Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

As I delve into the lives of these remarkable young souls, I am struck by their resilience and the love that surrounds them. Jenni, the baby of the brood, has grown into a dependable and loyal teenager, with an infectious laugh and a heart for animals. Her story is one of growth, from being a cherished little girl to a beloved figure among her nieces and nephews.

Jinger Duggar Vuolo knows how to make an announcement.

thirty-year-old woman has discovered an extraordinary method to inform her loved ones that she is at present expecting their third child, together with her spouse Jeremy Vuolo.

The surprising event unfolded during Michelle Duggar and her daughters’ get-together, which was organized to celebrate Jana Duggar’s bachelorette weekend in Los Angeles.

In an interview with People on October 25th, Jinger mentioned that they have a large hot tub and they were planning to relax in it later. She added, “They asked if there was no new information to share since pregnant women aren’t supposed to use hot tubs.

The TLC celebrity (mother of Felicity, aged 6, and Evangeline, aged 3) mentioned that she remained silent initially, but soon afterward, she sent a text message to her partner.

She remembered thinking, “Should I share it with them tonight?” and he responded, “Absolutely. It’s such a special moment. They are all gathered together.

The star of “Counting On” caught her entire family off guard in a shocking manner, especially when they were preparing to enjoy the hot tub together.

She shared that they all got into the hot tub earlier, and she emerged later on. She sat on the edge without saying anything, and they noticed this. Eventually, they asked if it was cold and if she was planning to join. She then mentioned that, since she’s pregnant, it might not be a good idea for her to get in the hot tub. Everyone was taken aback but adorable at the same time. In the end, she managed to inform everyone all at once.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Apart from this, it wasn’t just Jinger’s family who were part of her pregnancy experience. In fact, Jinger’s elder sister, Jessa Duggar Seewald, was the one who first learned the baby’s gender. She received the results from Jinger’s blood test that revealed the sex of the unborn child.

Jinger explained, “She shared the results with both of us instead of just sending them to me individually. That’s because I wanted us to discover it together, not have it arrive separately in my email. I asked her to send it to us, so that way Jeremy and I could learn the gender together. Consequently, she sent a package containing an outfit which revealed the baby’s sex. It was incredibly sweet.

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar currently boast a total of 28 grandchildren, born to their 19 offspring. Delve deeper into the Duggar family lineage by continuing below.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Originally a pair of high school sweethearts, these parents of 19 and grandparents of more than thirty-six youngsters first began their relationship.

Michelle shared that she felt “rescued” at 15 years old. On a particular night, Jim Bob, as part of his Baptist church duties, was conducting home visits. A friend had informed him that the girl from school who recently found religious conversion and was a cheerleader resided at the Ruark family’s house, so he decided to pay them a visit.

They extended an invitation to Michelle to attend Sunday school at their church, and Jim Bob mentioned that he had prayed to God for them to become each other’s spiritual guides – although it seemed that Michelle didn’t find their initial encounter particularly memorable. A year later, she applied for a position at the frozen yogurt shop owned by Jim Bob’s parents. As Michelle wrote in a letter posted on the family blog for Jim Bob’s birthday and their 33rd wedding anniversary in 2017, “You approached the counter where I was standing near the cash register, and we exchanged introductions. You were somewhat reserved but very kind! To be honest, I don’t recall much about that conversation except that you worked up the nerve to ask me if I would accompany you to your junior-senior banquet!

Ever since the dinner we shared at Shiloh Christian, something profoundly special unfolded between us. But it wasn’t until late nights spent dissecting scriptures at my very own home, under the watchful eyes of my parents, that I truly felt our connection deepen. As Michelle herself puts it, “our hearts were stitched together from there.” Fast forward to May 1984, we walked across the high school stage as graduates, and just a few short months later, in July, we exchanged vows, with me being only seventeen and Jim Bob not far behind at nineteen.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

The couple dedicated themselves to God and each other for the long run.

Jim Bob previously held the position of state legislator, representing Arkansas’s sixth district in the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002. During his tenure, he served as vice chair of the House Corrections and Criminal Law Subcommittee. He attempted a campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2002 but was unsuccessful in the primary round. Similarly, his 2006 effort to become the Republican nominee for Arkansas State Senate District 35 also fell short.

