Monster Hunter gets the collab of the century: Hello Kitty Island Adventure’s resident stalker Cinnamoroll joins Capcom’s puzzle game to stare at you without blinking

While Sanrio portrays Cinnamoroll as a timid yet friendly sugar cloud on their website, some people who prefer unvarnished truth may see him differently after playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure. In this game, Cinnamoroll appears less as a friend and more like an insistent follower or admirer. Regardless of perspective, it’s hard to deny his irresistibly endearing charm, isn’t it?

Original Stalker A-Life was once so advanced that players were constantly outsmarted by AI

Despite improvements following its launch, many gamers have voiced their frustration that the game’s AI is not significantly more intelligent than earlier games within the series. Interestingly, it has been discovered that the A-Life system in the original game was also scaled back from its intended form, as players often found themselves outmaneuvered by the game’s adversaries.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The Board Game Review

A significant success of tabletop crowdfunding lies in its ability to foster innovation by encouraging bold concepts. Rather than focusing on attracting a mass audience with universal appeal, video game adaptations into board games can cater to specialized audiences whose interests span both formats. This flexibility has enabled the flourishing of games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The Board Game, delivering an immersive and dynamic tabletop experience that mirrors the original franchise’s depth and vibrancy appropriately.

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl has crossed 6 million players since launch

In one of their recent updates on the game’s social media platforms, GSC Game World announced reaching a significant milestone. In this post, they expressed gratitude to their fans for standing by them throughout the challenging development process (considering the developers are based in Ukraine where ongoing conflicts with Russia persist) and through an exhilarating launch.