Vitalik Buterin joins calls to free crypto advocate Roger Ver

🤑🔓 “Crypto’s Most Wanted: The Absurd Case Against Roger Ver!”

Vitalik Buterin joins calls to free crypto advocate Roger Ver

As the sun set over the bleak landscape of the human condition, a figure emerged from the shadows, a champion of the downtrodden and the oppressed. Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of the Ethereum, had joined the chorus of voices calling for the release of Roger Ver, a martyr to the cause of cryptocurrency and freedom.

Like a latter-day Robin Hood, Ver had been robbed of his wealth by the very system he sought to upend. The United States Department of Justice, those guardians of the status quo, had seen fit to accuse him of tax evasion, a crime that Ver swore was nothing more than a ruse to silence him.

Buterin, ever the provocateur, reposted the words of Ross Ulbricht, that most infamous of Silk Road founders, calling for the prosecution to end and labeling the case “absurd” and “politically motivated.” Like a modern-day Don Quixote, Buterin rode forth into the fray, his lance held high in defense of Ver’s honor.

“The US tax-by-citizenship and associated exit tax regime are extreme. The former is shared by almost no other countries in the world, and the latter is on the high end of what countries do, e.g., the UK only charges capital gains if you return within 5 years.”

“If the IRS did intimidate Roger’s lawyers to get privileged information, that is a bad faith move,” The Ethereum co-founder added, his words dripping with sarcasm and disdain for the system.

Ver’s case comes at a time when the very foundations of the American experiment are being called into question. The US lawmakers and residents cry out for reform, for an end to the income tax and the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). But the powers that be would rather silence Ver and crush the spirits of those who dare to challenge the status quo.

The DOJ case against Roger Ver

The US Department of Justice announced tax evasion charges against Ver on April 30, 2024, and the entrepreneur was subsequently arrested in Spain, where he was imprisoned for several weeks. A prisoner of the state, Ver was forced to surrender his passport and check in with court officials every two days, a constant reminder of the all-pervasive gaze of the authorities.

Ver posted $163,000 of bail on May 17, 2024, allowing him to leave prison on the conditions that he remain in Spain, surrender his passport, and check in with court officials every two days. A prisoner without a home, Ver is forced to live in limbo, a shadow of the man he once was.

In a legal filing from December 3, 2024, the embattled entrepreneur’s attorneys argued the case was unconstitutional and moved to dismiss the charges. But the wheels of justice turn slowly, and Ver remains trapped in this nightmare, a pawn in a game he did not choose to play.

Crypto investors called out the DOJ for targeting Ver after he left, claiming that the case was part of the Biden administration’s broader anti-crypto stance. And so the cycle continues, a never-ending tale of oppression and resistance, of freedom and tyranny.

Roger Ver maintains that the US government maliciously prosecuted him over crypto advocacy and not tax-related matters. And so we are left to wonder, is this a case of persecution, or simply the natural order of things?

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2025-03-01 19:16