Solana project launches delayed due to extended network congestion

Occasional clogs on the Solana blockchain have caused some cryptocurrency initiatives to delay their rollouts; Solana’s team is working towards resolving this issue by mid-April.

Over the past few weeks, Solana blockchain users have been encountering frequent network congestion and transaction glitches. As a result, new initiatives, particularly those intending to introduce tokens, have chosen to postpone their plans until these technical issues are addressed.

Solana project launches delayed due to extended network congestion

Several Solana initiatives postponed their launches due to network congestion. Among them were an NFT project called Suit up, the altcoin project DuckCoin, and the Solana staking rewards platform Surge Finance. (Or) In the midst of Solana’s network congestion, launches of various projects were delayed, including Suit up – an NFT initiative, the altcoin project DuckCoin, and the Solana staking platform Surge Finance.

On April 6, Anza, a software development company specializing in Solana, announced their strategy for dealing with the overload on their Agave validator client for the Solana network.

Preliminary findings suggested that problems with Quic, a versatile transport layer networking protocol, could be the underlying cause based on initial probes. According to the team, this was their initial assessment.

“Anza engineers, with other core contributors, have been working around the clock to diagnose and remedy bottlenecks and increase network performance. Expect more improvements and changes to roll out over the coming months.”

Currently, some users have mentioned encountering delays when trying to send Solana (SOL) tokens on the cryptocurrency platform Coinbase.

Based on the account of the incident report, Solana has been working on resolving the problem for more than eight hours. Fortunately, this situation doesn’t affect the ability to trade or conduct fiat transactions (deposits and withdrawals).

Solana project launches delayed due to extended network congestion

The issues causing transaction failures on the Solana blockchain, as mentioned by Raj Gokal, don’t stem from scalability concerns.)

With increasing scrutiny over transaction issues, Andre Cronje, the founder of Fantom network, has publicly voiced his approval for Solana.

Solana project launches delayed due to extended network congestion

In simpler terms, Cronje explains that the persistent traffic jams on Solana result from its swift expansion, leading to higher-than-expected requests for room in the blockchain. He emphasizes that these performance problems arise due to technical hurdles rather than issues with the consensus mechanism.

Cronje described Solana’s network as suffering from the consequences of its own success. Lately, there have been numerous complaints from Solana’s community on social media about unsuccessful transactions and a lessened quality of interaction due to an increase in transaction failures.

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2024-04-09 11:47