DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

As a seasoned detective with years of experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of empathy for Detective Inspector Ray Carling. Her relentless pursuit of justice and her unwavering commitment to bringing down the corrupt forces within her own ranks is truly commendable. Yet, it seems that no matter how many battles she wins or how many criminals she puts behind bars, there are always more obstacles waiting just around the corner.

In the second season of the ITV crime drama, DI Ray found herself tested once more, as the storyline focused on the killing of a prominent criminal and the escalating gang conflicts in the streets of Birmingham.

However, Ray was determined to uncover the racial bias embedded in the police force, with Superintendent Ross Beardsmore being a key figure she aimed to scrutinize. From their very first encounter, Beardsmore seemed to harbor resentment towards her as a detective.

However, it’s important to remember that a significant aspect of this show lies in its exploration of race, microaggressions, and identity, which were central themes in the initial season. This is why ITV took an interest in it, so dismissing these elements wouldn’t accurately reflect the essence of the program.

The goal is to strike a balance between the two plotlines, ensuring we create an engaging crime story that could potentially lead to a sequel, while also addressing her character’s emotional struggles and healing process.

But after six gripping episodes, how did everything play out?

Read on for a full rundown of what happened in the finale of DI Ray season 2.

DI Ray season 2 ending explained

Who killed Frank Chapman? And why?

DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

Frank Chapman was killed by his granddaughter Amy.

For several years, she had endured sexual mistreatment at his hands. What made her even more fearful was the possibility that he might soon target her younger sister, much like how he allegedly acted towards the 15-year-old daughter of Lou Kirby, a past friend who was also under suspicion for his murder.

Lou’s daughter was so traumatised by her ordeal, she took her own life. 

Eager to prevent Frank from harming his sister, Amy stepped forward, brandishing a gun. However, she didn’t plan on using it lethally; unfortunately, Frank advanced towards her, leading to a physical altercation. It was during this scuffle that the gun accidentally discharged.

At the given moment, Frank’s child, Suzie, happened to be in Spain. Upon her return, however, Dave – who is known as Amy’s father – managed to persuade her that Rav Mochani was the culprit behind some wrongdoing. This belief led to Rav Mochani being abducted as a form of retaliation.

As I unraveled the mystery, I realized my actions could land me in prison for 14 long years, all because I had aided a criminal.

In my humble opinion, the film presents a captivating storyline where the protagonist, Amy, is embroiled in a harrowing situation – attempted murder charges. However, there seems to be a glimmer of hope for her, as the unique circumstances surrounding her case could potentially lead to a non-custodial sentence. A gripping tale that leaves you questioning justice and mercy.

Who was Sajna, the girl in the photo?

DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

Sajna had been trafficked from India by Rav Mochani.

It turned out that counselor Amara Choudhry’s daughter suffered from kidney failure, and there was little chance she would get a transplant in time. In return for a valuable city contract, he arranged for Sajna to be brought into the country. The procedure was scheduled at a private hospital.

Later on, Frank found out about Rav’s actions and decided to use it against him. He sent Rav a picture of Sajna as a means of extortion, forcing Rav to bring more minors into the United Kingdom, this time with the intention of exploiting them in the sex trade.

However, instead of sharing the same destiny, Sanja found herself under the care of a temporary guardian, preparing for her eventual legal adoption.

What happened to Superintendent Ross Beardsmore?

DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

After resuming her duties, Inspector Ray was gathering evidence to indict the police force, with a special emphasis on Superintendent Ross Beardsmore. However, she required more than his veiled comments to successfully prosecute him.

Luckily, Detective Sergeant Clive Bottomley possessed a crucial piece of evidence – a controversial police WhatsApp group, where Beardsmore had been actively involved using a throwaway phone that he kept in his vehicle.

At first, he didn’t want to work with Ray and Bottomley when they approached him in the parking lot of the police station. Instead, he led them to DCI Kerry Henderson’s office, suggesting that she should handle their “alleged misconduct” herself.

Instead of yielding to his wishes like she used to, Henderson reached out to the professional ethics body.

Beardsmore was taken into custody for malicious messaging and corrupting the judicial system, and was instructed to surrender his temporary phone. As a result, his employment was immediately suspended, and an internal probe was initiated.

Henderson, initially intending to transfer to a different police department, is now aiming for Beardsmore’s position instead.

Elsewhere, Ray and Bottomley were back on track after she discovered that he hadn’t contributed to the WhatsApp group after being randomly added.   

After learning that Beardsmore had misconstrued DC’s words of concern about Ray as a formal complaint, Ray and Liam’s relationship improved again.

