in the Springlands Biome, travel northwest from the Ancient Spire – Springlands location.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Reaching the designated spot, you’ll discover a cave entrance obscured by a heap of debris. Inside this debris lies the elusive Round Sea Urchin, hence, you’ll have to clear the path by mining the rubble to access it.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Springlands Biome

Using your pickaxe to strike the debris 2-3 times should largely remove it, creating space for you to gather the Round Sea Urchin.

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2024-08-03 11:06