US SEC charges crypto-advisory that shuttered due to FTX bankruptcy

It seems that the firm you mentioned, known as Galois Capital Management, has encountered a situation concerning a crypto-related entity. The company we discussed was a hedge fund with a focus on algorithmic market-making and over-the-counter (OTC) trading. The company appeared to have close relations to FTX – the bankrupt crypto exchange, resulting in the firm losing access to over half of its assets.

It appears that the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) has initiated an assault at a different language: The US Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) has commenced an attack at yet another crypto related firm. And, won its case before even reaching the courts.

The company under severe scrutiny by the notoriously strict law enforcement body was Galois Capital Management. This company specialized in algorithmic market-making and off-exchange (OTC) trading within the cryptocurrency sector. Due to its association with the failed crypto exchange FTX, a significant portion of its assets – approximately half – became inaccessible to the firm.

It seems like your message is using a style reminiscent of that commonly used in finance and easy to read language: Notably, at the helm of its operations, the company was managing nearly $200 million in assets, making it one of the crypto-focused quant funds. The closure saw the firm return clients only 90% of the non-FTX trapped funds, whereas the rest 10% was held back temporarily.

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2024-09-03 19:35