How To Catch Fish In Monster Hunter Wilds

Among various mini-games found in games, fishing appears to be one of the most universally enjoyed. There’s something captivating about tossing a line into the water and peacefully waiting for a fish to nibble. Whether it’s for showing off or selling it at market, or as in Monster Hunter Wilds, it allows you to prepare your dinner and gather valuable crafting materials.

In Monster Hunter Wilds, fishing might seem straightforward, but it has its unique characteristics. Even though smaller fish often nibble at your line effortlessly, the real pleasure comes from learning where they hide and what bait works best for them. Here’s a comprehensive guide covering all there is to know about fishing in this game.

How To Go Fishing

From the outset of the game, you can start fishing using your trusty Fishing Rod – a tool as vital as your Ghille Mantle and BBQ Grill, which you’ll keep with you throughout your adventure. For swift access, consider placing it in your Radial Menu for easy reach.

Fishing can appear straightforward – all you need is your rod. Then, you just fling it into any suitable water source and patiently await a fish to bite. Remember, there should indeed be fish swimming in the water for you to reel them in. Fish tend to become scarce during severe weather conditions like Sandtide or Downpour, so it’s best to go fishing when the Plenty and Fallow occur.

Aim to place your fishing line as near to the fish as you can for an irresistible lure. A quick jerk of the left control (similar to pulling a rod) is possible, but it may spook more than entice the fish. Mostly, it’s about patience. When a fish takes the bait (not just pecks), simply press ‘A’ or ‘X’ to reel them in. No additional button presses are necessary.

Catching smaller fish is as simple as this trick I’ve got – just give it a try! But remember, bigger fish require a slightly altered approach, which we’ll discuss in more detail shortly.

In case the water depth is minimal or you’re simply not up for fishing today, you still have the option to snag some fish using your Capture Net. Interestingly, this method will provide you with the same rewards as if you had caught them through traditional means.

Where To Look For Fish

Water bodies can host various species of fish, but it’s important to note that certain locations are more suitable for specific types of fish. The time of day and weather conditions play a role in determining the presence of fish in a particular area, primarily affecting outdoor environments.

Fish inhabit two primary habitats: either open bodies of water such as ponds or they reside within caves. The game doesn’t categorize the fish found in rivers separately due to their scarcity, so it doesn’t make a clear-cut distinction between the types of fish you can find in rivers compared to lakes and ponds. It is worth noting that fish living in different environments may display distinct characteristics.

As a gamer, I’ve come across instances where not all fish can be found just anywhere. Some big ones, for instance, only show up in specific waterways.

Some species of fish, like the Escunites, exclusively inhabit caves. On the other hand, Bowfins and Arowana can be found both in caves and lakes, but they’re more frequently spotted in open water bodies. If you’re interested in catching valuable fish to sell, consider fishing in caves due to their higher likelihood of containing Platinumfish. Conversely, if your goal is to gather crafting materials, focus on fishing outside of the caves instead.

All fish can be cooked, and contribute towards your rations for meals.

How To Catch Big Fish

Large fish behave distinctly from common smaller ones, and it’s not possible to catch them until you complete a side quest that provides the suitable lure as a reward. Additionally, they can only be found under particular circumstances, for instance, the Gastronome Tuna can be discovered in the lake near the Wudwud Hideout within the Scarlet Forest during the Plenty season.

In the world of gaming, large fish, often referred to as “whoppers,” can only be lured using suitable bait. For instance, for the Gastronome Tuna, it prefers the Tough Joint bait. Catching these giants is similar to other fishing mini-games, where you need to guide your line according to the fish’s movement to minimize the line tension. You can tell if you’re reeling in the wrong direction as the controller will vigorously vibrate.

When the fish stops swimming, that’s your opportunity to begin pulling it up. Try to do this swiftly to minimize the risk of the line snapping, because it’s not easy to gauge the tension on it at that moment.

Even large fish can leap from the water. When they do, move towards their trajectory. Once they reach their peak height, quickly press A or X (depending on your console) to force them back down. This instantaneously wears them out, making it easier for you to reel them in.

As a gamer, I can tell you it’s alright to stumble on this one challenge – just don’t make it a habit. After all, the thrill of gaming lies in the challenges we overcome, and sometimes that means taking a hit or two along the way.

Once you successfully catch a big fish, it becomes your prize possession. Since large fish contain many valuable resources, it’s always beneficial to fish for them whenever you spot them, as they are relatively scarce.

Every Type Of Bait And What Fish It Catches

You have numerous options to choose from when it comes to selecting bait for your fishing line, each designed to attract different species of fish. If you find that a certain fish isn’t taking your bait, chances are they prefer a different type.

To obtain additional bait, you’ll need to finish the fishing-related missions at the Scarlet Forest Base Camp. However, once you have acquired a bait, it becomes unlimited in supply. Here’s a list of each one along with the type of fish they lure:

1. The River Run Bait attracts Catfish and Bass.
2. The Lake Edge Bait attracts Trout and Pike.
3. The Swampy Shore Bait attracts Eels and Snappers.
4. The Clear Creek Bait attracts Salmon and Carp.

Bait Type Of Fish Quest To Unlock
Common Wood Minnow Can attract all but big fish, but no fish are particularly drawn to it either. Default
Emerald Jitterbait Fish with usable materials like Bomb Arowana. Seeking The Goldenfish
Golden Bughead Fish with valuable materials like Platinumfish.
Tough Joint Bait Clean water big fish like Gastronome Tuna. The Catch Of A Lifetime
Duster Rig Murky water big fish like Gajau.
Tentacle Jigs Tentacled fish like Escunties. Razzle Dazzle

Almost any kind of fish is potentially catchable using a Common Wood Minnow, but it significantly decreases your chances of luring them. To catch larger fish, it’s crucial to use the right bait, so make sure to read the descriptions carefully in order to attract the specific fish you aim to catch.

If that’s all you need on the subject of fishing, then go ahead! Enjoy your angling to your heart’s delight.

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2025-02-28 14:35