Best coins for today

Cryptocurrencies that are trading close to all time high values


PAX Gold rate has changed by 5.01% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.33%. Cryptocurrency PAX Gold ranks the 138 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of PAXG/USD has declined by 0.58% from the peak value on 2 Feb 2025. Price prediction for PAXG.

Tether Gold (XAUT/USDT)

Tether Gold rate has changed by 4.42% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.50%. Cryptocurrency Tether Gold ranks the 121 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of XAUT/USD has declined by 0.70% from the peak value on 5 Feb 2025. Price prediction for XAUT.

Fasttoken (FTN/USDT)

Fasttoken rate has changed by 0.60% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.39%. Cryptocurrency Fasttoken ranks the 66 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of FTN/USD has declined by 0.77% from the peak value on 4 Feb 2025. Price prediction for FTN.


LEO Token rate has changed by 0.57% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.15%. Cryptocurrency LEO Token ranks the 21 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of LEO/USD has declined by 1.00% from the peak value on 4 Feb 2025. Price prediction for LEO.


PayPal USD rate has changed by 0.01% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.16%. Cryptocurrency PayPal USD ranks the 145 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of PYUSD/USD has declined by 1.98% from the peak value on 23 Oct 2023. Price prediction for PYUSD.

Marso.Tech (MARSO/USDT)

Marso.Tech rate has changed by -1.48% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.14%. Cryptocurrency Marso.Tech ranks the 957 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of MARSO/USD has declined by 2.41% from the peak value on 23 Jan 2025. Price prediction for MARSO.


Ethena USDe rate has changed by -0.05% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.11%. Cryptocurrency Ethena USDe ranks the 29 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of USDE/USD has declined by 3.04% from the peak value on 20 Dec 2023. Price prediction for USDE.


MANTRA rate has changed by 25.67% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 2.08%. Cryptocurrency MANTRA ranks the 31 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of OM/USD has declined by 4.32% from the peak value on 4 Feb 2025. Price prediction for OM.


APF coin rate has changed by 0.54% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.05%. Cryptocurrency APF coin ranks the 414 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of APFC/USD has declined by 7.53% from the peak value on 31 Jan 2025. Price prediction for APFC.


WATCoin rate has changed by -5.29% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 2.29%. Cryptocurrency WATCoin ranks the 523 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of WATC/USD has declined by 7.54% from the peak value on 24 Jan 2025. Price prediction for WATC.

Bitcoin (BTC/USDT)

Bitcoin rate has changed by -6.24% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.68%. Cryptocurrency Bitcoin ranks the 1 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of BTC/USD has declined by 9.16% from the peak value on 20 Jan 2025. Price prediction for BTC.


tBTC rate has changed by -6.30% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.43%. Cryptocurrency tBTC ranks the 170 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of TBTC/USD has declined by 9.42% from the peak value on 20 Jan 2025. Price prediction for TBTC.

Kinesis Silver (KAG/USDT)

Kinesis Silver rate has changed by 4.97% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.16%. Cryptocurrency Kinesis Silver ranks the 419 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of KAG/USD has declined by 10.72% from the peak value on 31 Dec 2024. Price prediction for KAG.

GoMining Token (GOMINING/USDT)

GoMining Token rate has changed by -1.11% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.66%. Cryptocurrency GoMining Token ranks the 302 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of GOMINING/USD has declined by 12.96% from the peak value on 16 Dec 2024. Price prediction for GOMINING.

Kinesis Gold (KAU/USDT)

Kinesis Gold rate has changed by 3.34% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.39%. Cryptocurrency Kinesis Gold ranks the 399 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of KAU/USD has declined by 14.48% from the peak value on 27 Jan 2025. Price prediction for KAU.

cryptocurrency prediction ath %
PAX Gold PAXG -0.58%
Tether Gold XAUT -0.70%
Fasttoken FTN -0.77%
LEO Token LEO -1.00%
PayPal USD PYUSD -1.98%
Marso.Tech MARSO -2.41%
Ethena USDe USDE -3.04%
MANTRA OM -4.32%
APF coin APFC -7.53%
WATCoin WATC -7.54%
Bitcoin BTC -9.16%
tBTC TBTC -9.42%
Kinesis Silver KAG -10.72%
GoMining Token GOMINING -12.96%
Kinesis Gold KAU -14.48%
Layer3 L3 -15.40%
Ultima ULTIMA -18.12%
AI Companions AIC -19.28%
Geodnet GEOD -19.29%
UFO Token UFO -23.01%

2025-02-06 13:42