Nia Nal, or Dreamer as she’s known in DC comics, initially appeared on the small screen through CW’s Supergirl. However, she has since grown into a significant character within the DC comic book universe, joining the main continuity and becoming part of Amanda Waller’s new Task Force X in Suicide Squad: Dream Team, leading to an unexpected twist in Absolute Power. This journey begins, in terms of her comic book origins, with the graphic novel Bad Dream, which was announced during DC Pride 2022 and published earlier this year. Written by the original creator of the character for the CW’s Supergirl series, Maines, with art by Rye Hickman (of SFSX and Lonely Receiver), Bad Dream provides a comprehensive backstory for Nia, introducing one of the most distinctive and intriguing characters. ComicBook recently interviewed both Maines and Hickman to discuss Bad Dream, their creative process, and their aspirations for the impact it will have on readers.