When Does Skeleton Crew Take Place in the Star Wars Franchise Timeline?
The movie “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew” transports viewers on an exciting journey with a new location being the primary question for fans, similar to every other Star Wars release. Since Disney acquired the franchise in 2012, the Star Wars timeline has experienced some shifts. The Sequel Trilogy occurs thirty years after the Original Trilogy, while Solo, Rogue One, and Andor precede it. Clone Wars and Bad Batch unfold during and shortly following the Prequel Trilogy, and The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, and Ahsoka take place nine to eleven years after the Original Trilogy. The Acolyte is a century before the Prequels. Considering these timelines, where does Skeleton Crew fit in? It belongs within The Mandalorian’s timeframe but likely before its third season.