He and Michelle, who are both licensed realtors, have been active in conservative causes—an aspect of their lifestyle that won them and 19 Kids and Counting (which premiered in 2008 as 17 Kids and Counting) both fierce supporters and fierce critics. A robocall Michelle recorded in 2014 encouraging people to vote against a proposed anti-discrimination ordinance in Fayetteville—in which she said she was calling to “inform” them of the so-called dangers of making it legal for transgender men and women to use the facilities they feel safest and most comfortable in—inspired a Change.org petition demanding TLC cancel their show.

The city council approved the ordinance.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

The eldest member of the Duggar family, Josh, entered the world on the 3rd of March, 1988. Similarly, he followed a path as a conservative advocate, supporting the Family Research Council in their campaigns.

In 2015, records from his past as a police officer emerged, detailing accusations made against him in the 90’s, such as molestation of several girls, including his sisters Jessa and Jill. Later that year, Jessa appeared on Fox News to defend her brother, stating that the most extreme labels being used towards Josh were “exaggerated and false.” She was a victim herself.

In this rephrased version, I’ve attempted to make the text more conversational while maintaining its original meaning:

Back in April 2021, federal authorities accused Josh of two crimes related to child pornography: receiving and possessing it. He pleaded innocent for both charges. In the year 2022, he was convicted on both counts, leading to a sentence of 12 and a half years behind bars.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

A short while following Josh’s birth, Michelle became pregnant once more, unfortunately experiencing a miscarriage. As they mourned this loss and sought wisdom through prayer, it was revealed to them that twins were expected.

She shared that it felt like a wonderful double gift, as if God was providing comfort for their hearts. They were still growing and learning, and this was quite extraordinary since she breastfed her children but they were so close in age – only eight months separating them. It seemed yet another surprising turn the Lord had chosen for their unique circumstances.

John-David and his sister Jana were born on Jan. 12, 1990.

Following a lengthy period of acquaintance, spanning several years, during which they crossed paths at a church gathering in Oklahoma (Abbie’s home state), John-David and Abbie embarked on a rapid courtship. After a brief period of engagement, they tied the knot on November 3, 2018. Their family expanded with the birth of their daughter Grace Annette Duggar on January 7, 2020, followed by the arrival of their son Charlie Duggar in September 2022.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

On his 30th birthday in January 2020, John-David’s twin shared a heartfelt message with him: “From when we were young kids, people have questioned if we possess that ‘twin connection.’ You know, the sensation of sensing what the other person is feeling or knowing what they are thinking…However, John, I always denied it—but now I can truthfully admit that the day little Gracie was born, I experienced every ounce of joy that you did. So, perhaps it does exist!

Jana went on to say, “It’s delightful seeing you and Abbie in your parental roles! You two are already proving to be natural parents! The traits that have made you a fantastic brother will undoubtedly make you a terrific father.

In my journey, I waited as 11 out of my 18 siblings tied the knot before I found my own love with Stephen Wissmann – a man whose sister Hannah is married to Jeremiah, my sibling’s former TLC co-star. Looking back, I firmly believe that every step was part of a divine plan orchestrated by none other than God.

In August 2024, just before her wedding, Jana shared with People that she hadn’t always grasped the overall scheme of things, but she trusted that God knew what was best for everyone. Consequently, she chose to postpone marriage. She expressed that every individual’s journey is unique; if we were all identical, life would be monotonous.

 Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Jill was born on May 17th, 1991. Her love story bears a striking resemblance to that of her parents’. On Christmas in 2011, Jill encountered Derick for the first time. This happened when Derick, who lived approximately 45 minutes away, dropped by the Duggar household while out caroling with his church group.

Jim Bob acted as a cupid, facilitating a romantic connection between Jill and Derick. Through exchanges over email and Skype, they grew fond of each other. In November, the father-daughter duo traveled to see Derick in Nepal, where their relationship deepened further. By February 2014, Derick proposed to Jill with Jim Bob’s blessing, and they got married on June 21, 2014. Their family now consists of three sons—Israel, born on April 6, 2015, Samuel, born July 8, 2017, and Frederick, born July 7, 2022.

As a lifestyle enthusiast reflecting on my personal journey, let me share with you an emotional milestone from April 2024. During this time, I experienced the heartache of a miscarriage while eagerly anticipating the arrival of our first precious daughter alongside Derick.

The pair featured on the television series, “19 Kids and Counting” and later, “Counting On“. Later in 2017, Derick was let go from the show following controversial comments he made towards another TLC reality star, Jazzy Jennings, that were perceived as homophobic.

