Snowden goes after Bitcoin devs, Elon, and puppy killers in X flurry

As a crypto investor and privacy advocate, I can’t help but be intrigued by Edward Snowden’s recent activity on social media. His strong opinions on freedom of speech, Bitcoin, and various public figures make for an interesting read.

As a researcher studying the digital footprint of Edward Snowden, I discovered an intriguing series of events unfolding on X social media app on May 2, 2023. Snowden, the former NSA contractor embroiled in espionage allegations for leaking classified information, engaged in a flurry of activity that day. He directed his sharp criticism towards various individuals, ranging from South Dakota’s current governor to the world’s wealthiest person.

As a researcher investigating the public profile of Edward Snowden, I can describe his current media presence in this manner: Edward Snowden, who gained international attention as a whistleblower living in Russian asylum until 2022 and later being granted full citizenship, now basks in the limelight. His fame has soared, particularly among technology enthusiasts, due to his outspokenness on freedom and privacy issues.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, the celebrated tech entrepreneur vocal about liberty-related matters, attracted criticism from Edward Snowden during his May 2nd outburst. In response to Musk’s poll asking whether someone who replaces the American flag with another should be deported, Snowden admonished the billionaire, teaching him about the significance of freedom of expression.

Snowden goes after Bitcoin devs, Elon, and puppy killers in X flurry

As a crypto investor, I’d like to share my perspective on a topic raised by Snowden on Musk’s social media platform. He brought up the protection of Americans’ freedom of expression, even if it involves actions that might be considered unpatriotic or disrespectful, such as replacing the U.S. flag with one bearing a corporate logo like McDonald’s. This right is enshrined in our Constitution for a significant reason – to safeguard individual liberties and ensure diverse voices are heard in our society.

In an additional post, Snowden continued:

Snowden goes after Bitcoin devs, Elon, and puppy killers in X flurry

“Because no law—even one described, like the Constitution, as the “supreme law of the land”—possesses a force of its own; the ink cannot leap from the page to fight for your rights. A law can only defend the people when the people defend the law. Its power derives from our own.”

To the best of our knowledge, Musk hasn’t responded.


On the subject of Bitcoin, Snowden posted what he called his final warning:

Snowden goes after Bitcoin devs, Elon, and puppy killers in X flurry

For a decade, I’ve been urging Bitcoin developers to prioritize privacy at the protocol level. A gentle reminder: this is my last call. Time is running out.

As a analyst, I can tell you that the alert was clearly triggered by recent reports of zkSNACKs, the development team behind Wasabi Wallet, discontinuing their operations.

Snowden, the well-known whistleblower, has a strong connection to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. While it’s not entirely clear what specific threat he was trying to alert us about, his advocacy for these digital currencies is longstanding.

Kristi Noem

After expressing his views on the current situation of free speech with regard to X and the potential future of Bitcoin, Edward Snowden criticized South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem with his sharp remarks.

The Republican under fire faced intense criticism from both social and traditional media following the revelation that her upcoming book contained an account of euthanizing a 14-month-old puppy by shooting it in the head.

Since then, Noem has justified her decision to euthanize the pup by arguing that it was legally permissible. In later discussions, she went even further, stating that the dog was beyond rehabilitation and posed a threat.

These remarks apparently triggered Snowden, leading him to make a comparison between the heavy-handed approaches in law enforcement and Noem’s agricultural policies.

Snowden goes after Bitcoin devs, Elon, and puppy killers in X flurry

In his post, Snowden accused Noem of putting down a puppy. He then added sarcastically, “Well, ma’am, the police union will likely explain that the pup was threatening her; unexpected movement, she felt endangered.”

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2024-05-03 23:09