Chainlink co-founder expects more coins to have ETFs — Token2049

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, Sergey Nazarov, the co-founder of Chainlink – a prominent blockchain oracle platform – offered insights into potential trends that could fuel further growth in the crypto market.

At the Token2049 conference in Dubai, Nazarov spoke with CryptoMoon about potential advancements in the crypto ETF market and the factors that might encourage wider acceptance of Web3 technologies and digital currencies.

Chainlink co-founder expects more coins to have ETFs — Token2049

Based on Nazarov’s perspective, if Bitcoin (BTC) Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) receive approval, it could lead to the acceptance of more ETFs based on other coins and digital tokens. Nazarov emphasized that beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum (ETH), additional tokens possess the capability of securing their own ETF approval.

“I think what’s next is more ETFs about coins other than Bitcoin and Ethereum. So, I think the ETF dynamic is going to continue during this year and just grow and grow and grow.”

Additionally, the executive shared insights on how Web3 firms and banks could soon issue tokenized versions of real-world assets (RWA). According to the executive, this convergence of Web3 and traditional finance through RWAs is imminent.

“Eventually, I expect the Web3 assets to be bought by the banks and the bank assets to be bought by the Web3 protocols for various reasons why they would want each other’s assets.”

The executive expects these things to happen in three to four years.

Nazarov added that for crypto to gain broader acceptance among the general public, it is essential to enhance its user-friendliness. In his words, “The user experience of crypto has significant room for improvement.”

The executive acknowledged that the user experience currently falls short and requires significant improvement.

The Chainlink co-founder identified four key areas that require attention to boost wider acceptance of the technology. He explained:

“I would say the usability, the scalability, the connectivity and the privacy are the four main pillars of what I look at the crypto industry when I think about how it is developing.”

Nazarov shared that we are getting nearer to achieving these objectives, and he intends to continuously explore new boundaries.

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2024-04-19 23:23