In the Amazon Prime Video documentary titled “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets“, which was released in June 2023, Jill and Derick delved into the debates and religious viewpoints concerning Jill’s family, specifically focusing on issues within their family that were highlighted.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Jim Bob and Michelle’s fifth child was born Nov. 4, 1992.

Jessa encountered Ben at church, and their traditional method of wooing started in 2013 – an antiquated courtship style that took many viewers by surprise. The couple had been tight-lipped about their past relationships, so Jim Bob clarified to People magazine, “Courting involves getting to know each other in a group setting, with both families spending time together and the couple establishing goals to decide if they’re suited for marriage. Dating usually involves couples spending private time together, which can sometimes lead to a more intimate relationship.

In August 2014, Ben asked for Jessa’s hand in marriage and made it official. Their first physical connection was a handshake at that time. The wedding took place on November 1, 2014. When they were expecting their first child, the show 19 Kids and Counting was taken off air by TLC. A special episode followed, focusing on sexual abuse and featuring Jill and Jessa to enlighten viewers about the topic. Later that winter, Jessa and Jill became the main stars of their own series, titled Jill and Jessa: Counting On. The show was later expanded to include other Duggar siblings, eventually becoming known as Counting On instead.

During November 5, 2015, Jessa and Ben became parents to their firstborn son, Spurgeon. Later, they had a second son, Henry, on February 6, 2017, and then a daughter, Ivy Jane, on May 28, 2019. In July 2021, their family expanded with the arrival of another daughter named Fern. Jessa revealed in February 2023 that she experienced a miscarriage during the holiday season of 2022. However, they were blessed with their fifth child, George, in December 2023.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

The sixth Duggar child was born Dec. 21, 1993.

Jinger and Jeremy first met while performing ministry duties in Laredo, Texas in 2016, and their courtship began around that time. They tied the knot on November 5, 2016, which happened to be the birthday of Spurgeon, Jinger’s nephew. Being part of a large family with 19 members can make it tricky not to have significant events overlap, but they did! Soon after their marriage, speculation about a pregnancy arose.

Jinger stated during a June 2017 episode of Counting On that in about a year, they likely will have settled down here in Laredo, continuing with their ministry, and simply aiming to serve the Lord in whatever capacity they can.

On July 19, 2018, their daughter named Felicity came into the world. It was in May of that same year when they announced that Jinger was pregnant for a second time; tragically, she had experienced a miscarriage the previous autumn. In November 2020, they were blessed with another child, this time a daughter named Evangeline Jo.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

As a lifestyle connoisseur, let me share with you an enchanting tale. On the chilly day of January 20, 1995, my journey began. Fast-forward to May 2017, I found myself in a setting that was nothing short of magical. It was during the wedding of my dear sister Joy-Anna that I took advantage of the romantic atmosphere to propose to Kendra, the lovely lady I had met through our shared faith, after only a few delightful months together.

Joseph shared with People magazine that he was indeed apprehensive before proposing, but he wasn’t worried she would refuse because she had already expressed, “I’m just waiting for you!” He added afterwards. Kendra commented, “I’m overwhelmed and astonished. There are so many things I want to express, but all I can say is shocked.

Since then, they’ve added four children to their family: Garrett, born in June 2018, Addison, born in November 2019, Brooklyn, born in February 2019, and Justus, born in May 2023.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Eighth in line, Josiah was born on Aug. 28, 1996.

A few months following the public announcement of their relationship, the duo declared their engagement in March 2018. He explained in a statement that where he proposed to Lauren was the same location where her parents got engaged. This site holds significant family history and makes it an extra special place for Lauren due to its rich background.

Michelle, Lauren’s future mother-in-law, expressed her affection in a blog post video, saying, “We truly adore Lauren; she is such a treasured young lady.” Jessa and Ben also extended their congratulations, along with chocolates designed as X’s and O’s. Michelle playfully hinted, “I believe you two might want to keep your first kiss for the wedding day, but if you visit us, we have a sweet treat waiting…” She gestured towards the enticing reward.

In the summer of 2015, a relationship with Marjorie Jackson came to an end. As Josiah shared with People in March 2016, they had enjoyed each other’s company and were attempting to follow God’s guidance. However, Marjorie felt it wasn’t the appropriate time, so they took a brief break from the relationship.

