Cryptocurrency CYBER ranks 587 place by market capitalization. The price of CYBER has decreased by 81.88% from the maximum value on 1 September 2023. Today the price for 1 CYBER is 2.865 USD. Yesterday the rate was 3.071 USD for 1 CYBER. CYBER/USD traded in the range of 2.8402.875. The difference compared to the previous day was -6.71%.


Cryptocurrency TokenFi ranks 586 place by market capitalization. The price of TOKEN has decreased by 80.29% from the maximum value on 26 March 2024. Today the price for 1 TOKEN is 0.048003 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.049554 USD for 1 TokenFi. TOKEN/USD traded in the range of 0.0480030.048372. The difference compared to the previous day was -3.13%.

NTRN PREDICTION. NTRN cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Neutron ranks 585 place by market capitalization. The price of NTRN has decreased by 83.75% from the maximum value on 16 February 2024. Today the price for 1 NTRN is 0.3182 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.3394 USD for 1 Neutron. NTRN/USD traded in the range of 0.31640.3202. The difference compared to the previous day was -6.25%.

TRU PREDICTION. TRU cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency TrueFi ranks 581 place by market capitalization. The price of TRU has decreased by 92.84% from the maximum value on 12 August 2021. Today the price for 1 TRU is 0.0725 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.0761 USD for 1 TrueFi. TRU/USD traded in the range of 0.07250.0732. The difference compared to the previous day was -4.73%.

EURC PREDICTION. EURC cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency EURC ranks 580 place by market capitalization. The price of EURC has decreased by 24.21% from the maximum value on 14 March 2023. Today the price for 1 EURC is 1.02208077 USD. Yesterday the rate was 1.02457491 USD for 1 EURC. EURC/USD traded in the range of 1.022080431.02208077. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.24%.