Microsoft pours $1.5B into UAE AI company, sights set on global expansion

Microsoft deepens its involvement in the international AI sector through a significant collaboration and $1.5 billion financial commitment to G42, an Abu Dhabi-based technology firm specializing in artificial intelligence.

On April 16, Microsoft revealed that the purpose of their investment is to accelerate artificial intelligence (AI) advancements and broaden access to innovative tech in the UAE and around the world.

In the course of their alliance, G42 will utilize Microsoft’s Azure platform for operating their AI applications and services. The companies emphasized that this partnership extends beyond the UAE and offers sophisticated AI solutions to both global public organizations and major corporations.

Furthermore, this investment is intended to help develop the skills of UAE workers in AI technology, thereby fostering a varied and proficient workforce and reservoir of talent in this field.

H.H. Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan, as the head of G42, expressed that this investment represents a significant milestone in the company’s development.

Brad Smith, Microsoft’s vice chair and president, mentioned that the collaboration will also focus on regions experiencing greater demand.

“Our two companies will work together not only in the UAE but to bring AI and digital infrastructure and services to underserved nations.”

In the partnership between Smith and G42, it’s included that Smith will hold a place on their board of directors.

Microsoft has recently added another billion-dollar investment to its collection in various countries around the globe.

Microsoft committed to putting in 3 billion euros over the next two years, starting from Feb. 15, towards enhancing AI technology infrastructure in Germany.

Within just a few short days, the corporation announced its intent to invest an additional $2 billion in developing AI infrastructure in Spain. The goal was identical: expanding local capabilities in this technological field.

More recently, on April 9th, Microsoft’s AI CEO, Mustafa Suleyman, announced that Microsoft plans to make a substantial, ongoing investment in the U.K., with a focus on recruiting dedicated and inventive individuals.

Microsoft isn’t alone in the AI field when it comes to securing investments and forming partnerships in the pursuit of AI supremacy.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, regularly invites executives from Fortune 500 businesses to present their interests in AI solutions. This endeavor positions OpenAI to broaden income sources and explore fresh markets, coincidentally placing it in rivalry with Microsoft, a significant investor in the company.

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2024-04-16 11:31