On June 30, 2018, they officially got married, sharing with People that their wedding day was “completely perfect.” Their first child, Bella Milagro, arrived on Nov. 8, 2019. The name means “miracle baby,” a fitting choice after the couple had experienced a miscarriage in October 2018. They then welcomed daughter Daisy in 2022 and son Ezra in May 2023.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

The ninth Duggar sibling was born Oct. 28, 1997.

For fifteen years prior to him pursuing her, she had known Austin as a friend. Following this, there was no delay in their relationship as he proposed in February 2017 and they got married on May 26, 2017, at Cross Church in Rogers, Arkansas – the wedding where Joseph asked Kendra to marry him. They then became parents to son Gideon Martin Forsyth on February 23, 2018.

In 2019, Joy-Anna suffered a pregnancy loss with a baby girl at 20 weeks along.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

On Aug. 21, 2020, the couple welcomed daughter Evelyn Mae Forsyth.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

The couple’s third child, son Gunner James Forsyth, was born on May 17, 2023.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Jim Bob and Michelle’s second set of twins were born on Dec. 30, 1998.

In February 2017, it was announced that Jed had been interning at the state capitol where his father once worked, for the Arkansas House of Representatives. At just 21 years old, he is now running for State Representative in District 89, with a focus on upholding Springdale’s conservative values. He got married to Katey Nakatsu after a year of courting in April 2021. They have since welcomed two children: son Truett, born in May 2022, and daughter Nora Kate, born in June 2023.

Jeremiah, a licensed aviation instructor, is married to Hannah Wissmann, and together they have two daughters – Brynley, who was born in December 2022, and Brielle, born in February 2024.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Duggar child No. 12 was born on April 21, 2000.

In early 2017, the Daily Mail stated that Jim Bob aided Jase in purchasing a $33,000 property in need of repairs in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, approximately half an hour from the Duggar family estate. Interestingly, he also established his own construction company around the same time. Yet, despite his new ventures, Jim Bob found time to assist Jed with his political campaign.

In May 2024, he made their relationship public on Instagram with Maddie Grace, and they became engaged in August 2024.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Charmed No. 13, James arrived on July 7, 2001.

 Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

On his 19th birthday in the year 2019, his mother expressed, “He is the charming uncle figure, and all the younger lads in this vicinity admire him and aspire to emulate him! James possesses an exceptional ability to execute almost anything he conceives. As a child, we would often discover James tinkering with various home appliances. He has consistently been one to disassemble things, understand their mechanisms, reassemble them, and occasionally make some unique improvements!

This year, James dedicated himself to earning his Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), and now he is proficient at handling large trucks and heavy equipment. We eagerly anticipate witnessing the extraordinary things that the future holds for him!

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

No. 14 arrived on Nov. 15, 2002.

And from the department of growing up so fast…

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

In September 2020, Justin made their relationship with Claire known to the public. They became engaged in November of the same year, and tied the knot on February 26, 2021.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Here with his big sister Jill, Jim Bob and Michelle’s 15th child was born May 23, 2004.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

On his sixteenth birthday, Jackson’s mother, Michelle, commended his wit and mentioned that she was aware of his eagerness to obtain a driver’s license.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Duggar baby No. 16 was born Oct. 11, 2005.

Michelle posted on Johannah’s 15th birthday in 2020: “This girl is full of life and enjoys meeting new people, which is what she did.” Her younger siblings idolize her as if she’s a celestial body, and I couldn’t be more blessed as her mother, feeling privileged that God entrusted me with being hers!

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

17 was delivered on August 2, 2007. At that time, the show was called “17 Kids and Counting,” and Jenni was the youngest child in the family.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Now, OMG, she’s a teenager.

Michelle expressed in her message, “Jennifer is reliable, devoted, and full of joy!” when her granddaughter turned 13. The nieces and nephews adore her, often finding themselves being carried around because they don’t want to be put down! Jennifer also cherishes animals deeply and diligently takes care of her pets daily. Recently, she played a significant role in nurturing a brood of 7 little bunnies!

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

Here on the right, the penultimate Duggar child was born Dec. 18, 2008.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

2019 saw Jordyn-Grace being described by her mother as an extroverted individual who finds it hard to meet someone she hasn’t already encountered, accompanied by a chuckle. Her laughter is often one of the most vibrant highlights in our daily lives.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

19 Luckily, No. 1 was born on December 10, 2009, three months early, and weighed just a pound and six ounces. Josie, who is currently holding her niece Meredith, spent six months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit but is now thriving happily.

Why Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Family Was “Shocked” by Pregnancy News

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2024-10-25 17:03