Love Is Blind’s Catherine had no idea Freddie was going to say no – but he says he was “clear” with her

As a seasoned cinephile with a soft spot for reality TV romance dramas, I must admit that Love Is Blind UK has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions this season. However, the final episode left me absolutely floored – not just because of the unexpected twist, but also due to the raw, heart-wrenching sincerity displayed by both Catherine and Freddie.

***Warning: Major spoilers ahead for Love Is Blind UK***

For several weeks now, audiences have been captivated on Wednesdays by watching Love Is Blind UK unfold, as they delve into the evolving romances of the five engaged couples who are exploring their relationships after stepping out of the dating pods.

Last Wednesday, the penultimate and ultimate episodes aired, and viewers were left in astonishment by the choices made by both brides and grooms, particularly one of the grooms.

In the last episode of the season, Catherine made her way down the aisle to marry Freddie, yet his response was unexpectedly different from what she anticipated.

As a film connoisseur, I find myself deeply fond of you, dear cat-like companion. However, it seems that the stars have yet to align perfectly for our union. Let me make this clear: this is not an end, nor a denial of the profound affection that binds us. It’s merely a momentary pause in our cinematic saga.

A portion of my heart yearns to agree and set off on this adventure together, yet something deep within compels me to be honest. As I gaze into your eyes, it becomes clear that a reality we must both confront is staring back at us.

“We have many more hills to conquer and wisdom to gain before we’re ready for a lifelong bond, and it’s important that I’m truthful with you, Cat, as well as myself.”

Love Is Blind’s Catherine had no idea Freddie was going to say no – but he says he was “clear” with her

Behind the scenes, there’s much more going on than what viewers can see, and yet, I genuinely hoped for our success, she clarified.

As I stood there on the brink of their nuptials, I remained clueless about his response. Throughout our chats, we exchanged words, yet the narrative was ever-evolving – a fact worth recalling by all.

“If I had known he was going to say no, I wouldn’t have turned up, and he knew that.”

Catherine expressed this feeling to her closest companions during her bachelorette party, revealing that if he declined, she wouldn’t proceed with walking down the aisle on our wedding day.

“It would have been the odd friend and that would’ve been it.”

Love Is Blind’s Catherine had no idea Freddie was going to say no – but he says he was “clear” with her

However, Freddie suggests that it’s possible Catherine was aware of his choice, since he stated that he had already decided on his answer prior to the wedding.

On the very day of our wedding, I harbored some uncertainties. Thoughts like “To marry or not to marry?” crossed my mind frequently. Yet, I made sure to communicate openly with Cat about my feelings and the choice I ultimately intended to make.

“My conversation with my sister helped solidify my choice. To be honest, I think I had a sense of what my decision would be even before our wedding day.”

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2024-08-27 02:39