The original donkey who inspired Eddie Murphy’s character in the beloved animated films, Shrek, has sadly passed away at the age of 30. First introduced in the early 2000s, Shrek is now a colossal animated franchise, boasting sequels, spin-offs, specials and more. Upon its debut, it quickly gained popularity as viewers were captivated by the unique chemistry between its two main characters – Shrek (voiced by Mike Myers), an ogre, and Donkey (a chatty donkey voiced by Eddie Murphy). It’s difficult to conceive of the franchise without either one of them at the heart of it.
The animated donkey character in Dreamworks’ upcoming film was inspired by a miniature donkey named Perry who resided in Bol Park, Palo Alto, California. However, it’s sad to report that Perry passed away at the age of 30, as confirmed by the staff at Bol Park (as stated by Palo Alto Online). His caretaker, Jenny Kiratli, shared that Perry was euthanized last Thursday due to a severe hoof infection.
The Original Donkey That Inspired Shrek Dies at 30
Kiratli observed that Perry was experiencing severe discomfort due to laminitis, an ailment affecting his hooves. Additionally, he had an issue with his left hind leg which made standing difficult. To ease his troubles, he’d often lift the affected limb, but this put extra strain on the other side. The team attempted various treatments like acupuncture, laser light therapy, and warm massages to alleviate Perry’s pain. However, it soon became apparent that his conditions were worsening instead of improving. As Kiratli put it, “Perry has been in significant discomfort. He’s been on a lot of pain medication. We had staff members constantly monitoring him all day long, hoping for some improvement.
Kiratli confirmed that Perry passed away peacefully, surrounded by more than a dozen members of his staff who were with him throughout. Perry was known for being lively and humorous, maintaining this playful spirit until his very last day. Currently, plans are underway for a funeral service to honor Perry, as his departure marks the end of an era at Bol Park and the city of Palo Alto as a whole.
What’s Next for Shrek?
Over the past few years, Shrek has been venturing into various spin-offs, but now it’s time for a fresh start in the main series. The fifth installment of Shrek, titled Shrek 5, has officially been announced for release on July 1st, 2026. Last year, DreamWorks Animation confirmed that this new film is underway, and excitingly, they’ve shared that the original voice cast members will reprise their roles. This includes Mike Myers as Shrek, Cameron Diaz as Fiona, and Eddie Murphy as Donkey.
So far, no specific details about Shrek 5 have been disclosed since its announcement last summer. However, we can expect significant updates this year as the film is slated for release in 2026. If everything stays on track for a Summer 2026 premiere, we might start seeing promotional content like teasers, posters, and trailers soon. Additionally, the plot details for this much-anticipated sequel are still under wraps, but fans are eagerly waiting for more information.
HT – Palo Alto Online
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2025-01-06 01:11