Regarding Ray’s private life, she is currently in a relationship with the novice detective, DI Patrick Holden. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that he won’t turn out to be another DCI Martyn Hunter…

DI Ray season 1 ending explained

Who was the killer?

It was Magnus Tranter, often associated with illicit activities like drug and human smuggling, who orchestrated all the murders. In a larger, international scheme, he served as a key operative, and the authorities were probing this case in collaboration with Imran, a confidential informant.

After Imran’s death, it was Anjuli who met a tragic end as well. In an attempt to pass on some vital information, she arranged a clandestine meeting with Ray under the veil of night. However, Magnus suddenly appeared, striking Ray unconscious and capturing Anjuli instead.

He submerged her in a bathtub initially, then moved her to a canal with the intention of making it appear as if she had committed suicide by her own hand. However, this theory was later disproven by the authorities.

DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

As the investigation continued, the police were led to a container park where a number of Vietnamese people were discovered inside one of the crates, 15 of whom died. The driver of the lorry who transported them into the region was Karl Shaw, who was hit at speed by a car being driven by Tranter and killed outright.

On the following night, Tranter fatally shot Tony on Ray’s front porch. Tony had stopped by to deliver some food, and after exchanging a kiss following their passionate encounter, that was the final moment they communicated.

Before that tense incident, it was clear that Ray was under observation for some time. Could it be Tranter operating alone, or was he receiving crucial information from someone in her inner circle?

Before Tony was killed, we were given the answer.

DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

In 2007, it was DCI Martyn Hunter, Ray’s fiancé, who was passing information to Tranter about the incident. That year, an armed robbery took place at a brothel, but luckily, the police were able to prevent it from happening.

Martyn was involved in that operation and he used his influence to take advantage of the situation.

Among the victims of the trafficking ring, one was a 15-year-old girl named Sumaira Kumara. Her exploiters informed her that Martyn had taken interest in her, and if she agreed to meet his demands (which involved sexual encounters), she would be granted freedom, with money and her passport as part of the deal – a proposition she found impossible to resist.

In simpler terms, Sumaira followed what was required and footage of the incident was recorded by CCTV cameras which were later used to intimidate Martyn. Martyn argued that he believed she was 19, implying this excuse might justify his behavior, but it didn’t. The crime group threatened to reveal Martyn’s own illegal activities if he failed to cooperate with their business transactions.

Instead of owning up to his actions, Martyn opted to continue under the influence of the Organized Crime Group (OCG), alongside several unnamed officers, who also remained in their control.

When Ray found out about Martyn’s part in it, she came up with a plan to make sure both he and Tranter faced justice.

DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

In their conversation, she expressed her annoyance over being denied access to the person controlling Imran’s handler by the police intelligence. Upon learning this, Martyn texted Ray pretending to be the controller, offering to speak with her instead.

Martyn believed he had a slight advantage over his companion, yet it was Ray who consistently outperformed expectations.

In a hotel room encounter, I was asked to hand over a recording outlining another’s misdeeds by Martyn. However, Ray stood firm in his refusal. Meanwhile, Tranter, waiting outside, seized Ray and made an attempt to compel her into his car while her future spouse looked on helplessly from afar.

But just in the nick of time, the cavalry arrived, with both men arrested.

DI Ray ending explained: What happened at the end of season 2?

But despite her sterling police work, Ray was not rewarded for her efforts.

It’s been made clear to her that an investigation is necessary due to the fact that the man she was planning to wed was revealed as being corrupt, and she has agreed to this.

However, the superintendent proceeded to delve into her strained interactions with management, particularly her chilly dynamic with Ray and DCI Kerry Henderson, as well as the accusation of harassment leveled against her by a fellow officer.

Regardless of their strong argument defending her actions, both Ray and her team were removed from the investigation, even though they had begun to expose a contemporary slavery network active within the region.

The superintendent admitted, “A portion of this situation falls on us. Regrettably, we let you down. I was pushed to hire you because of the ethnic requirements of the case. However, this decision placed you in a role that was beyond your capabilities at the time. Truthfully, you weren’t prepared for it.

In a turn of events, my supervisor shared that they’re holding off on involving me any further in the ongoing investigation, effectively meaning I’m temporarily out of work duties, at least for the moment.

The crime series seems poised for a second season comeback, yet it’s uncertain if Ray will continue in her Detective Inspector role or find herself demoted. Given the presence of corrupt officers within the force and the daily struggles against prejudice she faces, she has a tough battle ahead.

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2024-10-21 14:34