JOE PREDICTION. JOE cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency JOE ranks 479 place by market capitalization. The price of JOE has decreased by 93.13% from the maximum value on 21 November 2021. Today the price for 1 JOE is 0.3502 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.3356 USD for 1 JOE. JOE/USD traded in the range of 0.34810.3502. The difference compared to the previous day was 4.35%.

C98 PREDICTION. C98 cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Coin98 ranks 478 place by market capitalization. The price of C98 has decreased by 97.68% from the maximum value on 25 August 2021. Please be extremely careful. Today the price for 1 C98 is 0.1495 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.1476 USD for 1 Coin98. C98/USD traded in the range of 0.14860.1503. The difference compared to the previous day was 1.29%.

CARV PREDICTION. CARV cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency CARV ranks 477 place by market capitalization. The price of CARV has decreased by 43.22% from the maximum value on 2 November 2024. Today the price for 1 CARV is 0.7756 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.7639 USD for 1 CARV. CARV/USD traded in the range of 0.77330.7761. The difference compared to the previous day was 1.53%.

ORBS PREDICTION. ORBS cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Orbs ranks 476 place by market capitalization. The price of ORBS has decreased by 91.78% from the maximum value on 16 March 2021. Today the price for 1 ORBS is 0.029663 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.028704 USD for 1 Orbs. ORBS/USD traded in the range of 0.0296630.029663. The difference compared to the previous day was 3.34%.

CVC PREDICTION. CVC cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Civic ranks 475 place by market capitalization. The price of CVC has decreased by 87.56% from the maximum value on 3 January 2018. Today the price for 1 CVC is 0.1671 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.1630 USD for 1 Civic. CVC/USD traded in the range of 0.16680.1685. The difference compared to the previous day was 2.52%.

EDU PREDICTION. EDU cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Open Campus ranks 474 place by market capitalization. The price of EDU has decreased by 68.75% from the maximum value on 29 April 2023. Today the price for 1 EDU is 0.5249 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.5072 USD for 1 Open Campus. EDU/USD traded in the range of 0.52150.5254. The difference compared to the previous day was 3.49%.