In the comic book series DC All In, Aquaman’s various roles – father, husband, superhero, king – are all brought to life simultaneously, with each aspect given its due without losing focus. The creative team of Jeremy Adams, John Timms, Rex Lokus, and Dave Sharpe skillfully blend elements from every corner of Arthur Curry’s world, resulting in a thrilling debut issue that is a must-read for any fan.
The way Arthur’s domain impacts others is quite overwhelming, yet Adams skillfully distills every aspect of Arthur’s life to its essential significance, delving into the focus each piece requires from him. Adams has demonstrated remarkable talent in crafting Hal Jordan’s character for Green Lantern using a similar method, and even though they are distinct personalities, the sense of familiarity and humanization that enhanced Hal is already making an impact on Arthur.
Currently, the narrative delves deep into the multifaceted personality of Aquaman, Arthur Curry, yet this doesn’t imply that the book is lacking in superhero action. Instead, it offers exhilarating confrontations that underscore Aquaman’s enhanced abilities, much to the delight of fans. Whether it’s a formidable deity from the future or a colossal sea creature presently threatening Earth, Timms, Lokus, and Sharpe infuse the Sea King with an air of sophistication, panache, and strength that is truly commendable.
Regarding powers, Adams subtly introduces new abilities for Aquaman while also intricately weaving complexities within his inner circle, fostering opportunities for character growth rather than simply presenting a flashy power that may fade after six issues.
An engaging puzzle is crucial for distinguishing this Aquaman tale from previous ones, and much like Arthur’s emerging abilities, this enigma is closely linked to the individuals and belongings that Arthur values deeply. What if he were to lose them? How far will he go to retrieve them? The solution to this question is imminent, yet the closing pages hint that the risks are incredibly high, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing the unfolding events.
The first issue of Aquaman is an outstanding introduction, venturing into new territories and paving the way for more extraordinary events ahead. I can’t wait for issue #2 to arrive!
Published By: DC Comics
On: January 8, 2025
Written By: Jeremy Adams
Art By: John Timms
Colors By: Rex Lokus
Letters By: Dave Sharpe
What did you think of Aquaman #1? You can talk all things comics with me on Bluesky @KnightofOA!
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2025-01-08 16:09