When Does Skeleton Crew Take Place in the Star Wars Franchise Timeline?

The movie “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew” transports viewers on an exciting journey with a new location being the primary question for fans, similar to every other Star Wars release. Since Disney acquired the franchise in 2012, the Star Wars timeline has experienced some shifts. The Sequel Trilogy occurs thirty years after the Original Trilogy, while Solo, Rogue One, and Andor precede it. Clone Wars and Bad Batch unfold during and shortly following the Prequel Trilogy, and The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, and Ahsoka take place nine to eleven years after the Original Trilogy. The Acolyte is a century before the Prequels. Considering these timelines, where does Skeleton Crew fit in? It belongs within The Mandalorian’s timeframe but likely before its third season.

Uphold’s Topper brings crypto withdrawals to all non-custodial wallets

As a seasoned crypto investor with years of experience navigating the digital asset landscape, I find Uphold’s expansion into self-custodial wallets and their new crypto off-ramp solution through Topper to be a significant development. Having dealt with limited off-ramp options in the past, especially with hardware wallets like Ledger, this move towards improving access to … Read more

REX launches crypto stock income ETF

As a seasoned investor with a penchant for innovation and a knack for spotting trends, I find the recent move by REX Financial to launch a covered call ETF for cryptocurrency stocks an intriguing development. With my background in traditional asset management and a growing interest in digital assets, this seems like a logical next … Read more

STALKER 2: 10 Best Weapons & How To Get Them

In Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, weapons play a crucial role in your adventure, serving as the primary method for enhancing your character’s status throughout the game. The game presents a challenging experience, requiring you to effectively manage your resources, Coupons, and weapons to maintain them in optimal condition as you explore the Zone. Unlike many games, you won’t earn XP; instead, you’ll need to acquire better equipment to level up, rather than developing skills through a tree or improving stats gradually over time.

Smilegate makes strategic investment in Absurd Ventures

According to their official statement, South Korean publishing and development company Smilegate has decided to invest strategically in Absurd Ventures, a U.S.-based media and entertainment firm established by Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar Games. As a result of this deal, Smilegate will be able to collaborate with Absurd Ventures on their upcoming intellectual properties.