This year marks the 20th anniversary of Digimon X-Evolution, the first CGI movie in the series. To celebrate this milestone, Bandai has unveiled a lively artwork featuring the main characters from the film. The promo depicts Dorumon fleeing from Omnimon (Omegamon), who is challenged by the X Antibody versions of Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon. Tokomon clings onto Duromon’s head for safety as a nod to Dorumon being pursued due to inheriting the X-Antibody, with Omnimon performing his signature sword attack that he is known for in various appearances.
Apart from X-Evolution, Digimon Adventure 02 will mark a significant milestone in 2025 as it turns 25. To honor this occasion, Bandai released a New Year’s Promo on New Year’s Eve, featuring Paildramon, one of the primary Digimon from Adventure 02, and two snake-like Digimon symbolizing that 2025 is the Year of the Snake. Although no new Digimon anime has been confirmed for 2025, the running Digimon Liberator webcomic continues. Bandai promises to disclose more details about the franchise at the annual Digimon Con, where they will premiere the music video for Digimon Adventure -BEYOND-. Furthermore, Bandai has hinted that additional news will be shared on January 5th, 2025.
Why is Digimon X-Evolution a Forgotten Movie?
As a devoted fan of the Digimon franchise, I can’t help but marvel at the groundbreaking innovation that is X-Evolution. Unlike previous installments that subtly incorporated 3D Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) into their 2D animation, X-Evolution boldly took a leap forward, becoming the first feature to be entirely in stunning 3D CGI.
Remember those breathtaking warp digivolutions into Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon during the original Digimon Adventure series? Those iconic moments were enhanced by the use of 3D animation, emphasizing the digital essence of our titular monsters. The introduction of 3D CGI not only added a new dimension (pun intended) to final stage evolutions within the franchise but also paved the way for X-Evolution to be the first production that utilized this style throughout its entire runtime.
Although 3D moments in the original series were thrilling due to the scarcity of CGI back then, producing an entire movie with such style in 2005 was less than optimal. The film has been criticized for its rigid and dated animation. Moreover, it was challenging for international viewers as the film remained exclusive to Japan for many years without a release elsewhere. Nevertheless, X-Evolution, despite being relatively unknown, introduced several elements that significantly shaped the franchise’s lore, such as the Royal Knights, X-Antibodies, and Yggdrasill, the deity of the Digital World.
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2025-01-03 04:40