My Hero Academia Timeskip Gives Mirko Her Best Look Yet

As a die-hard fan of “My Hero Academia,” I can’t help but feel that Rabbit Hero Mirko deserved a chance to become the new Symbol of Peace in the series. Since her debut, she’s consistently put everything on the line when it comes to battling against All For One and his minions. Despite losing several limbs throughout her heroic journey, she’s never let that hinder her determination. This tenacity was evidently showcased in the “post-credit scene” of the final manga volume. The recent finale offers a sneak peek into Mirko’s future, and it’s clear to me that nothing will deter her from making our world a safer place.

Xbox Reveals Two Incredible Squid Game Controller Designs

This month, Netflix will debut the next season of “Squid Game,” and Xbox is marking the occasion by launching two new controllers inspired by the series. The first one is called the Pink Guard Instinct Pro Controller. Designed after the Pink Guards from “Squid Game,” these stylish controllers have a translucent pink hue, much like the Cipher controller designs of late. A mask-inspired motif, similar to that worn by the Pink Guards, is found in the center of the controller, with a white circle encircling four buttons at its heart. The battery case also showcases symbols associated with “Squid Game.